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JLiang July 29th, 2012 04:44

Identifying CPLA Type 07 Camo
Hi, I was wondering if anybody had any ideas on how to identify real Type 07 camo from fake replica BDUs. I think there's the red text on the left inside hacket flap, and the neck rank spots, but other than that, I have no clue. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance!

ccyg8774 July 29th, 2012 13:29


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1684246)

I was wondering if anybody had any ideas on how to  identify real Type 07 camo from fake replica BDUs . 

I think there's the red text on the relative left  inside jacket flap, and the neck rank spots, but o ther than that, I have no clue. 

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance!

There probably should be some sort of "conductive, anti-static charge" threads in the fabric of the real ones, but I am not sure how they should look like because I never saw a 07 for real.

Did you get one already? Post the pic. :D

JLiang August 1st, 2012 09:52

I have already received it.

The material is quite thin, with loose ends everywhere. However, from the good printing of the pattern, I can only assume that it is the legit, however, early version of the combats. Thus, I think I will have a bit of sewing to do in the future.

Pics in a sec. No closeups until either tomorrow, or indefinitely later, though, because it's too dark outside.

Also, apologies for the weird text in my first post. Not sure what happened there.

Kingsix August 1st, 2012 09:54

Look at it with NVGs and a IR light, the real Uniform will have an IR resistant coating.

JLiang August 1st, 2012 09:56

Where would one get such an IR Lamp?

Kingsix August 1st, 2012 10:01

Does your Uniform have a stamp on it somewhere, my surplus PLA gear tends to have that and my re pros don't.

JLiang August 1st, 2012 10:08


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1686093)
Some NVGs have an IR Light attached.

You can also buy lense covers that would block off everything but the IR Light, doesn't work with some LED bulbs I think? So you gotta check before-hand...

You can also just buy an LED IR Bulb and use that in your flashlight instead.

Unfortunately, I have none of the above.


Originally Posted by Kingsix (Post 1686094)
Does your Uniform have a stamp on it somewhere, my surplus PLA gear tends to have that and my re pros don't.

Yes, it has a red sizing stamp in the inner relative left pocket.

JLiang August 1st, 2012 10:30

Imgurrs! :D

Whole view 1

Whole view 2

I lied about no closeups; however, this one's pretty crappy. It's night here where I am.

Pattern image 1

ccyg8774 August 1st, 2012 21:52


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1686089)
Where would one get such an IR Lamp?

The video cameras that have IR night vision on them can do the same.
The green colour that have anti-IR coating will show a much lighter colour under NV compares to normal green colour. (in other words, it have a stronger reflect on IR compares to just green, just like leaves do).

Also, post a pic for the size stamp, and one for the stitched line (between 2 pieces of fabric) on the back of the fabric plz.

ccyg8774 August 1st, 2012 21:56


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1686087)
Also, apologies for the weird text in my first post. Not sure what happened there.

I may know what happened... You left the Chinese IME on and you clicked on the "fullwidth" (全角字符). Just like this :D

JLiang August 6th, 2012 08:59


Originally Posted by ccyg8774 (Post 1686503)
The video cameras that have IR night vision on them can do the same.

Also, post a pic for the size stamp, and one for the stitched line (between 2 pieces of fabric) on the back of the fabric plz.

I don't have one of those.

Also, I have images, but unfortunately I'm about to leave on a large trip and the possibility of getting interwebs is low.

I'll have to poast when I get back, in late August or so.


However if you must know, the size stamp is a grid, with the size in the lower left, text in the lower right, and is situated on the inner flap of the lower left pocket.

The stitched line on the back of the BDU is double-stitched, parallel, with about 9/10 cm of distance between them.

Also, there is a thing I found with the pattern. The Green and Gray are ver sharp squares, with crisp corners and edges. The Brown and Black, though, are slightly rounded and the lines are somewhat bloated. Not to a great extent, but it is noticeable upon close examination. Is this a sign that this uniform is a replica?

Again, sorry for the lack of images, but I'll get those up ASAP after my vacation ends in 2-3 weeks.


ccyg8774 August 7th, 2012 14:04


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1688281)
I don't have one of those.

Also, I have images, but unfortunately I'm about to leave on a large trip and the possibility of getting interwebs is low.

I'll have to poast when I get back, in late August or so.


However if you must know, the size stamp is a grid, with the size in the lower left, text in the lower right, and is situated on the inner flap of the lower left pocket.

The stitched line on the back of the BDU is double-stitched, parallel, with about 9/10 cm of distance between them.

Also, there is a thing I found with the pattern. The Green and Gray are ver sharp squares, with crisp corners and edges. The Brown and Black, though, are slightly rounded and the lines are somewhat bloated. Not to a great extent, but it is noticeable upon close examination. Is this a sign that this uniform is a replica?

Again, sorry for the lack of images, but I'll get those up ASAP after my vacation ends in 2-3 weeks.


I don't have a 07 BDU, I had many PLA stuff, but not a 07 yet, so I can't really tell from the pattern you are describing. I can only "guess" based on the quality of the stitched line and the size stamp (which need a picture). Sorry.

JLiang August 10th, 2012 08:26

The stitched line's thread is relatively thick, about as thick as any Western BDU. It's sewed quite evenly, and both stiched lines are completely parallel, with about 1cm of space between them. The individual stiches are spaced around .5-1mm apart consistently. I would attach images, but my hard drive is being a dumb bum.

Also, do you think the semi-rounded pattern brands it as a replica?

Thanks again.

JLiang August 10th, 2012 08:59

I lied.

I managed to find an image uploader after finally getting my hard drive to work.
This is the sizing stamp.
This is the location of the stamp, on the inner left relative pocket.
This is the stitching found on the back of the jacket portion of the BDU. This is the largest seam I could find, double-stiched, and holds the two left-right portions of the BDU Upper together.
Zoomed out version.

And, this is what I was talking about on the subject of the pattern.

The Green and Gray squares are quite sharp:

But the Brown

And Black

Are a bit rounded. Does this mean anything?

Note that these images are taken at a huge macro, ~14mm at zoom. The pattern doesn't look that bad from afar, but I don't think actual 07 has that kind of rounding.

Also, I still don't have an IR-equipped anything... :\

ccyg8774 August 10th, 2012 15:09


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1690025)
Also, do you think the semi-rounded pattern brands it as a replica?

Don't think so, the pattern looks fine compares to pictures of real things. The stitched line looks fine, too.

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