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CanadianJoker July 18th, 2005 23:45

g36c help.
Well guys, i need some help. I was plinking around in my back yard, while i was firing at some pop can it just stoped. No grinding, winding or any other noise. just dead.
it seems like the battery isnt even in the gun, but i (accendty) touched the two prongs togeather, and well lets just say my finger got a little warm and sore.

Any hoo just wondering if any one, knows whats going on with my gun.....

thx for any help.
(btw its a CA 36C)

gallant177 July 19th, 2005 00:36

If your g36 is still stock (no battery mod) it might be a blown fuse

CanadianJoker July 19th, 2005 01:37

is the fuse in the mech box, if not i didnt see one when i did a quick strip.

BawBag July 19th, 2005 01:44

Take off the foregrip and you should be able to see the fuse unless the CA g36c is different from the TM one.

Skruface July 19th, 2005 01:57


Originally Posted by CanadianJoker
Well guys, i need some help. I was plinking around in my back yard,

There's part of the problem. If you were at a proper field, someone could have looked at your gun and probably fixed it for you in 5 minutes or less.

BawBag July 19th, 2005 02:17


Originally Posted by Skruface

Originally Posted by CanadianJoker
Well guys, i need some help. I was plinking around in my back yard,

There's part of the problem. If you were at a proper field, someone could have looked at your gun and probably fixed it for you in 5 minutes or less.

Your right that's part of the problem but you surely didn't help him much ;-) he seems to be newer to this sport so maybe he was trying to get used to his aeg.

Kampfer July 19th, 2005 02:53

CA's G36 doesn't come with fuse

Opea July 19th, 2005 03:13

motor connections may have come lose?

Greylocks July 19th, 2005 06:17

Playing in backyards is NOT a good idea. Please dont.

The rest, I bet a blown fuse or a loose wire. If the mechbox locked up, you need an expert.
If the motor is toast, you need a new one.

So, go find an expert.

CanadianJoker July 19th, 2005 14:43

kampfer, looks like the guns coming back to your place soon....... i was hopin the next time it was going there was for an upgrade :(

CDN_Stalker July 19th, 2005 15:26

What battery size is in the gun, and how many shots did you get out of it on that charge before it crapped out? Could just be the battery wasn't charged long enough. Simple but these things happen to some people.

CanadianJoker July 19th, 2005 16:28

ive put about 3 bags of KSC PERFECT BB 0.2g 4000 rnd through the gun. the battery is a 9.6 800mah (nuclearpower bat. using sanyo cells) and i had put mabey 100 rounds through a fresh battery when it craped out.

edit. btw im sure is not a dead bat, because it was a decline in power. it was there then gone.

dbairsoftmedia July 19th, 2005 17:02

you sure you can use a 9.6 in a stock Ca36C?? i wont try that in mine tho

CanadianJoker July 19th, 2005 18:07

its worked fine up untill now.

deep in the bush July 24th, 2005 18:02

can a 9.6v volt 1000mah work in a g36c?

just looking to get a second battery..wondering about limitations


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