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bcpaul May 10th, 2012 23:54

Any Walmart or Canadian Tire BB's recommended?
I have a new G&G UMG with dry/no firing issues. However, if I use "official" G&G brand BB's it works great
I noticed that the G&G bb's are shiny and the other brands I've tried are not(maybe higher friction??). Problem is that the G&G brand is expensive.

Strange that my friends gun: G&G M4 works on the my cheap BB's, but not on my UMG. Why the difference??

Brand that works awesome: G&G .2g? not sure if they are .25

Brand that do not work (dry fire every 2nd round): Billes Biodegradable .2g

Any recommended brands out there?
Also, does Canadian Tire or Walmart sell any bb's are are any good ?
I am in Salmon Arm, BC


DaRkCoMmAnDo May 11th, 2012 00:00

BBBastard, nuff' said. Choice of most players.

CT or Walmart BB's will screw up your gun.

bcpaul May 11th, 2012 00:01

Just wish they were easy to get around here.

HackD May 11th, 2012 00:01


Originally Posted by bcpaul (Post 1652245)
I have a new G&G UMG with dry/no firing issues. However, if I use "official" G&G brand BB's it works great
I noticed that the G&G bb's are shiny and the other brands I've tried are not(maybe higher friction??). Problem is that the G&G brand is expensive.

Strange that my friends gun: G&G M4 works on the my cheap BB's, but not on my UMG. Why the difference??

Brand that works awesome: G&G .2g? not sure if they are .25

Brand that do not work (dry fire every 2nd round): Billes Biodegradable .2g

Any recommended brands out there?
Also, does Canadian Tire or Walmart sell any bb's are are any good ?
I am in Salmon Arm, BC


Crappy tire and wally world BB's are just plain junk, plain and simple.

Find a retailer of BB Bastards, Bioval, Airsoft Elite, etc.

DaRkCoMmAnDo May 11th, 2012 00:02

Yeah, unfortunately the Internet is the primary way to get them. Or, if you attend a game, ask if anyone is selling.

ap27 May 11th, 2012 00:04

DO NOT use any Canadian Tire or Walmart BBs in your gun. They are meant for the crappy clear plastic guns that are sold there.
You have a decent gun that you don't want to ruin with shitty BBs.
A bag of 2000 BBs will easily cost you $15 dollars. That's considerably cheaper than what you'd pay in repairs if a walmart or crappy tire BB shatters inside your gun and lodges itself somewhere.

Look at online stores. You can even buy them in bulk for a cheaper price

charlie_hozz May 11th, 2012 00:13

OK I know wall mart and canadian tire sell shitty BB's, But at Holesale sports ther is a brand called "black devel". I cant find a review on them, just a lot of seller's. They come in different wieght's.20 .25 .36 .38 .45 ( or close to that wieght's) They look like a quality bb. Any info helps.

Kamloops BC

bcpaul May 11th, 2012 00:19

Thanks for info

jordan7831 May 11th, 2012 00:38

Little late to jump in but when I had a GnG M4 it loved the Madbull BBs. But BB bastards are top notch as well.

Solo36 May 11th, 2012 02:34

Just wanted to add that canadian tire BB's are great for grenade launchers and claymores.

spaceman13 May 11th, 2012 06:57


Originally Posted by Solo36 (Post 1652304)
Just wanted to add that canadian tire BB's are great for grenade launchers and claymores.

Same here,I use CT black bb's to fill my claymore.

Mr. inked May 11th, 2012 07:49

Madbull's or bastards are your best bet

Troy T. Moore May 11th, 2012 08:20

Green Devils from Bent Barrel Airsoft... Used them exclusively for over a year now. At least 30000 rounds fired. I use G&P midcaps in my Real Sword Type 56... Nothing but smooth feeding and straight shooting... Plus they are biodegradable.

Curo May 11th, 2012 10:27

Also don't excessively dry fire your gun. Prolonged dry firing is bad for your internals.

chadcushway May 11th, 2012 10:48

I got 5 bags of these from Bent Barrel. Great prices and the shipping cost was awesome.
I have run through 2 bags of them so far with no issues. They are the best I have used. Highly recommend them.


Originally Posted by Troy T. Moore (Post 1652326)
Green Devils from Bent Barrel Airsoft... Used them exclusively for over a year now. At least 30000 rounds fired. I use G&P midcaps in my Real Sword Type 56... Nothing but smooth feeding and straight shooting... Plus they are biodegradable.

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