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preloader April 11th, 2012 01:08

VFC Mp5Sd6 / Sd3 GBB first impression
A publish with some pictures of this incredible GBB airsoft gun, with a video and a little part with a slow motion shooting!! nice minute 2:30

More pics too!!! Are in spanish, but the video and the pics are universal guys!


Video: VFC MP5SD3 / MP5SD6 UMAREX primera impresión por - YouTube

Thanks to all :)

jamex April 11th, 2012 09:51

Looks sweet, thanks for the heads up. Hopefully canadian retailers can sell these for under $500. A 3 round burst mode on this would rock, but I don't see that happening on gbbr unfortunately.

Padkiller April 11th, 2012 10:05


Originally Posted by jamex (Post 1636397)
Looks sweet, thanks for the heads up. Hopefully canadian retailers can sell these for under $500. A 3 round burst mode on this would rock, but I don't see that happening on gbbr unfortunately.

Well, VFC did it with their G36!
There's a 3 round burst!

N_Force April 11th, 2012 23:03

This one the housing and barrel are all in one piece, is better structure than the mp5a2 built in two pieces.

preloader April 12th, 2012 17:22

we try in the big review with a real steel trigger set :D

jamex April 16th, 2012 10:44

Another review from Redwolf. This time in english, plus accented womenz + gun reviews = winning!

I'm kinda digging this gun. My only concern is that most of the fun is the full auto rate of fire, and it'll burn through clips too quickly. Also I'm seeing conflicting info regarding a bolt-lock function where it'll stop firing when the clip is empty. I've seen testfire vids where it looks like it stops at the end of the clip, or maybe they're simply running out of gas.

Anyone know for sure?

Rookie Ab April 16th, 2012 10:58

If it's like the first model.You have the option of lock open or not,comes with a second follower for the mag that will give you the choice.

preloader April 16th, 2012 14:39


Originally Posted by jamex (Post 1639128)
Another review from Redwolf. This time in english, plus accented womenz + gun reviews = winning!

I'm kinda digging this gun. My only concern is that most of the fun is the full auto rate of fire, and it'll burn through clips too quickly. Also I'm seeing conflicting info regarding a bolt-lock function where it'll stop firing when the clip is empty. I've seen testfire vids where it looks like it stops at the end of the clip, or maybe they're simply running out of gas.

Anyone know for sure?

that are unfair, redwolf have a girl :( . :D

N_Force April 16th, 2012 19:35


Originally Posted by jamex (Post 1639128)
I'm kinda digging this gun. My only concern is that most of the fun is the full auto rate of fire, and it'll burn through clips too quickly. Also I'm seeing conflicting info regarding a bolt-lock function where it'll stop firing when the clip is empty. I've seen testfire vids where it looks like it stops at the end of the clip, or maybe they're simply running out of gas.

Anyone know for sure?

If you want to use auto firing the most, something you might have to pay a bit attention. This mag size is half the size smaller than the M4 mags. When you fill gas in full (up side down filling gas), using full auto firing will cause the mag in low temperature condition and gas pressure will drop, then the ROF will not stable.(most of the youtube video, hardly ever see them shoot in continuing auto) The reason is that when liquid gas is being released quickly, it'll draw a lot of energy from all around to turn liquid form into gas form(value ratio is 1:1000). so the mag will become low temperature in a second. once temperature drops, then the gas pressure drops at the same time. that's why winter is no good for propane but co2 is perform better and more stable. and the M4 mags is better perform than the MP5 mags just because the size of the m4 mag is bigger work like a heat sink. WGC suggests you to fill gas in 10 second only, as long as enough to shoot all 30 rounds. in this case, the liquid gas may just fill half the way in the mag(not fully filled). when it turns into gas form, it'll minimize the low temperature condition and keep the gas pressure more stable. that's what I understand.


Originally Posted by Rookie Ab (Post 1639139)
If it's like the first model.You have the option of lock open or not,comes with a second follower for the mag that will give you the choice.

yes, it's as same as the A2, you just have to exchange it. But I don't like it cause the piece come with is not strong enough to last, (might have to get the reinforced part) also it blocks the bolt carrier and hit the nozzle to stop firing. It could break the nozzle from time to time.

jamex May 23rd, 2012 19:28

Bumping this back up to check with other owners. Your cocking handle pin, is it loose at all? Mine seems to fall right out. Also is your pin a roll pin or a solid piece of metal tube? Mine is solid with no flex to tighten things up, so I'm not sure wtf is up there.

N_Force & Rookie Ab, can you link me to this follower. The SD3 dry fires no matter what. I'm curious what this other part looks like.

N_Force May 23rd, 2012 21:14

If you download the diagram from vfc for mp5a2, that is the solid pin I have in it. It sits just tight enough to lock the cocking handle. I can just push it out easily for disassemble.


Originally Posted by jamex (Post 1657514)
Bumping this back up to check with other owners. Your cocking handle pin, is it loose at all? Mine seems to fall right out. Also is your pin a roll pin or a solid piece of metal tube? Mine is solid with no flex to tighten things up, so I'm not sure wtf is up there.

N_Force & Rookie Ab, can you link me to this follower. The SD3 dry fires no matter what. I'm curious what this other part looks like.

jamex May 24th, 2012 12:35


Originally Posted by N_Force (Post 1657578)
If you download the diagram from vfc for mp5a2, that is the solid pin I have in it. It sits just tight enough to lock the cocking handle. I can just push it out easily for disassemble.

So yours is solid too. Mine doesn't even require pressure to insert or remove. I may wrap some teflon tape around it to make it thicker.

What about handguard removal? Pry it open a bit and slide it forward? Its a pretty tight fit.

N_Force May 25th, 2012 23:13

I would like to spend some time to share how to fix the mag for VFC MP5, it works for me so far.

MP5 mag fix 1

first fill the mag with gas and check where exactly the leakage coming from, by hearing the leak and by smelling the gas to locate it.

in my VFC MP5 mags, this is the worst leakage coming from causing by the sealing o-ring doesn't fit in no matter how tight you screw it.

second, may be here?

third, may be from the intake valve? that could be complicated!!
Don't try to tighten the intake valve if there is no leak, leave it. Or you may possible unscrew part #47 Extend charge Tube inside the mag and cause major gas leaking.

this leaking from here is complicated too!!

If still having problem to locate it, put it iunder water to check it, you'll see bubble.

N_Force May 25th, 2012 23:32

MP5 mag fix 2

Once you locate where the leakage coming from, release all the gas before disassembly.

be very carefully not to damage the gas release valve when pushing out the inner mag tank.

first push out pin

then push in gas release valve, using screwdriver to push out the inner gas mag from the top. you may have to force to push a bit, BE CAREFUL NOT TO DAMAGE THE GAS RELEASE VALVE when the inner mag tank is being pushedg down through the mag housing

when the inner mag tank half the way out, tape the middle of the mag in case part#43 inner mag tank support for the bb loading spring falling out.

now you have the inner mag tank out already.

*if you damage the gas release valve when movign the inner mag tank out, you may possible bend the inside gas release pin. that could cause the pin stuck in or firing problem. simply remove the smallest o-ring and push tight to open the valve, gently bend the other end and make it back in straight would work fine. it happened on me twice, lol...

N_Force May 25th, 2012 23:41

MP5 mag fix 3

if your mag leak from top, unscrew the gas release valve.

I used blue glue to fill the space and wait for 12 hours before put the o-ring back in place. that filling could extend the depth and push the o-ring farward and fill the exceeding space for better sealing.

compare the bottom one is filled with blue glue.

for better result, soak all o-ring in grenade oil for 12 hours.

*if your leak coming from bottom of the mag, that would be more complicated. you mag have to dissembly part#45 to part#51 for fixing. part#51 intake valve and part#47 extend charging tube both are CW to support the part#49 mag base packing for maxium seal. that means when you try to tighten the intake valve, at the same time you may un-tighten the extend charging tube, then you may never get it seal properly.

IMO, if they can design parts #47 in -CCW and part #51 in CW, the would make the perfect seal when tighten the in-take valve only.

** if your part#43 inner mag tank support for bb loading spring fall apart. be careful when you take out part#40 mag ceiling plate from the top of the mag, just gentle to avoid too much bend or damage.

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