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-tastic February 22nd, 2012 06:21

Whats wrong with my BBs
just now i decided to clean up my airsoft gear and i found my speed loader that i havent use in 2 moths inside i found black BBs in there but i never had any black BBs i only have .25 from velocity arms. did the BB go bad or what is wrong?

Styrak February 22nd, 2012 06:39

You must be mistaken and had some black BB's in there.
They don't just turn black, they're not bananas.

coach February 22nd, 2012 06:51

You took someone else's loader and BB's. Prepare to be flogged! :rolleyes:

CDN_Stalker February 22nd, 2012 07:46

Hehe, I agree with coachster, is what I was going to post as well. Except the flogging part.

-tastic February 22nd, 2012 08:08

never met anyone that use black BBs tho but yeah might have swtiched loaders with someone the last time i went splatters :/

voorhees -FWA- February 22nd, 2012 08:29

They could be bio BBs, when they start to "decompose" they turn black.

Styrak February 22nd, 2012 08:30


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1609616)
You took someone else's loader and BB's. Prepare to be flogged! :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by -TitSwagZ (Post 1609626)
never met anyone that use black BBs tho but yeah might have swtiched loaders with someone the last time i went splatters :/

We're like fucking detectives up in here.

SuperCriollo February 22nd, 2012 08:41

BB's Gangrene?

coach February 22nd, 2012 08:46


Originally Posted by voorhees -FWA- (Post 1609631)
They could be bio BBs, when they start to "decompose" they turn black.

after only 2 months in a loader? BS!

5kull February 22nd, 2012 08:59

I can think of three possible explanations:

1. Someone used your loader thinking it was his loader, added black bb's.
2. Some of the white bb's died, the black ones are zombie bb's.
3. The dark side is taking over your loader, beware young jedi.


Jcotter February 22nd, 2012 09:28

It's kind of hard to tell in the pic but they don't look very polished. I'd almost be willing to put money on them being the black cyber gun sonic bb's from crappy tire. Kill them with fire before you get any jams or feed issues.

Strelok February 22nd, 2012 09:29

The White BB's decided racism was bad and became more tolerant.

ThunderCactus February 22nd, 2012 14:51


Originally Posted by styrak (Post 1609632)
mystery solved.
We're like fucking detectives up in here.


Curo February 22nd, 2012 15:05

Black BBs are ninja.

Cliffradical February 22nd, 2012 15:28

Black BBs rock, throw those out and buy new black ones.

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