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Silverback93 November 16th, 2011 00:14

Loadout Help
So I'm starting to try and create my first ever legit loadout and I was wondering if somebody could lend me a hand. Right now I only own bits a pieces of different uniforms...I don't have a complete set of anything (long story why but that's irrelevant). Anyways, what I do currently own are ACU pants, DCU pants, OD pants, Flecktarn jacket and a woodland bdu jacket. I didn't want to go for any look in particular either. Just something original and some what different. By the way I will also be playing in a woodland environment. Furthermore, I would like to work around one of the pieces of gear doesn't really matter what it is personally.

Possible ideas so far are...

1) All woodland bdu with either OD or coyote brown gear
2) ACU bdu with OD gear
3) Woodland or Fleck top with tan, DCU or OD bottoms, OD gear and Army of two mask or Shemagh or Balaclava (kind of a baddie look)
4) OD bdu with all coyote brown gear

Conker November 16th, 2011 00:26

What do you mean by legit? Legit as in "loadout you're putting some thought in" or legit as in realistic?

Silverback93 November 16th, 2011 00:28


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1561634)
What do you mean by legit? Legit as in "loadout you're putting some thought in" or legit as in realistic?

Legit as in something im putting thought into. I don't really have an actual loadout as of right now and I figure its time to start making one.

apparition November 16th, 2011 00:34

Depends really. Would you prefer a lightweight loadout so you can move quicker and not limit your movement? Or something that can hold alot of stuff but weigh you down a bit? What style of player are you?

FOX_111 November 16th, 2011 16:36

Or something based on a impression of a real soldier in a determined theater and time frame?

5kull November 16th, 2011 16:47

You can see by the answers you got that you need to know what you want before making any decision at all. You dont build a great loadout by saying, I have this jacket, it's okay, let's save 30$ and spend 300$+ around it;)

You have to find pictures of a complete look you like or study what a particular kind of warrior uses. You must also factor in your friends, if all your buddies use Marpat and you buy Multicam..... The most important thing, figure out how much it cost for the basic items, pants, shirt, hat, get them and slowly build your impression. Be realistic, your wallet doesn't care if you like something, you must be able to afford it.

Have fun:)

m102404 November 16th, 2011 16:51


Originally Posted by Silverback93 (Post 1561630)
So I'm starting to try and create my first ever legit loadout and I was wondering if somebody could lend me a hand. Right now I only own bits a pieces of different uniforms...I don't have a complete set of anything (long story why but that's irrelevant). Anyways, what I do currently own are ACU pants, DCU pants, OD pants, Flecktarn jacket and a woodland bdu jacket. I didn't want to go for any look in particular either. Just something original and some what different. By the way I will also be playing in a woodland environment. Furthermore, I would like to work around one of the pieces of gear doesn't really matter what it is personally.

Possible ideas so far are...

1) All woodland bdu with either OD or coyote brown gear
2) ACU bdu with OD gear
3) Woodland or Fleck top with tan, DCU or OD bottoms, OD gear and Army of two mask or Shemagh or Balaclava (kind of a baddie look)
4) OD bdu with all coyote brown gear're not really going to end up with something completely original...but the devil's in the details.

If you're looking to get sorted out enough so you don't look like a rummage sale...then consider the following:
- having a set that is predominately brown...and/or a set that is predominately often very helpful as that's how a great many games split up their teams
- having a set that is either all analogue (i.e. DCU, Woodland, DPM, etc...) or all digital (i.e. CADPAT, ACU, etc...) is likewise helpful...for the same reason.
- mixing and matching tends to get you shot by everyone...unless it's a combination that is clearly one side or the other (i.e. DCU top and tan pants...or Woodland top and OD pants).
- having your rig (i.e. vest/chest rig/plate carrier/etc...) match your predominate colour helps eliminate confusion. It doesn't seem to confuse anything to have solid colour rig with camo patterned long as they're the same colour. To that end...going with either a Coyote Brown/TAN rig or a OD/Ranger Green rig tends to be a safe bet.
- when picking a pattern consider what side you want to play on...(i.e. NATO vs. Other)...and matching your weapon to that adds to the consistent look of things most times.
- while civilian/contractor tends to be ok....going all black and showing up late at a game will definitely get you shot by everyone.
- while the odd non-matching predominate colour pouch on a rig isn't's much less confusing to keep the predominate colour of all your rig/pouchs/backpack in line with the predominate colour of your BDUs.
- matching your boots/gloves don't seem to matter much....aside from trying to replicate a specific loadout. The universal black boot/glove is fine no matter which pattern/colour you're going with.
- match hats to BDU top colour/pattern for sure

I've got (and I suspect many others are in the same boat) 5-6 complete sets of BDUs...and 4 rigs...of all that I tend to only use 3 sets of BDUs (DCU, DPM, Multicam) and 3 of the rigs (Khaki RRV, DPM rig, CB Warlord).

And yes...doing so will result in a wack of odds and ends that you'll never use. Sell 'em or store 'em....just like everyone else.

Silverback93 November 16th, 2011 20:21

Ok, guess I better get into more detail. I was thinking more of a baddie airsoft look. I want analog camo, and I was thinking coyote brown gear because if I ever did change my set up than coyote brown goes with pretty much everything...but than again so does OD and it will work more in a woodland environment. Why must I be so indecisive? I guess the easiest thing to tell you guys what I want are to show a few pics of my personal favorite loadouts that I've seen. Yes I am aware all of these are not "Baddie" looks but they are the ones I enjoy the most.
(Guy with ACU and OD)

Wrath144 November 16th, 2011 23:31

If you want a multi-purpose loadout, get CB or tan gear. Can be worn with nearly everything as a do-all kit.
I'm a firm believer of if you're going to do a serious greenside kit, no solid colours at all. What I mean by that is, if you're going to wear all woodland camo, get woodland gear to match.
What weapon platform are you using? Certain things look good together, such as M4's and plate carriers, and AKs and static chest rigs.
If you're not going for anything in particular, you'd be doing a kind of 'freelancer' kit. I use that term to avoid 'contractor'. A pretty cool look is to have one camo item and one solid colour. For cooler days, I'd use solid colour pants and a camo jacket (like the desert DPM smock in the second picture). For warm days I'd use either camo pants and a solid colour t-shirt, or a camo combat shirt and solid colour pants. For this option, its better to have solid colour gear.
The most attainable (cool looking) kit from the ones you posted would be the second one. That chest rig shouldn't be expensive, the DPM smock is about $50 and the Maxpedition (I think) backpack would be about $150-200. You can sub in a cheaper hydration carrier backpack (a la Condor) for less than half that price. Then add in some fancy tactical pants, gloves and your headwear of choice and you're done.
If you look closely, the rig is just super faded or spray painted woodland DPM.

Silverback93 November 17th, 2011 22:00


Originally Posted by Wrath144 (Post 1562057)
If you want a multi-purpose loadout, get CB or tan gear. Can be worn with nearly everything as a do-all kit.
I'm a firm believer of if you're going to do a serious greenside kit, no solid colours at all. What I mean by that is, if you're going to wear all woodland camo, get woodland gear to match.
What weapon platform are you using? Certain things look good together, such as M4's and plate carriers, and AKs and static chest rigs.
If you're not going for anything in particular, you'd be doing a kind of 'freelancer' kit. I use that term to avoid 'contractor'. A pretty cool look is to have one camo item and one solid colour. For cooler days, I'd use solid colour pants and a camo jacket (like the desert DPM smock in the second picture). For warm days I'd use either camo pants and a solid colour t-shirt, or a camo combat shirt and solid colour pants. For this option, its better to have solid colour gear.
The most attainable (cool looking) kit from the ones you posted would be the second one. That chest rig shouldn't be expensive, the DPM smock is about $50 and the Maxpedition (I think) backpack would be about $150-200. You can sub in a cheaper hydration carrier backpack (a la Condor) for less than half that price. Then add in some fancy tactical pants, gloves and your headwear of choice and you're done.
If you look closely, the rig is just super faded or spray painted woodland DPM.

I look the second look the most as well. I was thinking of making it more woodland friendly. All you have to do is swap the desert dpm smock for a woodland one (heck even the old m81 woodland would work as they are very similar). As for pant color im not entirely sure. As for a weapon, the one I do not want is an m4. I'm just not a fan of it. Leaning more towards some sort of ak or g36. Id even go with an mp5!

Wrath144 November 18th, 2011 01:13

Going with a platform like that requires specific mag pouches, which may be tough to find with the rig you want. The solution would be to get a G36 with a magwell adapter, that lets it use M4 mags. Getting tan or brown pants would make them multi-purpose. Buying a woodland smock instead of a desert one will cut the price considerably.
Have you decided whether you want a static chest rig, molle chest rig, plate carrier etc yet?

Silverback93 November 18th, 2011 09:22


Originally Posted by Wrath144 (Post 1562535)
Going with a platform like that requires specific mag pouches, which may be tough to find with the rig you want. The solution would be to get a G36 with a magwell adapter, that lets it use M4 mags. Getting tan or brown pants would make them multi-purpose. Buying a woodland smock instead of a desert one will cut the price considerably.
Have you decided whether you want a static chest rig, molle chest rig, plate carrier etc yet?

I was thinking a static chest rig but I'm not really set on anything. I just want something have decent for a decent price. And I never thought about the mag problem. I'll probably just get an ak...shouldn't be too hard to get pouches for that. I'm also sort of interested in a Russian/Spetsnaz loadout. Doesn't really matter which of their camo's/uniforms to me, I like all of it really...I just need to find out where to get it. My personal favorite is the KLMK suits!

As for vests again, I was thinking something similar to these...

Dingo November 18th, 2011 18:57

ll of those vests are replicas, and cheap ones at that. Theres a guy on here selling the "real steel" version of the second link. Id suggest that, as its real and wont let you down, and because its used and cheaper than new. BUY REAL, BUY ONCE.

Now, Id suggest a SOE micro rig. All of the absolute essentials on one weight saving rig.
Different mags for different weapon platforms, and at a reasonable price for real, well made, triple stitched gear.

Silverback93 November 18th, 2011 20:55


Originally Posted by GhillieSnipes (Post 1562818)
ll of those vests are replicas, and cheap ones at that. Theres a guy on here selling the "real steel" version of the second link. Id suggest that, as its real and wont let you down, and because its used and cheaper than new. BUY REAL, BUY ONCE.

Now, Id suggest a SOE micro rig. All of the absolute essentials on one weight saving rig.
Different mags for different weapon platforms, and at a reasonable price for real, well made, triple stitched gear.

Thanks for the advice and leading me in the right direction. I greatly appreciate it!

Silverback93 November 18th, 2011 22:03

Finally figured out what I want to do ! I was almost set on getting the m81 woodlands as a set and wearing coyote brown gear but I just changed my mind, and hopefully for the last time lol. Ive decided to go all OD, similar to the old Canadian Forces, Austrians and Israeli's. Why? Here are a few reasons...

-OD gear is cheaper and is just as available if not even more available (at least in my area) than the BDU stuff.

-Pretty well every piece of kit that you can get for airsoft usually will have an OD version as well.

-Unlike a lot of other woodland camo's (marpat, and BDU's), it doesn't turn you into a dark blob when you get so far away in a more well-lit environment as BDU's seem to work in dense, dark woodlands the best...or at least in my opinion.

-I would love to go with a Euro camo such as the Swedish m90, Fleck, something Russian or even the Italian stuff but its harder to get here (I'd have to order it as opposed to just going to my local army/navy) and importing it would jack up the price. I just don't like digital camo by the way.


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