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leth1337 October 26th, 2011 13:45

M4 AEG mag ID
Move if this is in the wrong category.

I have a set of mags that are perfect in every aspec but I can't figure out what brand they are.

No inscriptions
68rd metal shell with plastic top end
Rounded/wide bb feed arm/tongue/follower thing
No holes/screws at the bottom

I need someone to help me figure this out so I can buy more!

Thanks in advance


As you can see the follower is spherical not cylindrical and the bb stop lip at the top is short and wide not long/slender

Nortus October 26th, 2011 13:56

We need some pictures.

Danke October 26th, 2011 14:03

I will put a bet on the table for King Arms.

venture October 26th, 2011 15:59

I have the same ones. They are from the same factory as the KA 68 round mags, but they don't have the King Arms stamped in the bottom.

I just sell them as "ACM" 68 round metal mags.

leth1337 October 26th, 2011 18:05


Originally Posted by Nortus (Post 1552450)
We need some pictures.

Figured as much. I'll have some uploaded when I get home.

I have some KA mags with thier stamp on the bottom but the bb follower is very different as well as the little spring-loaded piece that stops the bbs from flying out of the top.

Pics will be uploaded asap.

leth1337 October 26th, 2011 22:17

uploaded pic to op

Conker October 26th, 2011 22:26

I had some very similar that were DBoys.

Kos-Mos October 26th, 2011 23:02

I also bought the same ones... "used" for some guy on here...
But he told me he originally bought them on ebay... and they look/feel exactly like the KA ones I have. The follower is rounded on my KA mags too.

leth1337 October 27th, 2011 09:38

Much appreciated ladies and gentlemen! It's not often one looks at the physical characteristics of mags to figure out their origin lol

Crunchmeister October 27th, 2011 10:18

I have some of these too. I'm not convinced that they're KA. They seem to feed less reliably than my KA mags and need a little more regular maintenance to keep in working
order. They look very similar to KA other than the follower being different. Overall though, as long as you keep them lubed regularly, they work fine.

Kos-Mos October 27th, 2011 22:10


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 1552802)
I have some of these too. I'm not convinced that they're KA. They seem to feed less reliably than my KA mags and need a little more regular maintenance to keep in working
order. They look very similar to KA other than the follower being different. Overall though, as long as you keep them lubed regularly, they work fine.

They where feeding like shit at first too.
Check if you push the little BB retainer thing if it goes all the way to the rear. I had to open mine and remove a small stop that was molded in the retainer to allow full travel. They now feed perfectly.

Padkiller October 28th, 2011 00:26

Hey leth!

Like the others said, I'd bet it's ACM, just because it looks like a KA, without the marking!
One question though, why do you want to know that, if it's for selling them, then, I wouldn't ask a lot for 'em, because no marking = not much value!

leth1337 October 29th, 2011 22:37

I wanna know cuz they're amazing and I want to buy more! Lol

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