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Brunkex August 3rd, 2011 02:34

JG "Dragon" to Normal M4 Help.
Hey, I'm looking for help converting a JG "Dragon" to just a normal M4. I'm new to airsoft so I don't even know where to get started. Would I need a new inner barrel? Or do I just need to assemble a new M4 front end? If so, what parts would I need? Help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. :P

Justinh789 August 3rd, 2011 03:02

First off is this because you currently have a JG dragon or are you trying to import one? I can tell you it will not get through customs if that is the case.

KwGeek August 3rd, 2011 03:52


Originally Posted by Justinh789 (Post 1511581)
First off is this because you currently have a JG dragon or are you trying to import one? I can tell you it will not get through customs if that is the case.

Oh you can still Get the JG dragon in canada, you can order one threw 007 airsoft

If I had any say in what you do to the gun, I would try and sell it and use the
money from the sale in buying a normal M4.

Being that is could be considered a collectable, because it is based of the gun used in the popular anime "Ghost in the shell" as there is a market for working airsoft guns that are based off Guns found in video games and Anime.

also you most likely would spend alot of money and time striping off the old shell and replacing it with a body that would make it look and feel like a normal M4 then you would just selling the dragon and buying a new or even used M4.

But I'm not a gun doctor or a gun dealer and I'm only fairing my best guess.

what ever you do is up to you.

phloudernow August 3rd, 2011 05:46

the JG dragon u probably just gona end up buying all new bunch of parts since the only thing i guess u can salavage is the gearbox, you might as well just buy a brand new systema gearbox and throw it inside another normal m4 body if u are spending like 300+ buying the JG dragon... cuz from what i know i dont think u can salavage any parts from the dragon to make it look like a normal m4...

slink182 August 3rd, 2011 07:26

Guys, he just bought the Dragon from his "friend" for $100. I personally think his "friend" took him for a ride, but that's just me.

OP, first remove all the Dragon components from the underlying M4 to see what you have and determine what you'll need, if anything. Run the gun for awhile to determine what may require upgrading. Don't replace anything unless it breaks, or it's causing inconsistent behaviour. Since you don't know a thing about AEGs, if the gearbox craps out, the easiest solution would to to replace it with a complete drop-in gearbox.

Good luck. Try not too swear too much at the rifle.

Kos-Mos August 3rd, 2011 10:35

Argg for god's sake can you guys stop typing any random "advice".

You need a complet M4A1 front end. That's it.

I did it with mine. Takes 4 screws and 30 seconds to remove the overshell. The M4 under it is a run the mill JG M4. Even has LE stock.

The stock barrel is a two piece tube so it can fit into the body. You really just need an M4 front:

14.5" barrel
Triangle sight
Delta ring
Front ring

Half of the guns in Canada are freaking M4A1. You can get all you need for 50$ in the classified. You need to be age verified for that.

moz_boz August 3rd, 2011 11:01

Wow, it would seem that the need for being AV'd has gone by the wayside...what happened?

Brunkex August 3rd, 2011 14:41

I guess I'll be browsing the classifieds after I get verified, if I ever hear back from Crunchmeister.

Kos-Mos August 4th, 2011 09:55


Originally Posted by moz_boz (Post 1511671)
Wow, it would seem that the need for being AV'd has gone by the wayside...what happened?

Kidiots building guns from parts and then bragging how they got a gun even if they are underage...

ratnest August 4th, 2011 22:11

disassemble the maul clam shell front end and stock cover , remove the the barrel, buy any tm compatible m4 front end, and instal, inner barrel is super short, might want to change it if you go with a normal length m4. end up with a plastic bodied jg m4 for 300-400

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