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jflecool2 July 18th, 2011 14:46

Why a Tactical Vest
If I do not have any GBB pistol, and my 2 mags have 470 round and clip into each other (g36 mag). With 950 Bbs in my mags, you should be good for at least a complete round. So, what can we put in a Tactical Vest? :confused:

RaisinBran July 18th, 2011 14:50

Instead of using high caps, use mid caps. That should fill up some space.

Bowers July 18th, 2011 14:57

med kit, water, snivel gear, food, comms, tools?

put simply anything you think you need?

Drake July 18th, 2011 15:15

The primary purpose of a tactical vest is to carry extra mags. If you're using Hicaps you're short-circuiting that, so you could pretty much play in just a tshirt with a 1L canteen on your belt.

Of course, its a different kind of play as virtually all milsims and many other games will either not allow hicaps or frown upon them (for example the game in Drummondville this past weekend, which was real-cap loads only). Then again, you're talking about "being good for a complete round" which sounds like a skirmish, so I wouldn't worry about a tac vest unless its just for looks.

When you're out in the woods for a full day with only the stuff you're carrying on your person, your needs in terms of gear become a lot clearer.

Disco_Dante July 18th, 2011 15:42

Why wear a bulky vest if you have nothing on it? You shouldn't be looking for things to "fill out" your loadout unnecessarily. Just carry what you're going to need or might need, if you can do that without adding a hot, awkward vest then more power to you.

SuperCriollo July 18th, 2011 16:14

Just get a coondor chest rig. It looks great, and it can hold lots of stuff without being bulky.

wildcard July 18th, 2011 16:57


Originally Posted by jflecool2 (Post 1502708)
If I do not have any GBB pistol, and my 2 mags have 470 round and clip into each other (g36 mag). With 950 Bbs in my mags, you should be good for at least a complete round. So, what can we put in a Tactical Vest? :confused:

Nades, lots and lots of 40mm NADES!

CR0M July 18th, 2011 16:59

maybe a little protection? were all suppose to be shooting for centre mass, and eating a bb off your nipple sucks monkey balls...

I run a hicap too, but
I carry a small first aid kit, a red hit rag,a swiss army knife, and a cigar in a cigar tube with one or 2 mags just in case...

another thing you might want to do is keep different weight bbs in different mags, like one mag just for .20 and another mag for .28s so if you see someone far, or if theres a bunch of foliage in the way of your target you can rip through most of it...

CDN_Stalker July 18th, 2011 17:36

Make that 0.28g and 0.30g.......... even 0.25g are difficult to use outdoors at times, the 0.30g will give extra range and penetration at little loss to velocity over 0.28g.

Strelok July 18th, 2011 22:48

Why a highcap? :/

FoxhoundNB July 18th, 2011 23:13

If you plan to play anything more than skrimishes, especially during the summer, you're going to need a vest just to carry all the water and food you're going to need.

Playing casual games, but away from any real civilization (no stores/houses to get water or food at) I went through 5L of water. If you have space to carry stuff you can also be an asset to your team.

Rookie Ab July 18th, 2011 23:47

A buddy said it best;

High caps are like training wheels for Airsoft NFG's ;)

CR0M July 19th, 2011 06:06

hogwash... the only ppl complaining about hicaps should be the ones with gbb if your trying to be "real" about it all...

Deadpool July 19th, 2011 07:13


Originally Posted by CR0M (Post 1503364)
hogwash... the only ppl complaining about hicaps should be the ones with gbb if your trying to be "real" about it all...

Also people who get pinned down by morons cranking their mags while they have the finger on the trigger...An M4 is NOT a support weapon!

jflecool2 July 19th, 2011 16:19

Thank everybody for your's answer ! SuperCriollo gave az good ides: Chest Rig... About the interesting post of Drake, i know about these game, witch i cant play because i dont have any low-cap; i'm more Skirmish than MilSim but im going to Dark Strike Of Hanois in august. In the night. So i think it's gonna be 4 pouch 4 Monster Energy Drink. Lol.

But seriously i think the final answer (counting you all) would be: For skirmish game, it's not very important (A little bit for Kill Rag) but for long-period game: water, bag of bb and Radios.

Also, lowcap, midcap or hicap is not the big thing to consider, it's how you play. Im not the kind of guy to put my gun in auto and shot as i reload. I'll shot all my round, stop, reload and then start again. Goal: Being as fast of low-cap people. It's not because i have all your 9 mag in one single mag that im better or worse...

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