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KBarlow June 28th, 2011 23:59

SRC GenIII Pro M4 vs. G&G M4 MAX
Sort of undecided whether I should get a G&G M4A1 MAX or an SRC GenIII Pro M4A1. I currently own a G&G Combat Machine M4, but I'm looking for something a little higher end. I could get a basic G&G M4 MAX for $510, but I could get an SRC M4 RIS for the same price, or an SRC M4 SD for $530. What do you guys think?


Mandalore June 29th, 2011 00:09

I believe there is a comparison of G&G and SRC guns on 007 airsoft if you check out the site.

I personally would side with the SRC.

KBarlow June 29th, 2011 00:13

Yeah, it compares the SRC Gen III guns (not Gen III Pro) with the basic G&G guns.

Mandalore June 29th, 2011 00:21

I realize that. I still side with the SRC. Not that I've had a chance to use either of them, but from what I've read about both, G&G has some compression problems and SRC seems like they're pretty solid straight out of the box. I admit I don't hold much authority on it, just what I've come to conclude for myself.

Wantabe_Warrior June 29th, 2011 00:33

Personally I love my HK416 pro from SRC, I can't compare it to anything else though because it's my first and only AEG. (Do HK416s use armalite outer barrels?)

VooDooPeteK June 29th, 2011 00:39

Where are you located? If you have a local shop I suggest hitting it up so you can hold a few different guns and test them out.

Personally I like g&g guns. While yes some have had compression issues it's nothing an prong on the piston head did not fix.

The src guns I have had experience with all needed a bit kore work to get them shooting as well as the g&g.

Again that's just my experience and I am sure e longer this thread he's you will here hood and bad about both companies

Outcast569 June 29th, 2011 00:44

I would never use an SRC other then a rental. Never seen them work well after a few seasons. Atleast the max ive seen abused and still keep going.

Styrak June 29th, 2011 01:00

Why don't you get a King Arms or maybe even a Classic Army for that kinda cash?

KBarlow June 29th, 2011 01:06

King Arms is CYMA/Cybergun, is it not? Also, I haven't heard much good about CA. What initially prompted me to consider a G&G M4 MAX was someone who owns a G&G M4 CQB-R MAX. It's really nice.

VooDooPeteK June 29th, 2011 01:19


Originally Posted by KBarlow (Post 1492558)
King Arms is CYMA/Cybergun, is it not? Also, I haven't heard much good about CA. What initially prompted me to consider a G&G M4 MAX was someone who owns a G&G M4 CQB-R MAX. It's really nice.

King arms manufactures the guns but some are licensed by cybergun so they can put trades on them that's all

SurplusIG June 29th, 2011 10:35

I would suggest looking at ICS, VFC, Classic army, G&P or King Arms. In store we've had quite a bit of problems with G&G, SRC and the clear lower ICS models. Pistons, piston heads, misfeeding, and broken gears with G&G. SRC was a total disaster, and it seems all Clear lowered ICS have the same problem with their bevel gear breaking and the last piston tooth breaking. Usually for the price your gonna pay for a G&G m4 commando, you could save 30$ more and get a VFC.

xylum June 29th, 2011 10:39

I would go with the G&G M4 MAX personally. I looked into the SRC rifles not long ago and seemed to find that they did require a bit more work out of the box where as a lot of people said the MAX line of rifles from G&G performed well out of the box with no necessary or immediate upgrades.

Personally I purchased the G&G M4 Commando MAX and am waiting for it to arrive. I looked into the matter for a couple of months before making a decision and found for the price, G&G offered the best quality. I also plan on downgrading the spring to an M120 a couple weeks after I get it as to not destroy the gearbox.

Styrak June 29th, 2011 11:48


Originally Posted by KBarlow (Post 1492558)
King Arms is CYMA/Cybergun, is it not? Also, I haven't heard much good about CA.

No, KA is not Cybergun.

As for CA, what? The internals? Cause in Canada the only thing that matters is the externals. Internals you can replace if you want, but things like full metal receivers are harder to find/replace. CA internals are alright anway. Not the best, but OK. As for externals, they are rock solid.

TDH June 29th, 2011 12:42

I have the G&G M4 Max...and...I love
"to see my enemies driven before me and to hear the lamentation of 'da weman..."

No seriously, it is a monster and outshoots snipers. Put a tight bore in that puppy and people will run screaming.

xylum June 29th, 2011 13:00


Originally Posted by TDH (Post 1492749)
I have the G&G M4 Max...and...I love
"to see my enemies driven before me and to hear the lamentation of 'da weman..."

No seriously, it is a monster and outshoots snipers. Put a tight bore in that puppy and people will run screaming.

Do the MAX series guns not already come with a tight bore barrel? I thought it was a 6.03 tight bore?

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