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pistol4ever March 22nd, 2011 13:04

Awsairsoft stealth mosfet
hi everyone,
I'd like to know if someone have used those mosfets and whether they were good.(reliability, ROF and trigger response enhanced)

Dviper March 22nd, 2011 13:16

I have a different style of mosfet, I installed them in 3 of the 4 m4 I have, they help with wear and tear on the moter and gearbox, I have mine set on 3 round burst so I save on bbs, when i shoot the bbs hit on target in the same place you aim for. It also tells me when my battery is running low, I'm very happy with my mosfets :)

Gunny_McSmith March 22nd, 2011 13:44

This is the new Stealth mosfet from AWS Airsoft:


I'm also considering getting one for my future aeg, since the VFC scar doesnt have enough room for a classic mosfet and big batteries (so i'll go with Lipo + Mosfet), and also, this is a replica of the microswitch design seen in Systema PTW!:p

It beats the classic mechanical switch for sure!

Gish March 22nd, 2011 13:55

That stealth system is pretty impressive actually. The demo video gives it a pretty snappy response with the microswitch.
I see they plan on V3, can't wait for that to come out personally.

L473ncy March 22nd, 2011 14:10

I'm personally waiting for the ASCU MOSFET for V3 gearboxes. Heard some good things about the ASCU MOSFET but the AWS has rave reviews as well....

m102404 March 22nd, 2011 14:15

That's a very nice layout and design. I just bought a ASU mosfet controller but there's always room for others in different builds.

What's really nice about this version vs. others (i.e. ASU or Extreme-Fire) is that all the electronics are in the "switch unit" itself and not on a board further down the power wires. As compact as the boards of the other units are...they still take up room in the buffer tubes or handguards. With some builds, there really isn't extra room to take away from the battery space for a stock pipe lipo or mini handguard battery.

That said...I hope these AWS units with all the chips stuffed in the "switch unit" can take/absorb/disperse the heat.

Just dying for a V3 mosfet controller like these.

pistol4ever March 22nd, 2011 16:40

thanks everyone!
I'll order it soon. However it is a shame that there isn't the 3 round burst and the AB... But whatever... it is still very impressive though.
Otherwise, waiting for more opinions or reviews!
thank you;)

audi_bhoy March 22nd, 2011 17:15

Keep us updated with how much shipping costs, because 55$ is actually a very fair price for a MOSFET unit.

pistol4ever March 22nd, 2011 17:51


Originally Posted by audi_bhoy (Post 1433761)
Keep us updated with how much shipping costs, because 55$ is actually a very fair price for a MOSFET unit.

It is 6$ for international shipping:)
it is at the same price as the AB long mosfet of EF but it's better, much better...
But the guy of AWSairsoft isn't as nice as Terry of EF...

audi_bhoy March 22nd, 2011 18:53

Wow that's nice then, might consider getting one for my not yet finished M4 that will be my backup in case my KJW M4 breakss in a game :)

Gunny_McSmith March 22nd, 2011 22:22


Originally Posted by pistol4ever (Post 1433709)
thanks everyone!
I'll order it soon. However it is a shame that there isn't the 3 round burst and the AB... But whatever... it is still very impressive though.
Otherwise, waiting for more opinions or reviews!
thank you;)

I contacted the dude about that, and he told me that this unit was so small, they didnt/couldnt make enough room to include all those fancy mosfet features, like Lipo low-voltage cut-off, programmable firing modes.... its just a "smart switch" unit!

Eien March 23rd, 2011 14:18

I was looking for a simple mosfet like this, without the fancy features. Nice find. I might order this ASAP.

horto March 23rd, 2011 15:15

thanks for the heads up, this sounds exactly what I've been looking for

coach March 23rd, 2011 16:07

This mosfet sure looks interesting. though I do enjoy the 3mm trigger pull that the ASCU offers. as with Tys, I'm curious as to how they deal with heat build up with the board inside the mechbox.

Dviper March 23rd, 2011 16:28

I picked up the aeg wizard, all i had to do was connect it to the aeg then into the battery, then fine tune it from 1 to 9 round burst

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