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Milsim and Married
After the TAC11 show (thanks Brian & Co.), the wife posed a question.
How many of your guys are married. Then rationalized that most of the guys must be young and single, their schedule and disposable income, lack of responsibilities. But I countered by suggesting that most of the guys who are "real Milsim guys" are married. Then went into an Impressive list of "Old guys" and my thinking says that more of the married guys can work on a "Big Milsim game Schedule " because these games have a few months warning and they can plan it well and book off work and get "airsoft widow" permission. I'm not gonna out the names I dropped of "Old guys" the few, the brave, the married, know who they are. So are you a Skirm player or Milsim player married or Single. A lot of guys get their Airsoft balls cut when they "tie the Knot" So are more married guys Big event Milsimers or the young dudes? cheers |
35,married with children, milsimer
40+ yr old married.
25yr Milsim. Married.
36 Married 2 kids 3rd will be here within a week or two and milsimer/scrimmer at my age and with time alloted ill take what i can get 8)
Squeeeeeeek |
18, milsim and most likely foreveralone.jpg if i keep spending all my money on gear and guns :lol:
21, practically married (just a singed paper away really), 1 kid and milsimer AND skirmisher, 1-2 4-8 hour games a month, also 9 and counting gun collection AND a gun dock spending a moderate amount of time working on guns. I however, have a woman who enjoys the sport almost as much as I do, she just plays way less
18, WAS in couple !
0 kids, obviously ! |
When I attended the large games in Alberta a couple of years ago, being in my late 30's meant I was middle of the age bracket ranging closer to the younger side. Lots of guys older than me, some of them into their 50's.
I would say that anyone who is really serious about milsim and the associated time/money/equipment is likely going to be married, with lots of disposable income and the ability to take time off (secure job or self-employed). There are variants on both sides, but that was what I saw. |
Girlfriend, likes that I have a hobby, doesn't really care what it is, she thinks the guns are cool, if I talk to her about it she listens but I get the blank wide eyed stare that basically says "I have no idea what the f**k you're talking about, but I love you just the same" Shes a great gal. :)
Oh and milsimer now, used to be skirmisher, but I got bored of that. |
45 married with 3 kids, my youngest play also
I talk about how I WILL, ONE DAY attend a Mason Relic game (I live in Montreal, which means a good trip for me) ans she's thinks that it would be awesome if I could go. |
30, common law, 2 kids, 2 dogs. I've decided to dedicate One whole weekend per month for Large Milsims and training. Last year I hosted games every weekend and it was hard On the family. This year I have the season planned from now until Halloween so the Wife knows and can plan around my sport. She Tolerates me Playing because I work very hard to provide the best I can for my Family.
22, long term relationship... mostly a skirmisher but i do love a good milsim. girlfriend thinks its retarded though :(
22 married in the eyes of ontarios government lol, Skirmish getting into milsim, gf wants to get into airsoft herself - just can't find a gun thats good yet Light enough for her to run around with lol.
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