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christower2 March 7th, 2011 14:25

VFC Scar-l Vs Real Sword Type 56
In your guys/girls opinions Do you prefer the VFC Scar-l or the Real Sword Type 56 for the stock guns not upgraded at all. I dont mean which guns you like i mean the quality of the gun. Answer the poll and type why you chose this.

Amos March 7th, 2011 14:28

Real Sword wins.

Materials, build quality, QC, all of that. A stock RS outperforms a VFC scar in every way.

theguy March 7th, 2011 14:44

the real-sword will probably be a better performer, but the two guns have really different looks and feels.

If you really have no preference between an AK and a scar, I would get the real-sword.

If it was me though, I would buy the scar, I just don't like the look of AKs

Danke March 7th, 2011 14:48

How many magazines are you going to purchase?

Do you own any other AEGs?

What kind of carrier do you have?

Troy T. Moore March 7th, 2011 14:52

Real Sword Type 56!

True, I am biased towards AKs... Solidly built. Smooth operation. $ for $ a better value that VFC SCAR.

One of the few AEGs you could drop as you tripped and expect that it would have no significant damage, never mind what they do to a 56-1 in YouTube - Part 2 - RS Type 56-1 AEG Crush Test

Derpystronk March 7th, 2011 15:41

Chris already knows my choice; Real Sword.

SuperCriollo March 7th, 2011 16:34

Type 56. Those things are simply beutifuly made. Although it would be wise of you to try to hold one before buying it, becasue of the akward AK-style design of the Type 56 (some people find it uncomfortable, me included) , and the fact that it's quite heavy for some.

T@NK March 7th, 2011 18:19

Real sword, all the ways.

THe_Silencer March 7th, 2011 19:43


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1423612)
Real Sword wins.

Materials, build quality, QC, all of that. A stock RS outperforms a VFC scar in every way.

Even when it comes to the satisfying noise of the bolt slamming forwards?

Eeyore March 7th, 2011 19:45

I hate AK's but a RS is pure sex.

Kid March 7th, 2011 19:58

Type 97s are even uglier than the AKs, but they're also very well made and awesome options if you like bullpup guns or want RS quality but you don't like AKs.

I have both the 56-1 and 97B.

Snakebite1967 March 7th, 2011 20:38

Have owned both still own the Type 56 the VFC Scar is well made in fact i own a VFC Sopmod and love it but the Type 56 is my primary

christower2 March 7th, 2011 21:05


Originally Posted by theguy (Post 1423620)
the real-sword will probably be a better performer, but the two guns have really different looks and feels.

If you really have no preference between an AK and a scar, I would get the real-sword.

If it was me though, I would buy the scar, I just don't like the look of AKs

Ive shot the type 56 and love it never shot the scar or even held it so right now im going towards the type 56

Whiskey March 7th, 2011 21:30

I'm saving up towards a type 56-1 my self. VFC makes very high quality doubt about that, but VFC loses this one.

Kozzie March 7th, 2011 22:36

Real Sword eats VFC for breakfast, then it goes looking for Systema around noon time when it's hungry again.

Coming Soon to a retailer near you --- Real Sword M4 & M16 AEG & GBB.. WHAT!!?

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