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koonz February 18th, 2011 19:21

Rat Trap Claymores
I saw a vid on you tube of a french guy making a claymore that u can use a car remote to detonate. but there were no english subtitles. the mechanism basically is like a clock when he hit the button it made the motor roate an arm which he attached to the claymore door release arm. any ideas what this mechanism is from???

Zep February 18th, 2011 19:35

Sounds made up.. Invalid post with no link lol

Edit Special:

for R.I.T.Z WHY make a post talking about a link and not bother posting it on here..

R.I.T.Z February 18th, 2011 19:40


Originally Posted by Zep (Post 1413062)
Sounds made up.. Invalid post with no link lol

did you look it up at all?

i think there was a english instructables one made.
cant remember where the link went but i know what your talking about

YouTube - Airsoft Claymore with Remote Detonate Homemade airsoft claymore
essentially the same idea. just different activation

YouTube - How to make an airsoft claymore

moz_boz February 18th, 2011 20:38


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1413065)

There is no way I would ever notice that trip wire...genius! :-D

audi_bhoy February 19th, 2011 00:42


Originally Posted by moz_boz (Post 1413102)
There is no way I would ever notice that trip wire...genius! :-D

You're right! Unless he uses fishing wire we wouldn't see the claymore's trip wire :D

moz_boz February 19th, 2011 09:11

I don't know if fishing line would be strong enough to pull his release...he was having trouble with the rope he had on it. Don't get me wrong, he is definitely onto something...just needs some refinemnet.

Only issue for me would be if the R&D cost exceeds the cost of just buying one :)

Coresair February 19th, 2011 09:35

Kaporal_K on this forum (from Montreal) made up one from scratch, He showed it to me one @ The Pit, it looked really neat too!

koonz February 19th, 2011 10:44

the release was very sensitive. u could sneeze on it and it would go off

Zep February 19th, 2011 12:00


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1413065)
did you look it up at all?

i think there was a english instructables one made.
cant remember where the link went but i know what your talking about

YouTube - Airsoft Claymore with Remote Detonate Homemade airsoft claymore
essentially the same idea. just different activation

YouTube - How to make an airsoft claymore

why make a post then make someone go look it up on youtube?


See he shoulda done what you did.. post + Link :)

Shrike February 19th, 2011 16:30


Originally Posted by Zep (Post 1413459)
why make a post then make someone go look it up on youtube?


See he shoulda done what you did.. post + Link :)

Why post a post about a stupid post.


bshantz February 19th, 2011 16:39

Don't know if anyone saw this yet or not.

DIY Claymore How To

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