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ex May 19th, 2010 13:59

C.T.A.C.S Announcement
After much thought we have decided to implement a Basic Level Certification system to C.T.A.C.S.

This will include safety, Range procedure, basic skills and Handling as well as general knowledge and Terminology.

We will also have info on minimum gear requirements and Weapon choices. The main reason for doing this is bring everyone up to a minimum standard and help to ensure safe gun and range procedure.

If You plan on participating in C.T.A.C.S events you must qualify and pass this Certification.

The first Cert Class will be announced very shortly. Stay tuned for more info.

Kokanee May 19th, 2010 14:11

Most definitely a good move Ex, I'll try and make it out to get certified.

Rugger_can May 19th, 2010 16:16

Sounds reasonable. Will keep an eye out for more information especially the kit requirements.

One suggestion that would go miles towards improving safety.

Marked Paths for Participants. By marking off the specific path for participants to follow and going over that path and removing and clearing all debris you can go a long way towards reducing risk from field related obstructions.


Brian McIlmoyle May 19th, 2010 16:35


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1238256)
Sounds reasonable. Will keep an eye out for more information especially the kit requirements.

One suggestion that would go miles towards improving safety.

Marked Paths for Participants. By marking off the specific path for participants to follow and going over that path and removing and clearing all debris you can go a long way towards reducing risk from field related obstructions.


I don't agree ... shooters need to be able to set their own path and address targets in the sequence that they deem best.

I do agree that hazardous areas should be marked out of bounds.

I strongly support the requirement for a basic qualification course to participate. This way no one can say that they were not informed of requirements or did not know the rules.

Rugger_can May 19th, 2010 16:51


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1238266)
I don't agree ... shooters need to be able to set their own path and address targets in the sequence that they deem best.

What you fail to realize (because you where not there so I cannot fault you) was that shooters where already being given a path too follow, marking it takes it one step further as well allows event organizers to clear all debris from that path. It also keeps competitors to a specific path ensuring that the path chosen in contrast to other competitors is very similar. Thus I am only suggesting that we provide a 3 or 4 meter wide taped off general path to ensure that all participants are crystal clear as to what is expected of them at the same time giving the organizers more control over the safety of the course.

I can remember 4 clear instances where the shooters stopped and needed instruction from the spotter as to what path to take, or having to be verbally corrected because the shooter deviated from that path.

I just wanted to add that I respect your opinion and I recognize that you have a great deal of experience.

Brian McIlmoyle May 19th, 2010 17:00

I see.. When we run 2 gun events .. we establish the course of fire.. within the range area.. and shooters are shown the allowed directions of fire.

Sometimes we do a walk through so shooters can see where everything is.. and formulate a plan of attack before running the course. Sometimes we run the course blind.. in that shooters do not know what the set up will be or where the targets are before they start their run..

Shooters are free to address the problem as they see fit.

this can result in radically different approaches to the same tactical problem by various shooters.

But that is OFF topic.. here.. sorry for the thread jack

Scalpel May 19th, 2010 17:05

Outdoor chalk spray to mark the path. It will wash away too.

Vince May 19th, 2010 17:12

Good stuff Ex

I'll attend for sure

Rugger_can May 19th, 2010 17:34


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1238280)
I see.. When we run 2 gun events .. we establish the course of fire.. within the range area.. and shooters are shown the allowed directions of fire.

Sometimes we do a walk through so shooters can see where everything is.. and formulate a plan of attack before running the course. Sometimes we run the course blind.. in that shooters do not know what the set up will be or where the targets are before they start their run..

Shooters are free to address the problem as they see fit.

this can result in radically different approaches to the same tactical problem by various shooters.

But that is OFF topic.. here.. sorry for the thread jack

I can see where your coming from. And I can agree that would be one way to do it.

However your facility is an indoor enclosed space with a great deal of control. This is an outdoor venue and I feel that some kind of artificial constraints should be implemented to increase safety and reduce possibilities of confusion.

However in any case it was merely a suggestion that I wished to table with those involved in CTACS, I have the utmost faith in ex and the rest of the guys at the LZ in their abilities and I will respect any and all decisions made.

pusangani May 19th, 2010 17:50

Once people understand safe handling, and know to keep their gun pointed downrange, keep their finger out of the trigger guard when moving and reloading, etc. etc.

Then it really doesn't matter where they are doing the course, inside or outside.

Certification is absolutely necessary, unless you want to be handing out Dairy Queen tshirts at every event lol

ex May 19th, 2010 18:35

All great ideas..Nothing like a bit of a friendly dust up to get the creative juices flowing.

Primus May 19th, 2010 19:37


Originally Posted by Vince S (Post 1238292)
Good stuff Ex

I'll attend for sure

Maybe you can bring me my fucking gun too? ;)

Brian/Rugger; you're both right and wrong. :P We don't have any set ways of running courses. Some will be 100% blind, others will have walkthroughs where it is up to the shooter to come up with his own plan and courses that will be controlled to varying levels.

The reason we've been running such tight courses and forced mag changes so far is because we haven't run everyone through certification. Once everyone is on the same page is when the real fun will start.

Dirty Deeds May 19th, 2010 20:41


Originally Posted by Primus (Post 1238397)
Maybe you can bring me my fucking gun too? ;)

And where will I sit?

ex May 19th, 2010 20:48

Oh you can carry the gun your trunk!

Vince May 19th, 2010 21:06


Originally Posted by ex (Post 1238453)
Oh you can carry the gun your trunk!

Well Max decided to buy a car which trunk is full of fail...

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