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ex March 28th, 2010 09:18

Duracoat Magpul Flat Dark Earth Review
This is a very simple review of Duarcoat's Magpul Flat Dark Earth.
Duracoat is available directly from the Manufacturer HERE.

What you'll need
Duracoat and hardener
Duracoat Reducer
Air source.
Good ventilation

Be sure to clean all parts and follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter if you want this product to work.

This is the starting point. I have placed a Tango Down Pistol Grip next to a Magpul PTS PMAG for colour comparison. As you can see the TD grip is much yellower than the Magazine. I have had to manipulate the picture slightly to compensate for un-calibrated monitors.

Here you can see the painted grip again next to the same PMAG. This is about 2 hours after painting and is dry to the touch. As you can see it is closer in colour to the PMAG but is not a dead on match.

I like this product for its ease of use and colours available. I found the product very easy to use. I thinned it down about 5% with the reducer to get a nice even spray with no spatters. It is quite powerful smelling so spray in a well ventilated area and wear a mask.

Colour Match:
It was not as close as I had hoped as it does dry quite a bit lighter than in the bottle. That said you can mix in darker Duracoat if you wish to alter the colour. For me though it's close enough and should match the rest of the Magpul accessories on my gun well enough.

I have no idea at this point. If the manufacturers claims hold true this will last quite a long time. I will update this review after having used this for awhile.

AngelusNex March 28th, 2010 09:21

Good review. just gotta say, now that paint has fallen pray, what can't be magpullized?

Shirley March 28th, 2010 09:57

If only we can be like you to afford neat things like an airbrush and paints.. :(

FOX_111 March 28th, 2010 10:03

Nice review!
Show us the completed project when it's done!

I think I'm starting to get the duracoat and airbrush desease. After watching NutnFancy duracoat a shit load of stuff and you just hammering the idea in, I'll probably end up doing it myself.

Jimski March 28th, 2010 10:14

is Duracoat acrylic based?

ex March 28th, 2010 10:22


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1197022)
is Duracoat acrylic based?

No it's not. You have to clean it up with Laquer Thinner.
Here is a link to the Duracoat FAQ.


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 1197008)
If only we can be like you to afford neat things like an airbrush and paints.. :(

I'll take that as a compliment, I've worked hard for what I have.

Jimski March 28th, 2010 10:28

wow, are you afraid for your airbrush? or do you use enamels in it with no problem?

I read that duracoat can't be applied with a brush, why?

ex March 28th, 2010 10:29

Airbrushes are designed to take Automotive paints and thinners. I have no problem spraying lacquer or enamels what so ever.

Jimski March 28th, 2010 10:32

ok thx!

have you tried shocking and scratching the result to see how it behaves?

FOX_111 March 28th, 2010 10:37


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1197037)
ok thx!

have you tried shocking and scratching the result to see how it behaves?

My M24 is duracoated. It's very hard to scratch.

The only place that I see wear, is on the stock cheek weld after close to 10 years of use with a face soaked in bug repellant. Other little scratchs are visibles on high friction erea but compared to Krylon, well, it does not compare.

And by wear, I mean, little fading on the edges of the cadpat patern. That paint is very robust.

MilanWG March 28th, 2010 11:14

Is anyone doing paint-jobs? I would love to have my CA M24 duracoated.
PM me if anyone is serious.

Conker March 28th, 2010 11:18


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 1197008)
If only we can be like you to afford neat things like an airbrush and paints..

You can always get 30$ airbrushes with 15$ compressed air can at most Walmarts and hobby shops. Sure, that's not a "professional" airbrush and it doesn't have fancy features, but as long as you're not making precise drawings with it, it should do the job.

ex March 28th, 2010 15:15

I just painted it this morning so I am unsure of how it will wear. The full cure time is 1-2 weeks so I wont even be mounting this on to anything for that period.

Kokanee March 28th, 2010 15:26

Nice writeup Ex, good pics for comparison.

ex March 28th, 2010 18:23


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1197056)
You can always get 30$ airbrushes with 15$ compressed air can at most Walmarts and hobby shops. Sure, that's not a "professional" airbrush and it doesn't have fancy features, but as long as you're not making precise drawings with it, it should do the job.

That's absolutely correct, You don't need the best equipment to do this. Duracoat even offers a re usable stencil system. As long as you can spray thin even coats it will work.

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