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New here from Airdrie, Alberta
Hello everyone, just wanted to post to say hi and thank-you all for a ton of reading material. The wife is a bit mad that I have been reading all night for many weeks.
I am looking at getting back into airsoft out here, and that brings us to why I am on this site reading away. Although I am not new to airsoft I am new to what I call city rules. Since I am from a remote town of 900 people with each family owning hundreds of acres paintball/airsoft was never an legal issue to us heck shooting real rifles in the middle of summer was locally acceptable, although we were always safe, we abviously broke all the laws that we were not familar with, rednecks I guess. But since now I live out west I am catching up on all the stuff I never knew about location, rules, game stratigies and places to play, and the fact that no just cause grandma ones a few acres you probably can not play there. The only thing I am trying to wrap my head around is that amazing amount of guns out there now and sifting through them all for some gems. Once my family and I get the last of our gear, I hope to meet some of you out on the field. :infantry: Take care |
Simple rule of thumb: if there is even a remote chance of a non-player seeing you with guns or gear, don't.
Get in touch with your local group, you'll be able to drool in person at the guns and if you ask nicely handle them. You will also be able to meet up with the local age verification reps to gain access to the classifieds. Welcome aboard! |
Welcome. You will find a very large player base in Calgary.
For additional Calgary and area specific information such as games and events check out JOC Airsoft @ www.jocairsoft.com. We also have an indoor Airsoft arena in Calgary. Lazer Trek is located at 7905 Flint Rd SW, off of Heritage Dr. Games are hosted Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays. Rental guns are available. |
[QUOTE=surebet;1516299]Simple rule of thumb: if there is even a remote chance of a non-player seeing you with guns or gear, don't.QUOTE]
No problem there, the thought of playing out of a proper set up area, doesn't even come to mind. @DEATH2000 Thank-you, I have already made a visit to laser trek, since I used to live accross the street. I was there last week having a long conversation with the owner (i assume) of the place. and had a look at the guns on the wall. Since my talk of airsoft I have a few other freinds interested to, between the ages of 25 and 36, so it should not be a problem playing, since maturity will not be a problem. Thanks again, now back to reading need to figure out if I want to invest in sniper gear or go with a Famas and suitable gear. |
Come of down to Trek. Death is right JOC (at his link) and CAC (our link http://airsoftcalgary.ca/forums/index.php) are the two main communities for Calgary.
We (CAC) currently host the Wednesdays there though we are open to every one for every community :D. Cjay I believe has moved his Mondays to Tuesday and Im pretty sure ISSA still hosts Sundays like Death mentioned. So as you can see we have enough to suit most needs of nights. Come on out for a Wednesday and we can get you AV'd as well. Open up the rest of the site to you. Add a bit more reading for ya. Either way hope you make it out to one of those nights. Im sure you'll have a blast. |
That sounds pretty good, I've ordered my mask and goggles, I have an actual canadian military webbing to hold my stuff, all I need now is a new rifle, last one got stolen while i was moving :( so all I am left with right now is a Berreta Elite II Co2 handgun, clear plastic. not going to cut it, lol. I suppose I could rent for the time being.
Yeah getting age verified will have its perks on here for sure, I will have to do that. We just moved again into our new house so things may be slow for a little bit, but once we are settled the wife and I will be gearing up and hitting some places. |
I know you said you have previous experience so this may or may not be relevant, but stick to AEGs for your first season.
To clarify, if you had fun you Wal-Mart guns with your friends, more power to you, but the game changes a bit with the gear we use. Disregard if you have "real" previous experience, as long as you understand a sniper riffle is a 1000$ proposition real fast. EDIT: Also, re: FAMAS, you might want to stick to something else, unless someone else than TM makes them now. They run on the original version of the modern gearbox, so they have flaws and parts are not that common. Not saying they aren't decent guns once properly tuned, but you chose basically the two worst things to be interested in lol. |
Haha I know, I was hoping the Framas had come into modern times by now, I know that when I last used one I was told that although they are good guns, they are unreliable because of the gen 1 gear box and the mounting it at the read body of the gun, whenther that is true or not I am unsure, but i do recal them breaking and not being able to easily find part.
As far a a sniper rifle costing 1K, I am aware of that, since most of my real rifles and guitar cost that or more anyway it's not much of a problem, but for my first season maybe I should not be emotional and stick the something more mid priced range and get more serious the following season. So AEG's it will most likley be. As far as walmart guns I have never owned one, until recently (the baretta). since I almost never used handguns in the games i didn't feel like spening a ton, it will be upgraded once I settle on a good rifle. I originally bought it for taget practice in my garage :) I'm thinking I may rent for now and get age verified so that I can take a look in the classifieds and maybe start with a pre-loved AEG. and hit up laser trek or the Cochrane Capture the flag place. |
My values are out of date, prices have gone down a bit, but this should give you an idea:
http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=93431 I recall reading a lot of bad reviews of the retail side of Laser Trek, but my info might be wrong. |
A couple of blocks from Trek is Imperial Airsoft. They can help with
any questions about the Calgary airsoft community. They have a good selection to pick from, and the prices are pretty good. |
Perfect, thanks I didn't know that, i am going to have to pop by and check out their selection then.
Thanks I will keep an eye out for that, I've been the bow cycle south and i think it used the same entrance, if not really close. I used to do snow removal there years back.
Another plus is 911 Supply also carries a lot of pants, holsters and different products that will work for airsoft too, and have good prices, only problem is not everyone can buy everyhthing that they stock, since they sell to police, EMS, Fire saftey and so on. |
checked it out today, the Ares M4 series looks pretty damn sexy. might be my first purchase.
They are good for fast spring swaps for sure.
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