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Mag compatablity in GBBs
Because some manufacturers copy others designs we know some manufacturer's mags are compatable with other manufacturers guns and vice versa. What I'd like to do is compile a list of mags and manufacturers that are compatable. Here's a list of ones I've personally tried.
If you don't know from experiance DON'T post! We also don't need to know which ones don't work together. Gun: Glock: G26, G26A, G27 Manufacturers: TM, KJW Gun: M11A1 Manufacturers: KSC, KWA, UHC Gun: Glock: G17, G18c, G19, G23, G23f Manufacturers: KSC, KWA, KJW |
But TM doesn't make the 17, 18c, 19, 23 or 23F...
FOr those who may be wondering, KSC M93R II mags are NOT compatible with Omega M93R's. Found that out today.
Gun: Beretta M9 series and variants
Manufacturer: KJW, TM |
tm and kjw m9 mags are cross compatible. tm mags have the better fill valves (they control overfill whereas the kj ones are silent and dont spill but result in the mags leaking from too much pressure) whereas i'm pretty sure kjw mags have higher flow release valves.
as for kjw g27 and g23, they are both based on the tm g26 so the mags are once again cross compatible. not sure about the lengths of g23 vs tm g26a mags but the g27 and g26 mags are the same size. the fill valves are once again silent vs overfill protected, but i havent heard any complaints about the kjw glock mags leaking. |
KJW P.14.45 and the WA 14.45 are exactly the same..
you can use same mags, internals, slides.. everything... |
the same with WA P8 and the KJW P8...
ask EOL about the P.14.45 |
I believe KJW might have copied Tanaka when making their M700s. I'll look into it when I get some in. As from what I've heard WA 1911 single stack mags can work in a KJW 1911 single stack with some modification. Not sure about the P14s though.
KWA/Springtime Beretta M92FS are compatible with WA Beretta M92FS Magna systems
The same for the KWA/Springtime Colt Govt single stack 1911 and the WA equivalent. |
Thought I might add this bit of info. I was comparing a WE Metal Hicapa with a TM Hicapa and noticed the valve on both looked different. However the mags are interchangable. The TM mag worked in the WE.
Slight addition. Actually Springtime sold KWA up until '99 or '00 even iirc when KWA was cloning the WA hopup system. I believe I remember seeing them on some of their Beretta 92FS models.
Sorry for my VERY noobish Question... are the G19 or G23F's from both KWA and KSC compadible because i dont exactly feel like paying the extra money for the KSC mags.
Dont Flame me just because i mostly have no knowledge of KWA/KSC :D |
all the glock mags that KSC produces are compatible with all the KSC/KWA glocks they make.
the glock 19's mag is shorter than the G23F's |
*SOME* (not all) G23F's come with G17 (23 round) magazines along with a grip extension so that the fit looks more integrated. |
Marui M9 magazines work with HFC M9 magazines, and vice versa. I've found HFC's much better, at least in my opinion and experience.
With KJ mags, I don't know. |
KJW mag work in the HFC beretta but something touch the valve when you insert it. Put it in fast and you're ok. Work fine. Cheaper than hfc beretta mag. With the HFC one, you fill bb by the bottom and not from the lip...work but designed to be by the bottom. |
Anyone know what Mags are compatible with the new KWA M4A1/M4 S-system?
Also what mags would fit the KJW P226? I've read the TM P226 mags are slightly too narrow and will not lock properly. |
Please research instead of pulling up such an old thread next time.
The KWA follows the TM Armalite design, it'll take any mags meant for TM Armalites on the market. Some KJW P226 will take TM mags, some won't. The only way to find out is to buy one and see if you've got one that does. |
yea I've done searches both on this forum and other airsoft forums and googled it with no specific answer to the proper fit of the mags. I understand that most KWA creates clones based on the TM designs but that doesn't mean the mags are 100% interchangable, at least I have not seen a specific post or anyone stating they have tried, hence me digging up this thread, after reading it.
I have read that it is possible to mess up mags if they don't lock and fit properly. Thus I'm wanted someone with first hand experience to help. But I will likely do just that and purchase some TM mags and see if they fit. |
Hey does anyone know if the TM G26 Advance can use KJW G23 mags? a few reviews on Arnie's say yes, but I wanted to be 100% sure before buying
Thanks :) |
Are all WA SV mags interchangeable even if different scw versions?
Necro-ish. But this thread was built for necroes. Any idea what mags would be compatible in this http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...-L2TBRW_cat_WE
so what mags fit that KJW G23? Im still a little confused to this, can KSC and kwa g19 mags fit the kjw g23?
Thanks. |
The KSC G19 mags dont work in the G23, they blowback about 1/3rd of the way, I also vaguely remember testing the HFC G17 ones but I can't remember the outcome lol
KJW is TM clone
TM and KSC is different design so part won't be changeable so hope it will answer you question. All KSC Glock magazines will be changeable except you use the short magazines like Glock 19 to Glock 17 but G17 mag can use on G19 mag and you it will be extend out a little bit. KND |
From "experiance" ... ;)
KJW P226 mags WORK in TM P226. TM P226 mags DO NOT FIT in KJW P226. That is all. |
But TM does not make a G23 or a G19 so what mags, other than kjw G23 mags, will fit the KJW G23?
So a KSC G19 can take KSC G19, G17, and 50 round mags. I'd assume if the KJW is a TM clone it can take TM G17 mags, they'll just stick out a little. |
2 Attachment(s)
pics....This is my KJW G23 first with KJW mag. The second pic has a KSC G17 mag.
sweet thanks for the info from experience. :)
Does anyone have experience with interchanging Marui, KSC/KWA, and KJW M1911 mags? I'm thinking that KSC/KWA isn't compatible with any others, because it was the first 1911 design, and then maybe KJW copied Marui since it's more recent. Confirm/deny?
KSC/KWA are their own deal...KJW single stacker(ones that came out in the last 2 years) are TM compatible(there are old KJW single stacker that was not a TM clone, but they are no longer for sale). KJW double stacker(KP-05/KP-06) are Hi-Capa compatible.
One thing I am interested on the topic, is the compatibility of TM's Glock 17 Custom(the one with the magwell) with the older Glock 17 mag....since the new mags are longer... |
So TM mags work perfectly fine in a KJW M9?
I know KJW and TM mags are supposed work in HFC M9s, how about the other way around? I have a KJW M9 and am looking at the extended mag options from TM and HFC. Will this work in a KJW? http://redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/ai...l?prodID=13683 |
for my own curiousity, what mags are compatible with a ksc g17?????
KSC m11a1 system 7 and KWA m11a1 ns2 mags are the same
KWA mp7 and KSC mp7 mags are also the same |
For Clarification:
WE P-14 can use Marui Hi-capa mags |
Does anybody know for certain if TM MEU/1911 mags will fit in to the WE MEU? I've been asked this several times but have no clue, as I don't fiddle much with WE mags. I realize the capacities are different, but that may be caused by other things.
But I could be wrong. |
They don't. Tried with what's probably a first or second gen of the WE M1911A1 and TM mags. Could test with a newer gen the next time I spot one, but considering how WE mags haven't changed much, they still shouldn't fit.
tm meu mag in we meu
Ok guys wil try it in a few days when I get my we meu will let you know.
KJW M9 mags work with SOCOM GEAR M9, but will a TM M9 mag work in the SOCOM seeing as the KJW mags are compatible with the TM?
update we meu kjw meu
Hello all tried tonight when I got my we and the kj mag will not work now I have to buy more mags.
we meu/1911 use very similar interior design to tm hi-capa. You could actually fit a we meu/1911 mag into a hi-capa if you remove the base plate.
Also, the black we 1911 mag does not fit well in we MEU, nor socom gear novak next two tone. Sanding is required to let it fit well. Just another note, kjw meu mag also requires sanding to fit well in a tm meu. Not the other way around tho Note to self, stick with tm in the future. |
ok, just to double check the KWA KP45 will accept KSC USP.45 mags?
Magazine for socom gear novaks next 1911
What magazine is compatible with the Novaks next 1911 socom gear? |
mag compatibility |
I have a Novak Next two tone, it will accept a TM MEU/1911 magazine with some modification on the lower frame (more like mid frame) and magazine release. The slide works on a TM MEU/1911 and hi-capa, and works with their respective magazines. |
Tried looking for 1911 meu mags we but cant seem to find any. Are they actually rare?
i just got some tanaka p8's i was wondering are any other brand mags compatible with them
To refraise a question (I think?): what mags fit in the WE 1911 Tactical Carry Gas Blowback 4.3 Tan ( http://halifaxairsoftwholesale.3dcar...Tan_p_133.html ) and/or WE 1911 Tactical Carry 5.0 Black ( http://halifaxairsoftwholesale.3dcar...ack-_p_15.html ).
Thanks Stryrak (and everybody else!) |
WE 1911 mags.
Can someone please clarify this for me. KSC g17 or g18c mags will fit into the TM G18c???
And TM g17 fit into the magwell of a TM g18c? Thanks a bunch guys |
No, KSC and TM Glocks are not compatible.
cheers |
cheers |
WGC, Tokyo Model, RedWolf, UNCompany, Dentrinity, Airsoftparts
Did you try those..? |
i know its an old.thread but do socom gear mags work wit kjw m9?
I bought one and tested it and it seemed to work however after changing the inner barrel and test fireing it sems to vent the gas out but it works with the kj mag just wondering if its the mag or another issue so if anyone has confirmed that they do or dont work please let me know. thanks |
I believe Socom Gear M9's are WE.
Hate to keep pushing it with the 8 year old thread, but then again I didn't feel it necessary to start a new post over this:
Have any of you ever tried WE G17 mags with the KJW G23? According to this guy (http://www.airsoft-squared.com/revie...-g23-od-frame-), it fit tightly but it fed fine. I just wanted a second confirmation before I include WE G17 mags in my searches. |
Any one know what mags,if any are compatible with the Skelton sidearm ss226?
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