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BrokenBird October 2nd, 2009 14:57

S34P on sale
For the people who were not able to get their S34P on the last sale at CT, it is back on sales for 83.00$ don't forget to buy Bondo Fiberglass resin to solidify it before painting.

Ayashifx55 October 2nd, 2009 16:30

it was half price before but i was too stupid , so i didnt buy it.....

sarosh October 2nd, 2009 19:14

might pick one up..not sure yet i really want one..but im not sure how often id use it..mabey sometimes in cqb

Thenooblord October 2nd, 2009 19:40

how much they cost? they only cost 5 bucks each...

ZIG October 2nd, 2009 22:59

Just picked one up, still having my fun with it. I think i may get an extendable or full stock for it if i can

Forever_kaos October 2nd, 2009 23:17


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1076533)
how much they cost? they only cost 5 bucks each...

S34P Stinger, the Crosman shotgun with the shells.
Regular $119.99 or so, on sale for $80 ish.
Not sure where you'd find it for $5 lol.

sortie39 October 2nd, 2009 23:42

83 is still not worth buying unless below 50 bucks.otherwise,its clear stuff,pychologically,i feel kinder ridiculous~cuz you have to spend time to dress it up.

Steven October 2nd, 2009 23:44

It's a solid backup, dont know what's wrong with 83$. I'd buy it if i ever saw one on sale.

MillerBRo October 3rd, 2009 00:03

we have seen and used the TM, UTG, DE and Crosman M3 shottys and find them all to perform pretty much the same out of box. That said there are small differences to be sure- the TM and UTG use a double coil spring, the Crosman uses a single coil spring for example.

I paid $90 for my UTG and got my DE for only $50, but knowing how the Crosman performs I would buy one for $80 easy... and $5 of Krylon flat black :D

Steven October 3rd, 2009 00:05

Exactly, why pay more for a product that will serve you well as either a backup, or a primary for under 100$?

BrokenBird October 3rd, 2009 01:22

I just shot 30 rounds with it and I must say I am quite surprise by it.

I will reinforce the plastic with resin, and I will also work on the cocking to make it smoother. Overall a great buy for under 100$. a third of what I paid for my handgun...

diamond_SEA October 3rd, 2009 12:22

oo, back to my zombie killer project! anyone know of a compatible full stock?

cooney October 3rd, 2009 12:25

or better yet anyone know where to get a Smokey's front grip? I bought mine and shot over 30 shells worth (900 rounds).

Ayashifx55 October 3rd, 2009 14:57


Originally Posted by diamond_SEA (Post 1076851)
oo, back to my zombie killer project! anyone know of a compatible full stock?

Look for TM M3 stock, it is 100% compatible because it's an clone of it.


Originally Posted by sortie39 (Post 1076635)
83 is still not worth buying unless below 50 bucks.otherwise,its clear stuff,pychologically,i feel kinder ridiculous~cuz you have to spend time to dress it up.

It's a damn solid gun for 80$ i would say. My friend bought it and it's really like the TM M3, you can't find better for that price. It's a really great back up gun, it weights like nothing and
if you dont have a gun for cqb , here it is!

sarosh October 3rd, 2009 15:17

i just picked mine up looking forward to see how it works :D

sarosh October 3rd, 2009 15:49

quick there like a hop-up or do you have to work it in or something bc im not sure if it was just the wind or w/e but my bbs were separating far apart.

Tex October 3rd, 2009 15:49


Originally Posted by Forever_kaos (Post 1076619)
S34P Stinger, the Crosman shotgun with the shells.
Regular $119.99 or so, on sale for $80 ish.
Not sure where you'd find it for $5 lol.

he was talking about the shells but the person he was replying to edited out their "shells are too much money" comment.

Crunchmeister October 3rd, 2009 16:59

Then you got a damaged product. Return and exchange it before screwing with it, and reinforce the new one.

yuhaoyang October 3rd, 2009 18:08

anyone else get one with a cracked receiver?

sarosh October 3rd, 2009 18:56

i returned mine cause it was shooting like shit. i got the new one it fires waaaay better i am now pleased with it..except it didnt come with the 500 bbs(not that i would use those anyways). but i dont care im just gonna stick with it.

sarosh October 3rd, 2009 19:27

Where would u guys recommend buying shells for these?

yuhaoyang October 3rd, 2009 20:38

what parts did you guys apply resin to? Or recommend it being applied to.

Thenooblord October 3rd, 2009 21:02


Originally Posted by MillerBRo (Post 1076650)
That said there are small differences to be sure- the TM and UTG use a double coil spring, the Crosman uses a single coil spring for example.

false, the crosman uses a double spring too, and its performance is decent, but its still a pile of shit, know why I know? cause i have a pile of crumbled plastic beside me that used to be the SP34 mechbox

yuhaoyang October 3rd, 2009 21:26

actually it is a double coil spring. And what I was wondering is should I apply the resin to the mechbox shell too at specific weak points ><

BrokenBird October 3rd, 2009 21:44


Originally Posted by yuhaoyang (Post 1077038)
what parts did you guys apply resin to? Or recommend it being applied to.

When you take it apart you will notice that some part seems a bit weak, the transparent part next to the stock is weak and I have seen a few with cracks, that is where you want to reinforce the plastic,

yuhaoyang October 3rd, 2009 21:54

you mean the clear plastic buffer tube? ><

squeenix October 3rd, 2009 23:54

btw guys, what are the pros and cons of a shotgun as compared to an AEG?

yuhaoyang October 4th, 2009 00:08

So I put fiberglass on the whole reciever, and any part of the mechbox that had a corner I coated lightly. >< hopefully it lasts a while, having cost me $120 total....

L473ncy October 4th, 2009 00:44


Originally Posted by squeenix (Post 1077087)
btw guys, what are the pros and cons of a shotgun as compared to an AEG?

Nothing really. It's just different.

If you come from a paintballing background you'll see people running with full auto markers and others running with stock class markers. It's pretty much the same thing here. Some people like running with AEG's (95% of the population), others like running with pump action/stock class markers (the rest of the 5% of the population). The AEG is arguably more versatile in that you can shoot full auto, single shots, be a DMR, etc. (more variety in the positions you can play and more "noob friendly"). However a Spring shotgun is just that, a spring shotgun that you need to pump every time to shoot again. You have to have sharp skills, be able to think fast, and be creative. Running with a disadvantage (eg. neon jerseys (don't do this just an example), shotgun, gas pistol, etc.) will likely make you a better player in the long run as you tend to learn faster (since you don't want to be the first one killed).

The shotgun makes you look badass (IMO) so that's a pro albeit one thats open to interpretation (a rifle can look just as badass as a shotgun and it's all up to the individuals point of view anyways).

The shotgun offers a burst of BB's (3 shots). I guess that could be a pro too in CQB situations however at the same time in an outdoor game you'll probably have the same or slightly less range compared to an AEG (and the AEG can fire faster than you can pump) so it's not really an "outdoor gun".

DO NOT get the cheaper Crosman shotgun (I believe it's the one that comes in a package with a pistol). It's just as crap as the rest of their line. The only reason why the S34P shines is because it's a TM M3 clone.

yuhaoyang October 4th, 2009 01:22

actually this one doesn't have a hop-up... I think the range will be A LOT less than an AEG. Anyways, it's fun, and if you attach the sling it comes with only to the rear bracket, you have a nice one point, and you can hang the gun off to your side. Good back-up weapon.

cooney October 4th, 2009 01:31


Originally Posted by sarosh (Post 1077008)
Where would u guys recommend buying shells for these?

UTG shell cheaps, all my seem to function and survive a drop.

The TM shells never tried

yuhaoyang October 4th, 2009 02:09

I change my mind... Mine shoots 6bbs per cycle... damn...
yeah. anyways, maybe it's the shell...

MillerBRo October 4th, 2009 02:41

they must have done different runs because the Crosman 34P my friend took apart to fix his TM only had a single coil spring.

squeenix October 4th, 2009 11:20

This gun, how does it compare to the other lower grade non-crosman guns, like the kraken?

Thenooblord October 4th, 2009 11:21

one is an AEG and one is a shotgun, I hate to use a cliche, but apples and oranges
quality wise though, the kraken is lightyears ahead

sarosh October 4th, 2009 21:22

um so i traded mine in for a better one yesterday. the new one i got was shooting great. all of a sudden i tried it today and a. i noticed a small crack in the reciever and b. all of a sudden i was shooting like 5 at a time or 6, or 4 and then like 3 and i was like wtf. so i might keep it cause when it shoots 3 its pretty good. and kinda cool when it shoots like 4 or so. or i might write a letter to crossman complaining and see what they send me for free lol:P

yuhaoyang October 4th, 2009 22:00

yeah the receivers crack immediately, and the BB mishap happened already to me as well.
Mine shoots 3 or 6 lol. 6 most of the time though.

sarosh October 5th, 2009 00:04

i think my only option is to keep it lol cause mine didnt come with the bbs. so i cant return it to ct cause they'll be like u have to return everything even though i dont even have it. so i guess im just gonna be shooting more bbs lol

Spawn28 January 30th, 2010 17:22

Sorry for the necro but is there any pics as to exacly where to reinforce the receiver as i bougt one today and want to reinforce it also i have purchased the resin also.



Doombringer April 2nd, 2010 17:28

Anyone knows where I can get a stock for this?

The only M3 Stock I could find was the G&P one and it costs 100$ USD...

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