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April Fools - Airsoft Retreat Has Bought Airsoft Canada
I am happy to announce that Airsoft Retreat has purchased Airsoft Canada. It is a welcome addition to our portfolio of websites and has a nice repository of information.
Don't worry, we won't be shutting down your website, just adding it to our own. I'll be answering questions in the morning. Snicker (Aaron) |
think im gonna be the first to say....
So this means more Americans on here? Any new changes?
April Fools? |
ugh. Id on't know if I like the idea of a Canadian airsoft public forum being run by an american company? WTF?
I already see the homepage is fucked up. and your plastering the home page with your adds. Hows your shipping to canada? sigh all good forums end up like this |
I could be wrong but it smells like April fools shenanigans.
ihave to agree on the forum fucking up at the stroke of midnight on april fools...
Im guessing either:
a) hacked b) april fools joke started early c) real If it's real though, I'm outta here! I really believe though it's just an april fools joke.... |
Fuck off!
i say april fools!
Omg teh sky is falling.
This forum as well as Airsoft Retreat's has been messing up since around 6pm EST for me. It seems to be too early for this to be an April Fool's joke to me.
if it is a joke lisa dosent know bout it and its a real dumb joke aswell..... i dont think a site like this would play a joke like this....we are paying members that just got the jag???? dont think so.... i saw somthing on the news that some viruses are going to be released on april 1st.... this may be 1 of them or just a clingon that wants to be cool.
I welcome our new lizard overlords.
its a joke most likely, if lisa is saying it's a glitch in the other thread, you would think a mod would know what was going on here
Err, hah. I dunno, I'm quite dubious about this.
Smells Quote:
Well I was going to contribute... fat chance now lol. And in all your wisdom can ya get on the login issue, PM's are F'd tyvm
Arnie's is borked as well.....
All your base belong to us!!!! Bwahahahahaha
wow im having a hell of a time staying logged in. certainly say i was "fooled"
April 1st. Uh huh. At least come up with something believable next time.
Fuck you, internet!
i dont care if its a joke, its time to change email and log in information!
it MIGHT have been funny if this joke didn't cause so many problems and maybe leaked log in info....
its all conficker's doing!
Nice now I van't replay or make any new threads in here! WTF?!?
A joke? Why is my account all fucked up? I lost all permissions. |
Whoever just send me a PM I can't get it.
My INBOX is not accessible. When I try to take/mak PM's it redirect me to the other place asking me to log in... Hummm... That is getting obvious now... |
Even if I am using the secure line.
They know Cpt.Flan is an alien!
They've taken away his avatar/display picture!
Oh hai Americuh. Does this mean we can now order AEG from the US legally LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
*saying myelf to keep dreaming* Oh and I don't know if it's been said but WOLLLLLLLLLLLVERIIIIIIIIIIIINES (after all we gotta resist :D) |
It's Border Wars for real, lol!
Oh, it's on now...BRING IT! :D |
Errr...where's ASR? I go to airsoftretreat.com and it brings me to airsoft canada.
Hey there guys. I'm an ASR member. I have no idea what's going on but Sniker is really the creator of ASR, which concerns me. I'm hoping the user name he created on here is a representation that this is all a big April Fools hoax, as I would think he would want the same user name for both sites if this was for real. Just know that, if this is for real, most ASR members are going to be as pissed off as you guys are.
kempobmx1 |
Lol the thread creators name is April Fools. Also, the time could be different because of time zones, so where 'April Fools' lived it very well could have been April Fools when he/she posted if I am reading the date right.
this means slower surfing speeds?!?!?! HOW COULD YOU! I was going to donate to help keep this site up! But now.. :( |
Yes it was an April Fools joke. All your passwords are safe and the way the boards work they won't accept data from domains they are not supposed to be on (which is why you were able to log on via secure). We've been planning it for a few months. It was supposed to be a round robin between 4 sites, Arnies Airsoft, NL Airsoft, Airsoft Retreat and Airsoft Canada. The admin of NL Airsoft had a death in the family and couldn't participate (our thoughts are with you Ronald). Because Arnies Airsoft is in GMT (London, UK) we started earlier, (it helped confuse people for a bit too).
I came up with the idea from the April Fools joke that XKCD, Questionable Content and Dinosaur Comics played last year. I pitched it to everyone else and they thought it was funny and epic. The redirects were supposed to be going from Arnies to ASR to ASC, how ever some how Arnies' redirect wasn't allowing traffic to stop at his site so ASR and ASC pointed at each other. The idea of ASR buying ASC well that was something adlibbed by someone else and I thought it was hilarious so I ran with it. I think Snicker from ASR had already gone to bed at that time. At this point I've returned the ASC DNS entries to the proper numbers and things should be back to normal fairly soon. I apologize to those of you that freaked out about the joke. There was no virus, no trojan, no hostile take over, your passwords and PMs are safe. Jokes that got rejected: shutting down the site and saying that the RCMP seized the server - that's not going to happen, ever. Jarek from RedDragon Airsoft (or what ever it's called) buying ASC - I'm not sure I want to be responsible for what would happen to him. Airsoft officially banned, turn in your guns now - again not ever going to be an April Fools joke. There's others but they get less and less funny. Have a great day everyone. Lisa |
so does this mean all the asr members have to create a new account to post on here.i am a asr member and i just created this account
really sucked for people that had dealings and could only have comms through PM's!
I would laugh but I was too busy reformatting my hard drive for fear of it being compermised. Have a good day
Hackers are queer.
Fuck off loser. |
I was just an april's fools |
so many people were pwnt, successful april fools joke I say
Yah...I know :D
But what I said is still true. DON'T FUCK WITH THE ASC. |
well it got me i have been trying to figure out the problem for hours. good trick better than me covering the toilet seat with serane wrap for the wife this morning.
April fools
I'm pretty sure if an American company DID take over ASC it would be plastered everywhere including the forums and such, the joke was pretty well thought out and clever enough scaring freaking and generally confusing everyone.
though I did not have any problems receiving PM's or logging in. |
cant really say Im impressed, there was info in my pms that I wanted to access last night that I couldn't get to.(I don't think I would have cared if i
I was'nt a payed member). anyways Im glade it was a joke and its over. |
IMHO FUCK THIS JOKE! now we have to use this secure.airsoftcanada.com BS.. its as secure as tossing a pencil down a hallway.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...1linkuptop.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...softcanada.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...ft/noinput.jpg |
Airsoft Canada's service is provided "as is" without warranty implied or express.
That being said I find it funny that three quarters of the most vocal complaints come from non-site supporters. It's a joke. It's over. Suck it up. |
lol jeese guys.
1) anyone who went and say, formatted or spent the night searching for new uber viruses etc - seriously u guys are idiots - u know anything about computes ud know that a fucked up webby can't be done by an automated virus - far to complicated to switch www. addresses that specifically without human control - then take over everyone who logs into that website getting round every single virus program ever invented... need i go on lol? 2) anyone who did this and also had a decent virus scanner and firewall - even bigger idiot 3) anyone who thinks their life has been destroyed by not having access to ASC for 1 bloody night - even bigger bigger idiot lol - guys relax - our shit is safe and when u think about it - I'm sure the flamers are just pissed that they were taken in like the rerst of us haha nice one ASC! :P |
you pulled a joke that fucked with a lot of people who may or may not appreciate it. To expect that they wouldn't bitch is crazy. So to use your words, suck it up
Really had me confused it seemed to affect me first around my area and i was talking to others and even my internet service provider... Guess I should have realized its April 1st... Looks Like I was definitely fooled!! :)
Aww muffin does that Site Supporter badge give you the right of assholyness? I Support the site by being here and being active. Yeah Im pissed, Yes im venting, It was a good joke but all in all if its fixed then why am I still having probs |
If you're still having problems with asc.com resolving to the proper address, you should try using better DNS servers: https://www.opendns.com/start/
Wow just checked and seems like ASC has fixed itself.. looks like the little stupid mushy part behind the glass monitor figured out what button to push.. thanks all and good joke non the less. |
Sadly, here I am just reading this now at 0940hrs CST, and as much as I can appreciated that it messed with a lot of people freaking them out and such.......isn't that the point of an April Fools prank? Nice one Lisa et al, it looks like it caught everyone off guard LOL!
Seems fixed for everyone else, guess it just sucks to be you. There's even an easy workaround, but since you decided hostility was the way to go I'll let you figure it out. |
I'm relieved this horrible page was a joke :)
could we have a screen capture of this horror? I bet no one kept it. is it still accessible??? lol. |
LOL! Biggest joke ever... Brian got me all confused.
And I died laughing at the Jarek part. Anyways, now we can tell who the real chairsofters are. ;) |
I hope you get a bonus for that ;)
Oh well. Well done but not funny.
It's funny for a regular discussion forum but for a place whit a lot of commercial transactions it's not. And if it do happend in the future ( and believe me it's possible) people will think it's a joke? I saw whit my own eyes a WEB hacked in the past and they can retreive any personnal infos, credit card numbers, paypla accounts, pm's etc... I dont give a fuck if I can't acces a forum for a week. I am not a "chairsofter". All I care is about personnal infos been collected. And that happends and it's possible. |
I saw the "ASR bought ASC" thing on the homepage, and I was shocked/terrified lol. I read the first page or two of this thread praying to God it was a joke. Awesome April Fool's prank :D
I love this place. |
pretty funny...especially becauce people thought the sky was falling....hillarious
People still fall for this shit? It doesn't matter what happens, USA and China could formally declare WWIII, but if it happens on April 1st its not real.
Good to see people going nuts over an obvious joke though, nothing like a little doomsday panic to weed out the crazies. |
Dont do that, last time someone took over this site it cost me $20k, lol.
lol I forgot it was april fools I got home at 2:30 AM last night logged into ASC and it said ASR bought ASC I was like Meh, went to bed LOL.
Was more disapointed I couldn't read the forsale ads while my wife was sleeping LOL |
Hahahahaha marriage....sucker!
This should serve as a reminder to people that NOTHING is set in stone in the world of manipulated electrons. As much as you want to think it should be, it isn't and never will be. And seriously, don't play the "oh I needed to access information".... Like less than 24 hours.... come on! |
Lol I can't believe that people fell for the joke.
Your right 24hrs without access to info needed within the 24hrs is not the end of the world your right, but it sure wasn't Christmas either. My guess is far less regular members appreciated it, than the one or two that didn't mind.
April Fools is as funny as AIDS.
24 hours without access to info? The "joke" lasted for 8 hours.
If not having access to the site for 8 hours on a wednesday morning makes you that mad, go start your own site or maybe just get a life. I can't imagine anything that ground breaking that couldn't wait or be expressed through another medium. Its people that bitch about things like this that ruin it for everyone else. I thought it was funny, props ASC staff, don't let the crybabies get you down.
wow, i just actually ready the thread... I was like aww crap when i tried to sign on last night... but then in hind sight it was kinda funny. Now the hilarious part is some peoples reactions.. My god Lol.
Just stirring the pot, in case you hadn't noticed.:rolleyes:
I thought it was funny. It's not like we were being robbed of everything on the forums. I just thought it was kind of funny that an american site bought a canadian-based forum. Some people take things too seriously >_>
oh boy haVE I ever missed ASC. The funny thing is all those people who got fucked off about it. I'm still laughing. Good one guys I acctually thought it was gone over to the Yanks until I looked at the calender.
to all those who got upset over the joke... Hold your breath for about an hour. Now that's something to get upset about when going without. ha!!!!! |
Lol epic April Fool's prank :D I have to admit I was pretty worried though :P
I love this place. |
Just annoying.
You guys can tell me i have bad taste, but the idea Lisa came up with about the site being seized by the RCMP would've made me laugh so hard i'd piss myself. :P
Props to Lisa, but I agree it was a bit frustrating.
Yeah, I could see then how a lot of people wouldn't be too impressed with ASC.
I can't say i came up with the idea to pretend asc was seized, i nixed the idea when it was presented to me. it wasn't even on the consideration list. I remember with one scare there was some guy saying he burried all the airsoft in his back yard... |
Haha, nice one Lisa, but i have to admit, must have been a shocker to those who are retailers. :D
I always love a good joke and this one was funny enough :D ... but this one was also a bit buggy so maybe something not so difficult to manage next year. :rolleyes:
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