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The Under 600 Club
This thread for Loadouts/Guns that cost less than $600. Let's see your budget aeg's, sensible gear, and home made projects/innovations.
Hopefully members can post approximate prices of their loadouts. This thread could also serve as a resource for Newbies and cost-concious persons alike. I will start this thread off with a stock JG M733, surplus woodland BDU's, surplus webbing kit, a china made dump pouch, and 7 MAG midcaps. Total cost: approx. $560 (gear from Army Issue, mags/pouch from ehobbyasia) http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s...andLoadout.jpg |
No pics but not including guns I have:
CADPAT an IDF issued vest Boots and hydration |
Under $600? Peice of cake. Im a cheap bastard.
Kraken with bipod and barrell mag - $200ish CYMA Glock 18C - $100 Woodland Marpat Uniform (Parklands brand) - $50 Flectarn Chest Rig - $25 Flectarn PASGT Cover - $5 PASGT Helmet - $20 Radar Paintball Mask -$10 Total: $410ish. |
My sniper rifle's outer barrel and some barrel spacers! ... I can't enter this... Jesus is that an eye opener... Every time I go play I'm basically wearing over 600 dollars worth of gear (not counting guns) |
If I were to throw BB's, I could enter this.... My boots and my GBB alone would disqualify me. Wow. Is this an addiction?
I did the same thing... I put down all my bare gear... and GBB thinking "This should be just under the limit" turns out my vest, uniform, boots and hydration pack break the limit :( |
I am not a geardo/gear-head/gear-savy in any way. Don't know what button should go where, what rig has an extra smoke pouch on the weak side shoulder vs. which one has a pouch that'll hold a nalgene bottle... But I had to sort out all my gear because we renovated the basement and here's the damage... Full BDU's, hats, other: - DPM - Flecktarn - Multicam - Woodland - DCU - PMC?...don't know if you'd count that.. - 4!!!! (how that'd happen) sets of gloves - 4 shemags - 2 helmets - 3 goggles, 2 shooting glasses - 3 shooting/trainer belts - 3 slings - kneepads - misc rags/hankys/etc... - and a good old pair of Danner boots Rigs: - simple M4 chest rig - craptastic useless HK knockoff rig - Arktis DPM rig - Flectarn rig (LOL...haven't even had a chance to use this one....sad) - CIRAS - Wasatch - nice hydration pack - 2 226 serpas - dropleg holster - m4 subload leg rig - 226 6004 - an extra rubbermaid bin of misc pouches, straps, buckles, etc.... So...under $600? Not even close....but if you want the bare essentials get the best that you can afford of the following: - goggles - gloves - boots Go with the PMC look and load out with a Pantac or Eagle RRV (although the Pantac Wasatch is really quite nice). Spend the rest of your money on guns, ammo and fun times with your friends. Tys |
Under 600 that's like 1/3 of what I've spent on airsoft
Just my bare waterproof gear for airsfot is 500 |
I don't even have half my kit with me right now (it's in my locker), but here's a small spread of some day-to-day kit I use...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...9/DSC07137.jpg CPGear GenIII 64' pack - $320 CPGear Kidney Pouches - $50 Everything else...issued :D There's the odd thing like nametapes and kit mods that were bought, but all those items fell under $5 each. |
Custom Hicapa and....
Oh wait. I'm already over... |
I own way more gear than my first post, actually have an eagle pc on the way. I just assembled a package to give people an idea of what they can put together for under $600. If you're coming into the sport while in University (like I was) this would have been really valuable information to have when trying to get workable gear setup without breaking the bank.
For example, another under $600 kit of mine would be the new Gen.3 SRC G36c, a 3 point sling, and a pair of issued Marpat BDU's. (You don't need any additional gear because the SRC comes with 2 linkable 500rnd highcaps) I won't be able to enter my VSR or CA but you get the idea... |
I'm under as long as I only include boots, BDU, and vest and nothing else. God damn I've sunk a lot into this hobby.
How about we start an "under $1600 club" as then I will be able to participate :)
...else just measure reproductive glands and get it over with - who dies with the most wins anyway.
Can it be done?
HMM could I build an "under $600" loadout that would be decent..
Ground up Surplus boots $60 Surplus BDU (includes hat ) - $100 Cheap backpack ( food water ammo carry all ) $30 Mechanic gloves $30 Shemag $14 Googles ( PB) $45 Chest rig ( Eagle universal rig .. should be eveyone's first rig) $90 = 369 so I have $230 for a gun lets get Kraken! |
Hmmm...I think I could make an under $600 rig from what gear I have now that you mention it Brian.
G&G Cansoft M16A4 - $325 Surplus boots - $40 US Woodland BDU's - $60 Small OD chest rig I have - $150 Cheap Paint ball goggles - $20 ------- $595 Includes a really crappy battery and a single hicap for the M16, so really no need for the chest rig... What I normally wear: Drop Zone Multicam - $300 Danner Boots - $350 Plate Carrier - $200 Pouches - $250 Drop leg holster - $150 Hi-Cappa - $250 4x cappa mags - $120 16x M4 lowcaps - $160 ESS turbofan goggles with RX inserts - $300 Cavalvy Headset - $100 4W radio - $100 Blackhawk Gloves - $50 Pimped ICS CQBR - $1200 (roughly the same as my sniper M14 too) Hatch Knee Pads - $30 --------------- ~$3360 but I know I am missing a few hundred in there probably |
-DPM bdus (50$ for the set)
-canadian army boots (free:)) -JG beta with 9 locaps (415$) -4-cell chest rig with hydration pack(60$) -Shemagh (10$) And some other crap, i'm a lil under 600$ with the shite i normally run these days. |
Lets count the shit I have.
OMON (Blue Tiger Stripe) BDU Vest Balaclava Beret VSR (Early 97 Pattern) BDU Ukranian TTSKO BDU Helmet Soviet Afghan Afghanka BDU (Summer) Winter Parka Leather Belt Canvas Belt Leather Suspenders 4 Magazine pouch 2 Grenade pouch Flask and cover Winter gloves Ushanka Kepi Hat Mess Kit Lifchik Chest Rig + More and Growing Tropentarn (Desert Flecktarn) BDU Kylaska (Snow Blotch Camo) BDU Balaclava Flora RD-54 Harness Random Shit 3 Celled Chicom 4 Celled Chicom 1 Red and White shemagh 1 Black and White shemagh 1 White on Black shemagh Fingerless Gloves 6 Different and assorted hats + 2 drawers full of random gear (I haven't even counted the airsoft parts/accessories I have) Total? Around $2k added up, generally each loadout is under $300-$400 (Whatever I wear to games). |
You can get quite a lot of bang for your buck if you just shop at the right places.
CADPAT $80.00 MOLLE vest $80.00 MP5 triple mag holster x2 $60.00 Drop down holster $30.00 Goggles $40.00 Drop down MOLLE with dual pistol mags, radio holder and an extra holder $30.00 All of the above $320 How two words ARMY ISSUE! Boots $80.00 on sale JG MP5 with 6 low caps batt and charger incl.. $200.00 I'd tell ya how but then I'd have to kill you!!!! lol All said and done around $600. before the MAN takes his cut of course. |
My current load out:
Surplus Woodland BDU top: 30$ Surplus Woodland BDU Pants: 40$ Surplus Woodland Boonie: Gift from "Jamesbond007" Skillfully acquired CF Black Cadillacs: Nadda Some kind of weird black vest from army issue: 60$ Total: 130$ Weapons: What used to be a Tippmann AK-47 that was bought before I actually played. Now has a JG mechbox with quite a few upgrades with an Element Hop-up and I think a Mad-Bull 6.03 tightbore inner barrell. Shoots around 385ish but only have 2 mags for it at the moment. Total: ~280$ approximate or Tactical Force MP5 that has been reshimmed and has a spring taken from a CA m15. Shoots close to 375 and I have 9 mags for it. 260$ 40$ for mags total= 300$ Sidearm: Modified Bell M10 4 inch revolver shooting around 300 fps on propane Can't remember the price of this but it wasn't much. I prefer the AK but tell I buy more mags it's on the side lines. AK total goes to close to 500$ MP5 total goes to around 510$ I think it's probably more because of shipping and importing but I don't think that counts. |
My original setup was:
Cadpat Coveralls - $60 Paintball Goggles - $40 Cadpat Vest - $60 TM MP5A5 - $250 High Capacity Mags, battery, etc. - $60 and $30 worth of bb's - $30 $500 total. Now my current British loadout: Radio - $100 DPM BDU - $100 ICS L85 - $700 Tanaka Browning Hi-Power - $300 DPM PLCE Webbing/vest - $230 MK6 Kevlar Helmet and DPM Cover - $50 M4 Mags with H&K Trades (midcaps) x 13 - $90 Leather Holster - $30 Extra DPM Raincoat/Jacket - $30 ESS Advancer V12 Goggles - $150 So over $1750 for my british loadout. Working on my Desert Loadout which is probably more than my british/green loadout. |
Current (and only loadout):
Multicam BDU - $100 Multicam CIRAS - $160 JG HK416 - $450 (with mags and completely upgraded) Even then I'm already over $600 (not by a lot). With the stock JG and less mags I would be under $600 but I've invested some money onto making it a formidable weapon outdoors. If you throw in my GBB and other assorted random stuff I carry, it's probably up to around $1000. Even using a clone rifle and CIRAS, airsoft's quite the investment. |
us issued ACU- $130
US issued mopp suit- $70 AR cadpat-$100 desert boots - 100 US issued ACU complete IBA vest - $500 shemagh- $20 us issued boonie hat-$30 Arena goggles-$40 hatch knee pads- $35 upgraded TM m14-$700 Us issued ach helmet- 270 Misc pouches- 106 ICS AK74-400 ak mags-150 --------------------------------------------- = 25511 i still have to pick up some mag pouches, camelback hydration pack , issued ACH helmet, gloves possibly another AEG or a PTW in couple of months |
if you look at my indoor load out im close to 600...
tru-spec multicam-200 Pontac CIRAS- 150 TM hicapa 5.1- 250 hicapa mag -40 boots - 150 gloves - 15 face mask - 30 total: $835 ... christ i did not think it was that high... i forgot to add in boots, gloves, face mask, and extra mag when i was originally thinking of cost of set up... with out those i'm close lol :p |
My current load out, might close to 600 $, not include the gun.
First Option 01 Proper Muticam BDU set : 120 $ Condor Tactical Multicam MOLLE Modular Operator Plate Carrier Vest : 140 $ Desert Boot = 60 $ All pouch, blash belt, hydration = 200 $ Blachhawk CQC holste and Molle mount = 60 $ damn, it's 580 $ already. Still have more to add. Second Option 02 VFC SCA-L = 500 $ Proper Wood Land = 100 $ and now it's 600 $. ... damn, airsoft sure take a lots of money . those thing not include new magazines, or extra yet. |
I don't know how you guys can go over 600 so easily. All you really need to play is a reliable GBB and goggles.
Easy, most nice AEG's cost $600+ ;)
No to mention the multitudes of other reasons, what happens when it's winter or too cold out? GBB's don't work so well. |
Many of the best shooters at TTAC3 run a pistol and 2 mags , goggles and a hoodie... and dominate |
i like the idea of the thread cause its so unrealistic in terms of canadian airsoft. i mean, my stock TM M14 was 750 shipped and that was a steal! my upgrades for my M14 including labour came to that much and that is just my primary. dont start me on my MP5 project or my Kar98k. My gear probably came to a grand total of 700-800
My loadout:
Kraken AK47 with simple ups and battery: $250 CF OD BDU: $free CF surplus boots: $40 Alta Knee pads: $40 Shemagh: $15 Voodoo tactical chest rig: $80 Green hat/toque whatever I find: <$10 Random gloves: <$10 _________ Total: $445 Theres also other random things so lets say $500. |
35 posts....only 2 with pics. Thread move to gear discussion.
Cadpat: 180
Vest: 120 Kneepads: 25 Shemagh: 20 Gloves: 10 Holster: 20 Boonie Hat: 40 Boots: 30 Hydration Carrier: 50 http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...10-08_1901.jpg http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d9...4/IMG_0060.jpg |
HAHAHA... I spent over $6000 on toys... hahah... $600? HHAHAHA
Seriously, this was a thread about assembling full kits for under $600 and not showing off how much you foolishly spent on this hobby. No one cares that you spent your entire discretionary income on airsoft |
I could do a KSC G19, 4 spare mags, a BH SERPA holster (CQC), a 5.11 belt and 2 Uncle Mike's CQC mag pouches for 4 mags for $600.
My next step up is at least 10 times that. I could do a G23F in place of the G19 though. Or I could do the Huang blast belt, with a SERPA and some HSGI pouches for about the same money, with a G19 or 23F and 4 mags. http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/8...1070ck8.th.jpg |
aww sheesh... showoffs. I went over as well but a sensible build of the stuff I've seen in various stores
cheap second hand clothes from supply sargent (Edmonton) jacket-$29.99 mismatching pants-$19.99 some random multicam hat-$7.99 kraken with light internal upgrades-$200 "winners"(the store) work boots-$59.99 some weird goggles (still ANSI z87) $7.99USD capitalairsoft vest-$25 Total-$335 CDN-ish. My stupid M16... so far spent $700 |
Hey, Winners had some Oakley "tactical" boots in tan for $60. Hell of a deal if you ask me.
warbird, your bathroom wallpaper is so 70's
As for just a GBB being good...when going to games I sometimes see people who I guess have never played outside before and show up with a pistol or a stock MP5k. Like at Rawdon in Quebec where I saw people running around in camo pants and a t-shirt, a pistol, pistol belt, and 2-3 spare mags. They usually get so frustrated because they are so useless they quit early. On a calm day I can make one shot kills with my M14 up to 150' away consistently, like to see someone do that with a pistol, even CDN_Stalker and his G19. |
here five minutes looking around the nets and came up with this Pattern 82 web gear 45.00 Kraken 120.00 10 star lowcaps 35.00 Bdu’s 40.00 An ok set of hiking boots 70.00 Camelbak 35.00 with the exception of the mags all of that was found in country and im sure if i looked a little harder i could find the mags in country just as easy is it the best loadout ever? not really but it allows you to carry your ten mags and some water and whatever other doodads you need and its under 600 its more then enough to get you started (key word is STARTED) |
Oh oh I want to play too.
Lemme think Surplus boots $30 Surplus BDU top+bottom $50 A set of ArenaFlakJacket goggles. $35 Mechanix Gloves $30 Vest $100 Take your pick, prices are in american but it changes over to about $100 CAD Some are even cheaper. http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...-TNA_cat_Vests http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...-ODA_cat_Vests http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...37WC_cat_Vests http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...15OD_cat_Vests http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...-CBA_cat_Vests http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...-CBA_cat_Vests Cantene or hydro bladder depending on what vest you picked $15 Shemagh $15 And any $325 dollar gun or less from Bobs retail thread. Chop out the gloves and the shemagh and buy a box of kingarms mags instead. Total $600 CAD Unfortunetly prices do no reflect shipping or applicable taxes. |
Here my CURRENT loadout :
Flecktarn BDU = 40$ OD Balaclava = 7$ Primary : Remington Tac 1 Crossman Shotgun = 50$ Sidearm : Crossman Springer = 20$ Construction boots = Free Googles = 10$ My loadout to come : Flecktarn BDU = 40$ OD Balaclava = 7$ Primary : Kraken + Upgrade = 225$ Sidearm : Crossman Springer = 20$ New Battery and Charger = 70$ Construction boots = Free Googles = 10$ Yeah im pretty cheap. Maybe in the future I will add a couple of mags and a chest rig |
Neat Idea. Here's my load out:
AEG: $450 Mask: $40 BDU's: $60 Vest: $90 Total = $640 A little over though so not really under 600 per-se. Pics to come later. |
My new gears are in the mail so pics after they arrive but roughly $300ish shipped.
-Voodoo Tactical armor plate carrier -Molle shotgun scabbard -Molle double 40mm grenade pouches x4 -Molle double AK mag pouches x2 |
AEG $500
Marpat BDU - $30 Plate carrier with pouches - $30 Mp5 mags 10x - Dammit Couldn't do it. Maybe if i sell the AEG and buy some rubber throwing knives. Dollar store ninja kits for me in 2009 season |
Heres my contribution
http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/226/img0474.jpg Phantom Wasatch, with the spare pouches and Hydration carrier - $330 Tag Duty belt - $40 Tag Drop Leg Holster - $60 Revision Desert Locust Goggles - $100 (no cheapo clones there) Mechanix gloves - $20 Cadpat Boonie - $20 Alta Knee pads - $30 Total - $600 on the dot. Pretty good bang for the buck, I cant complain about any of the gear, the Phantom stuff is excellent quality for the money and I would suggest it to anyone starting out who wants an affordable vest thats not made out of cheap materials. |
I just picked up one of the Ebaybanned MAR (Land Version) CIRAS vests in CB. I will include it with another kit. Pics soon.
Motorola Saber programmed w/ comtac II's and an Eagle MBITR pouch.. 0o0o shit im over :( time to re evaluate ... haha
Ummm... this is kinda em-bare-ass-ing... but...
You forgot clothes... never mind the gun But I agree with the Pantac thing, great brand of gear for sure. Quote:
Glock and Serpa? How's that treating you? I hear that setup is prone to NDs, but have been too sketchy to try it out myself.. |
Unfortunatly thats all ive got to keep it under $600. I dont own a gun under that mark, and I currently am changing over BDU's so I dont have a set |
Also, this thread makes you realize how much money your gear (even just the stuff you're wearing to a game) is worth. |
No pictures sorry, and not totally complete for my first "outfit"
Bare with me here: 410$~CYMA Aks-74u 5$~Surplus green touque 35$~Surplus BDU Pants Working on: AK Vest:20$(waiting for PM) Goggles: 50$(need to go grab one) BDU top: 35$(havent found one in surplus store yet) Thats pretty much it at the moment. Still under 600 :D |
My origional setup
Galaxy mp5 ris (stock, Works well! fps = 330 w/.2) 300$ box of 5 mags 50$ Cadpat uniform 80$ (Least i think thats what i paid bought it off someone I know on my local board) German military boots surplus 40$ Cadpat Vest with Camelback 60$ (got a free Cadpat hat as well) Goggles 25$ from walmart Curling gloves Black 20$ (love em padding in all the right places save my hands a few times) total 575$ hell this buys me 2 bags of bastards for the gun and im still under 600$ Just proves if you look around you can do anything for under 600$ I'll be it my kit is way over this now, but this kit is still used sometimes (although I usually rent out the gun). |
Very true manny, just look around your local army surplus, Army and Navy, heck, even Vallue Village if your a cheap skate like me. You'd be surprised on what you can find, mind you it may not be a Molle Vest, just simply things like touques, gloves ect.
I was just poking fun at the insinuated naked play. Oh... that was a bad choice of words. But anywho, to keep me on topic I'll pick some kit: Gear; Generic Woodland BDUs: $50 Generic Black tac vest: $50 (also a green Phantom CMS-PC $90~) Goggles: Used JTs - $15 Guns; Primary: JG HK416 $400~ Ammo: BBbastards - $10 Mags: Couple locaps and mids - $80 = $605, so I'm a little over myself... plus little things like boots, socks, a Tshirt, propane, the secondary (if fielded), battery/charger, a hat, drinks, field fee... I remember reading something along the lines of "If you want a cheaper and less addictive hobby than Airsoft... try Cocaine." - They were right. |
Yeah ive only got the M249 Para right now.
Hell I could wear jeans and a T shirt and call it a PMC kit :) |
I was about to list everything I have and it's price but then I realized that I have more like $1000-$1500 and I still consider myself a budget player... wow... I have a JG (upgraded to shit) a shung yang gbb. and all cheap surplus uniform and good deal pantac vest.... Honestly before I really looked in it I thought my loadout was <$600... wow..
Black is a perfectly good "camo". Super cheapness at valuevillage =p. $10 bucks for a black jacket, and $7.50 for black combat trousers, $1.50 for black touque, and $2 for black gloves, then you can carry a fake katana and chop people's heads off! =D
Wow this is a real eye opener. I'm just a tad over $600.00. In less then 1 year Ive spent $3000.000. lol.
People can play airsoft and only spend $600.00!?!?! I think I MAY have a problem.
I guess my cheapest load out would be...Taliban I don't know the actual names, but, basic afghan wear...you know The robe/shit thing, vest, hat. And then with a chicom. However, my ak74, I spent 630 on it. so you know... |
I don't know why poeple are so intent on buying a JG gun, then spending another $400 on upgrade parts. Why not just buy a FMU CA and a m110 spring? JG's are definately playable as is.
I have had mine for about a year and a half. I've played in snow, rain, and mud...ALOT of mud, (like "mud inside the gun body" muddy) So far it has seen well over 20,000 rounds through it with only standard cleaning and lubing (silicon oil for $5) It still shoots 350fps with .2's and hasn't had any issues/malfunctions/failures yet!! My TM broke twice since I bought this gun. Talk about money well spent. |
Eagle Ciras in CB..... I lose. |
ROFL my new vest alone is $470..
I guess i was the biggest loser in this thread, but now that i sold almost everything... i guess i win :D
0oo0 we can play bud ;) don't make me start listing off the SOE stuff ;D |
dont get me started about winning or losing......... gear was kind of an obsession........
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