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Help me with this deal please
Hey, I am getting a TM psg-1 for about 600 dollars worth of trades.
I am not paying much out of pocket for this so it seems like a good deal for me. Here is the issue. I have a guy who wants the psg, he will give me TM m4 (stock) with Tasco red dot sight. for it. is this acceptable? the psg is near mint, never used the m4 has been used once or twice. (apparently) the tasco red dot is brand new please let me know your opinions on this trade. |
well i figure since im out about 500-550 (non cash)
all trades, for the psg1, not bad... but thats why im asking here. i hear the psg are hard to get rid of. Not many have use for this gun aside from collecting and such. i also hear the psg used is worth about 500 max? what is a good quality used m4 with tasco red dot worth? |
the tasco is really not much
the tasco you can get at any cantire for like 40$ and unless it comes with a carry handle mount, its completely useless. i have never owned psg but i think you are getting the raw end of the deal. |
PSG1 sells for $830 on 007 new.
M4 is $450-$500 depending on the model Tasco scope is $40 at wal mart or cdn tire. If you want an AEG sniper, and want the PSG then just stick with your deal. If they guy came behind you in the offer to buy, then he has to wait until you back down. |
excellent thanks for the input, i just want everyones opinion on this matter
so the psg issue- its not good for sniping i hear, cause it performs no better than your average AEG right? the m4 is tried tested and true, someone equated the m4 as the "honda civic" of airsoft...very upgradable, very reliable....correct? |
also, how much would it cost me to make this m4 totally metal?
or mostly metal...im just worried about the all plastic design. and what do i need to get this thing up to about 400 fps? |
A stock PSG1 is basically a semi-automatic M16, but it can be heavily upgraded to match the Springer Bolt-actions, or so I've heard. Trading it off for a used TM M4 is nowhere close to being fair. The guy who's offering to trade you the M4 is taking advantage of you, as you aren't familiar with the value of each.
As for upgrading an M4 to full-metal, probably around $200 depending on what you get and from where. To get it to 400fps, probably $100-$150 if you get good quality parts, but again, it depends on what and where. |
tight, so many opposing views!
so it sounds like i should hold the psg and put it on the classifieds here... if i ever get verified...lol |
It depends on your play style, really. If you're into the whole sniper thing then don't let anyone tell you it's not "practical" in airsoft, because there are ways you can make it successful. The M4 is extremely versatile and can be upgraded/modified to fill absolutely any role, plus after-market support is readily available for it.
But it really all comes down to what you see yourself doing in Airsoft. If you ever want to participate in CQB, you may be better off with the M4. If you'll only ever be out in the woods and fields to play, then go with the PSG-1. Mind you, the M4 can be upgraded to be a pretty decent sniper support weapon. |
killer, thanks for the help everyone
i think i might keep the psg-1 and try to get a better deal on these classifieds, instead of trading straight up for the used m4/rds seems to make more sense...agreed? |
Like I said, personal preference. If you're asking me what I'd do, I'd take the M4 in a heartbeat.
Personal preference has nothing to do with $ value. I'd rather have an M4 AEG than a Sniper Rifle, but regardless, I wouldn't trade a PSG1 for an M4 that's worth half the value just because it's automatic.
If he gets what the PSG1 is worth, he'll have a lot more fun. |
im just new to this and dont want to get the really short end of the deal...i hate being ripped off lol, dont we all.
Grab the PSG1 definately. For sniping it does have an advantage over AEGs - it operates precocked, i.e, the spring is compressed, you pull the trigger and it immedietly fires, instead of winding up first like an AEG.
Keep the PSG1, buy a used M4 here, and keep both. M4 for medium ranges or even CQB, and the PSG for sniping. I sure as hell wouldn't mind owning a PSG1. |
good call, cant wait to see this psg1 i hear they are striking
Getting it full metal (Just a metal body you want?) is going to cost anywhere from $150-$250+. |
The PSG 1 is a gorgeous rifle, but it's a pain to upgrade. If you leave it mostly 'stock' it should work fine.
Since I guess you already have it, dont sell it for a used gun that would be half it's normal value. I would strongly suggest you do not upgrade it unless it is broken. Just learn to tune it properly (hopup and all). If you get another AEG, do not make the mistake of trying immediately to upgrade it. Most of the time the gun will become a money-pit until you have the actual experience with it to know what's good. Play for several months first. |
lol thanks!
and YA IM PICKING PSG-1 UP TONIGHT! sooooo excited! |
ill post some pics tonight
You know, there IS an edit button for each post you make, you don't have to make double posts.
But yes, congratulations on the PSG-1. Is it the one that was on craigslist for a while? |
If you dont have that PSG1... dont buy it. It's really not worth getting as a first gun for a new player.
Be patient (like a sniper). Get age-verified and keep an eye on the Classifieds. |
Or, if he is getting it brand new for only $600, sell it for $700!
basically ya, the price im getting it for is soooooooooooo good, so im gonna keep it for a while and use it as a nice bartering chip.
as for the psg and craigslist, no clue, i found it elsewhere. |
Just so you know for the future so you dont receive any unwanted flaming. BTW, I dont mean to come across as an ass:) |
i hear you, i will remember that.
Question are you sure it's a TM because i think 1 or 2 other cheap compagny made them...
If you haven't see the trademark. Check this first before playing with it because it's possible that you have been ripped off :) |
nice call man!
where is the trademark? this comes in original box/manuals/parts all origina;l i am not buying till tonight |
Trademark are in general on the frame or the barrel.
Sure the box,manual and all thing can be there but if he want to trick, it can be pretty easy. Check that ! One side probably H&K trademark and other side Tokyo Marui (in general) If someone as more info on this it can be great, don't take this for cash but check it ! By the way, you are not age verified so this is my last reply ! (in this topic of course) |
thanks, well im not selling in here just asking abo9ut it so im sure its ok.
so basically i will check the barrel for the trade marks...? i just spoke to some other airsoft people, they all agree that there are no clone psg-1 anyone confirm that? |
http://www.priceminister.com/offer/b...oft-Psg-1.html Amazon.com: PSG 1 Sniper Rifle Airsoft Auto Electric Gun: Sports & Outdoors Don't know where they search but here, 2 spring powered and one electric (last one) maybe more. I've just checked the 2 first pages of my research on google......(yes i have replied) |
It's noteworthy to know that Aqua's PSG-1 is quite unique. In the sense that you probably have the world's most upgraded psg.
If that PSG-1 just disappeared off the face of Earth, I think the world would collapse on itself. Aquamarine and his PSG-1 is the Atlas of Airsoft. |
Haha Aqua PSG1....maybe a he could create a FAQS topic on his story maybe write a book.....The Legendary PSG-1 sure nobody can get a better one !
hahaha nice, good to hear
well i will post pics at around 6pm tonight after i fire off a couple rounds... does 300 fps hurt? i want to shoot myself to test it, specially cause ive never taken an airsoft bb before, so im worried i will trip out if im in my first skirmish and have never been hit before lol.. |
Put your hand at like 1 feet to the cannon and shoot :)
This is the only way to test a missfire from a face to face on a corner. Everyone one have done this before....yeah.... It's like an auto-initiation.... Only one way to go !!!!!!!! |
1 ft away???? are you nutz?
lol i figured about 6ft away that way i dont bleed lol |
i'm not nutz, i wear my google when i do mine :)
After that you can rush in an embush with less fear because a sniped shot (450fps) on a nuts isn't great....i think....just a feeling ! |
any tips on calibrating the scope?
or is it a fixed scope? |
I shot myself a few times with different AEGs and GBBs at different range.
One of the worst was almost point blank with my MP7 on my leg when I was wearing jeans on a cold day. Or my hand with my SR-16 when it was at 400fps... If you wish to mutilate yourself, just be prepared; it will hurt. And don't shoot yourself at sensitive places like nuts, eyes, ears, mouth, nose and into your *****. |
hahaha lol, but safe enough with 300-350 fps at about 6 ft, to get used to the feeling for games?
here is a pic, does it look real? is this pic enough to tell? http://img140.imageshack.us/my.php?i...4088399zb9.jpg |
''Into your *****'' wow you better not have a shaking hand when pulling the trigger ! :D Don'T be chicken, 1ft is enough, you don't know make the worst first after that anything else is ok ! |
Well when I shot my *****... uh I mean, when my friend did that he didn't have shaking hands...
djbordie, just shoot yourself at 1 foot, you'll know how bad it can hurt right away. and as for 6 feet you'll know once you play. |
If you have like 2 or more mags, fully load one up, leave the rest empty, scatter 'em around, close your eyes, load a mag, aim and shoot your self, if you are feel pain after pulling the trigger.. you win!
hahahahah russian roulette
this has turned into a funny post lol someone check that picture i posted ^ see if you can see any trade marks or anything distinctive |
Sure TM PSG1 is not a noob weapons so i just don't why you have taking this ?? Sure it's deal but damn this is not a starting airsoft gun !
its basically free!
so its not to start with dude, it is my bartering chip for other guns once i get age verified!!! |
If your are going to sell it, contact Aquamarine pretty sure he's going to take it to feel what a stock TM PSG1 can do :D :D :D :D
Dont shoot yourself. Get someone else to shoot you. As long as you trust them with the gun. How much it hurts is dependant on your opinion on pain.
I almost dont notice a 40 foot shot in the chest, but from 10 feet a shot in the ear lobe or face, oh yeah, I notice. It stings for a split second, but the sensation of realisingng you got shot and you have to drag your ass back to respawn takes the pain away. I can attest that Aqua's PSG is a beautiful piece of craftsman ship and the man behind the gun is just as beautiful. I can confirm those across the skating rink shots, I was his spotter that day. The gun is amazing and with the flick of a switch shoot liquid bolts of sex. As for 500 bucks for an M4, sure that will get you an M4A1 or something like that, but you dont want that , you want an S system or an RIS. Those will range about 600-700 dollars. Rails man, its all about the rails. |
thanks for the great response!
it is always all about rails of course |
Interesting reading indeed! |
indeed they do lol...
well im off to get this psg! ill post pics if i take it.! |
Chapter one of Aqua's PSG 1 book would look somthing like this, well atleast how I interpret it atleast.
Sex, dildo, cake ,pie, dildo dildo Japan dildo, but plug, sex sex sex, anal lube, sex sex dildo dildo dildo, bondage, dildo dildo dildo, PSG 1, sex sex sex, upgraded, sex sex, dildo, sex, TokyoSevens sex store, mexican food, dildo dildo dildo anal beads,super powerered hyper shock labia extender 9000, dildo dildo dildo, powerful fps, Japan, sex sex sex sex, dildo dildo dildo, Japan, BBQ, anal beads anal beads anal beads, sex, bananas, nipple rings ,M95 flash hider. |
Now you type sex or dildo on google and the first on the top is your post !
First thing I got for dildo was wikipedia
And sex was sex.com dildo dildo dildo sex.... |
I think we are more than helpfull now. We deserve a Respect points + 1 !
Just remeber if you decide to keep your PSG, treat it well, their are good solid AEGS out of the box, they may not have the sniping power of most, but still its a good gun while stock. Even though its a semi gun, you may want to think about an additional magazine, and batteries.
And to think all this worrying simply over the gun, what about a sidearm? or *gasp* your choice for gear? All in due time, enjoy your AEG and be sure to make use of the resources available on this website, our search option works ok actually. Hopefully you'll find and enjoy a roll in airsoft thats fun to you, be it whatever. |
Always wear your googles when you test and if you want to get range you can lub your hop-up with filtred water...
For some reason, it feels like my nipple is leaking. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
I sorta made a song about Aqua's book, that dildo dildo dildo sex sex lube dildo sex lube thing...
It's stuck in my head now.... dildo dildo dildo sex sex.... |
You forgot the super powerered hyper shock labia extender 9000
dildo dildo sex sex lube sex dildo sex m95 flash hider labia dildo dildo sex sex...
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