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Dboy's AK74U - ACM Gun of the year?
Wood frontset, steel body. steel flash hider, steel sight |
how much :|
Probably not that much...
Around 100-120 USD.
:( :( :( I also hear good things about the upcoming Unicork AKS-74U. All steel/wood. Has a more proper color on the pistol grip too. http://www.russianmaniaworkshop.com/...AKS74UCG&cat=6 $135 US at RussianmaniaWorkshop. O, Canada! :( |
w/ the current situtation regarding the limited amount of importers, that will be jacked up to $450-$500 easy. But still a pretty good deal considering it's all metal, assuming that the internals are decent. Dboys has also released the AK74SU under the "Kalash" brand name, perhaps signaling that they want to seperate this product from their main brand name. Whether it because the product itself is subpar, or much much better than usual for them, necessitating the brand spinoff remains to be seen.
Ref the unicorn; I've seen the unicorn eotech 552 replica and the QC on it was complete bullocks - so I don't have alot of faith in their ability to build a complete AEG that is reliable at this time. |
Man i want a AK74 now... between this little sexy thing and the CA all steel one.... mmm
I'd sell my G36 for this. Without a doubt.
I do have a CM031 I'd love to trade for a G36c*, But I'd totally go with this thing instead. The Goldeneye factor is too great. KF7 action, baby.
*(don't even ask until my age verification goes through) |
Ah, here it is: http://www.gunnerairsoft.com/catalog...cae3907f76655d and confirmation from a second source: http://www.russianmaniaworkshop.com/...AKS74UCG&cat=6 The only thing that really bugs me is that with AKS74U models or kits now available from VFC, CYMA, Boyi, Inokatosu, Guarder and Unicorn, it's become the M4 of non-armalite weapons - everyone and their dog will have what was once a pretty unique piece. |
Shit, at even 450, who can resist a FMU...correction FSU AK folder?! |
If that thing is steel and wood and costs 120 USD it must have REALLY bad internals.
I'm totally agree with Ancorp
concerning Gearbox type 3 for AK Cyma gearbox are as good as marui for me, ACM gearbox like Jing Gong are better than marui I have a cyma at 280 fps for 16 months and no problem another cyma at 370 fps out of box, no problem since 8 months and a jing gong first gen 270 fps for 12 months and no problem (new gen gearbox are better and shoot around 360 fps) my marui at 380 fps with systema part has 3 years with no problem, I don't know if ACM gearbox will work as long, this is the only point where marui could be better.... In my association there is lot of ACM and the problem are not caused by the gearbox, often problem are from battery (bad quality) or electric wire concerning the unikorn, as already said, this is just a kit but HK shop put ACM mechanic (like Cyma) in order to sell more there are 3 ACM AK74SU announced actually (cyma CM035, Dboys and unikorn), lot of people think that some of this are made in the same factory and we think that Cyma and boyi use unikorn kit, but we wait confirmation for the wood and the metal of this AK, this is better than VFC but not as good as Inokatsu but when you see the price of an inokatsu.....:smack: |
http://aasurplus.ca/airsoft/product_...roducts_id=209 for sale at AA but none in stock right now
shall we all migrate to the United States?
the chinese ones should be signifcantly cheaper. |
I like my free healthcare. I think I'll stay here... |
Aye to that, ^.
Friggin' CS lovin', sig spammin' troll. |
When I lived in BC a few years back I actually had to pay for healthcare. |
concerning this AK
unikorn kit seems have problem with the bolt system and the wood is not good Quote:
Cyma 035 use bolt system of CM028 type AK47...... lot of people thinks that the Dboy is the best ot the 3 |
I would buy one or two of these bad boys, cyma stuff is good. I use one.
It would be nice to have an ak sub machine gun. But I think 400+ is far too much for it. |
Does anyone know anything much about the Echo 1 AK CPM?
All i've heard about it is that it has CYMA 031 internals. |
so huang, will you be bringing these in?
A very interesting buy, what do others think about this gun?
Very tempted to buy this and replace alot of the internals. Would be great for CQC. Shootsoft.ca has them in $440 shipped. |
So its has the same internals as cyma hmm think i might sell my TM ak to get this one or another cyma ak good idea? I was also wondering if you could put on a butstock like the mauri one so it can hold a larger battrie ?
Cyma CM035a is best deal,here in South-Africa cm035a costs about R1650 (206.25 USD)it cost a bit more here because customs don't like AK's at all.
Here in China the wood version costs about $85 and the plastic grip costs about $70. The extended barrel version is the same price.
There are also two versions, an early one and a later release, but I'm not aware of what's changed. I still haven't got around to getting one, though. |
Bit of a necro, but I just bought one.
Easily the best gun I've used in a while- went to a game versus three guys with stock TM AEGs, the gun easily aced all of them. While it apparently may need a bit of an internal cleaning- I have no idea where the hell this thing gets its range or accuracy, it beats my upgraded TM STEYR AUG with an m16-length barrel. |
I think the D-BOYS AKS-74U will be my next gun. I already have the Unicorn and just picked up the CYMA one today, and so far the Unicorn is my favorite simply because it's actual blued steel. The CYMA seems to be a one for one copy of a TM system down to the Phillips head screws used to hold the trunnion to the receiver, and is mostly pot metal. Still a nice gun but doesn't look as business as the Unicorn. I'm curious to see how the D-BOYS stacks up.
i been wanting one for a long time now. the kalash version runs for about $136 down here
Kalash = DBoys. Haven't seen a whole lot up here, they're on the board occasionally but always $400 and up. I can't justify more than three bills and change for a Chinese clone regardless of quality. So far I've been quite satisfied with my CYMA and Unicorn, the former getting the nod for most games because of its reliability. But, hot damn, does the Unicorn just simply look awesome.
yea werent you the one that had a thread a while back comparing the two together?
Dboys is famous for shite internals. ESPECIALLY with their AEG's.
Its gotten soo bad to the point that many of the bigger and more reliable AEG retailers in the US wont even carry them due to the constant issues these POS's are having. My suggestion is to STAY CLEAR. |
well then how did a "POS" become gun of the year?
I'm still waiting for someone to come out with an AKMS... |
Lanceran on here has one of these and it is a fucking sweet gun for the price, all metal and wood, decent fps and accuracy, y the hell not?
the rear sight block is even made so u can fit a longer stick battery in the handguards, really good package for the price, basically the only mods or upgrades would be to the internals, no exterior mods necessary imo, try buying a tm ak that only needed internal mods in stock form, they dont fucking exist. |
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