![]() |
I watch too many action movies.
Awwww yeah.
Though pointless and inefficient as hell, I finally submitted to the insatiable want to dual-gun with fancy chrome pistols. I'm too much of an Equilibrium fan to pass up. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...Cougars003.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...Cougars002.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...Cougars001.jpg Don't mind the getup, just got back from something formal. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...Cougars007.jpg Guns- dual Western Arms Beretta Cougars, one of which is outfitted with a flow-restrictor and a homemade hammer spring upgrade. The other shall have both fitted shortly, soon as I can find the appropriate allen key. |
Dude, those are definitely two of the sexiest GBB's I've ever seen. Nice job.
Also, your 4th pic looks like something out of the Hitman series. |
Why, thank you.
Need the red tie though, and never seen Agent 47 with a flower. |
Lol, the flower would work if you had a flower box with a Spas 12 inside of it.
That would work- I need a Spas 12.
As well as being an Equilibrium/Hitman fan, I also play Postal 2 every once in a while. You're right. Either way, AUG should get here soon. |
It's not too many action movies until you post a video of a Castor Troy double reload.
Dual M9s or 1911s are more impressive :p JK! Those cougars are pretty hard to come by so I guess the fact that you have two should be impressive in it's own right ^_^ hahah
Pretty suave shot with those gloves :p |
Dude ........ you gotta go to an indoor CQB game dressed like that and weilding dualies.
Personally i'm more of a "A Better Tommorow" fan so i'd do the Chow Yun Fat dress style with Berretta M92's :P |
Yeah, they're pretty damn hard to come by- discontinued half a decade ago, so this is pretty damn lucky. Quote:
http://www.saunalahti.fi/frog1/wavs/wheee.wav |
That game is so retarded, but it's so fun some times. |
Have you charged your lazar today?
I used to rock two Mac11's on the field, don't worry, we all get that urge, but only some of us act on it haha.
I think I got rid of them a week after I played with them. haha |
I saw you drop one! >: )
here's my response to your dual cougars with dual glocks 18c and 19
http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/9715/dualax0.th.jpg http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/3110/dual2ad1.th.jpg |
Lol @ trigger control.
I like them, but honestly I like matching handguns. Still, they're good. Also, how'd you get the fake shell in there? I'd expect the feed lips would get in the way- I'm assuming they're Airsoft by the fact that the URL says they are, and this is an Airsoft forum. Also, Yan, I HAVE charged and fired mah lazor today. Shoop da whoop. And Postal 2 is hilarious, beat it once already and am trying to pick up a copy of Apocalypse Weekend. Can't wait for Postal 3. Quote:
was gonna chime in sporting 2 mp5's but nah....:D
ya they are nothing but airsoft pistols. I got the dummy round in by letting the slide keep it in place. You're absolutely right, the feedlip was in the way so I took out the mag.
I love dual MP5s, that's the first time I actually dualed (actually hit two people, including a really pissed off -SWAT-. Got hit twice though, in the short period of time I was doing it). Actually, the second was a G3 SAS. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...Picture041.jpg That game kicked ass, pity I lost my FA-MAS mag in the bush somewhere. Also, Underground, that's classy. I'll have to pick up some .45 ACP shells and try it with these, they look great. Kudos to whomever can count how many guns there are on me, even more to those who can identify them. |
When i get my digital cam back up ill take the pic. Ones an TM mp5 with collapsible stock and the other an ICS mp5 with fullstock.
amazing duals, I hated the cougar up until 2minutes ago and now I want one.
How big is it if you compare it to lets say a Glock 19? |
I want one, id put a silencer on it though
It's a pretty compact gun, but I'm more then suprised about the range I get with it- outranges my friend's Marui M4 easily, and I haven't even adjusted the hop-up. As for silencers, I'm looking into threaded barrel adaptors but I can't find one- the clamp adaptors wouldn't work because of how little the barrel sticks out the end of the slide. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...Cougars008.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...Cougars009.jpg More eye-candy. I'm looking into a pair of universal trigger-guard mounts and a matching red and green laser. A pair of compensators http://www.ksc-guns.co.jp/ksc_cart/pic/N330.jpg or such may be in order. Something like a cheaper, more reasonable version of http://www.tjgeneralstore.com/BS-P7-P8_OL_15.jpg should do great, and a UT1 barrel mount http://www.tjgeneralstore.com/Beamsh...UT1_mounts.jpg fits perfectly. There are no threaded barrels made for Cougars, so that's out of the question for now. Matching left-and-right holsters are a must, just gotta find a decent price for some good ones. |
More eye-candy- this one loadout related.
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...dDinner017.jpg Milforce MOLLE MOD II plate-carrier http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...to/Suit001.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...to/Suit005.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...to/Suit006.jpg |
Very sexy. As for doubling up with Glocks, although I'm a big Glock fan, double Glocks just doesn't look as bad ass as double Berettas.
10 free Internets for you. Also, thanks- you see dual-Glocks a lot, they've gotten a little old now. |
oh man, i love the hitman look, that would be swwet for indoor. i love cougars, i wanted one before i got my usp, ive only seen one nbb cougar for sale though.
i think i counted 6 guns on you potato and that famas in your hitman pic looks very nice. |
Wow, an NBB Cougar? Never heard of them, EBBs though. Also, I think there's a KJW Cougar in the Classifieds somewhere, I think. $200. Actually, 5 that game. I own 6- 2x WA Cougar Customized FA-MAS F1 Mac11 (with -SWAT- for now) Marui AUG Miltary (enroute) Hi-Capa 3.8 (was for sale, taken down now because I like it. I'd trade it for an M84 though.) I really, really want to get a WA M84FS Cheetah though. Can't find one for sale, that's the problem. Need a compact with a silencer to seal the deal- a Cheetah would be great, I'd install the metal kit and threaded barrel afterwards. |
Wow, that getup is awesome with the gas mask. Even shirt & tie with plate carrier is amazing :) Love the cougars.
holy fuck! That pic with you in your gas mask (s10?) reminds me of that part in hitman:contracts (last mission, I think... ) , where you gotta get outta the hotel :p
Man thats an awesome loadout. The plate carrier isnt a bad idea actually. Just line it with shingles so you can reach and just pull mags off, then when you fulfill your contract, you just walk out. pull the cable, and throw it in a dumpster. badda bing.
Ive got a wedding to go to here on the weekend, maybe ill a-cook-a-sumthin up. |
Why thank you. I just bought the Hitman trilogy to celebrate getting an awesome loadout together, they're good but I keep getting impatient and blazing my way through things.
I'm having difficulty finding a way to fit the two handguns and mags on the vest though, ends up looking lumpy and mishappen. I guess it's probably because I'm using dual mag pouches to hold the Cougars, I need something close to my body. |
http://arniesairsoft.co.uk/news2/wp-...AHARDBPREL.jpg Western Arms SCW Ver. 3 AMT HardBaller (Long Slide) $229.00 |
ahh man this thread is makein me want to make a hit man load out
with these http://www.007airsoft.com/products/p...ages/20036.jpg |
I love it, but I'm a Hitman fan to an extent- I like the concept but not going to replicated it completely. I've always been fairly adverse to 1911s. Thanks though, in case these games suck me in any more I'll be sure to go to here as well. Also, Philstructo, please do. The loadout looks amazing, it's definately a change from BDUs and camo. |
Bob, you selling one of those Cougar?? I missed the ones on the classifieds by a few days and I really want one :P
However, if I ever stumble across one I'll definately refer them your way, and'll tell you if I ever change my mind. Great little guns they are, said by many to be one of WA's finest. Still, looking for a WA M84FS and/or some concealed-carry holsters to finish the loadout. |
Since this is kind of my Hitman loadout thread, here you go.
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...ithsuit002.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...ithsuit001.jpg |
*chant* bald head. bald head. bald head.
I wish, but I'd look too awful. I'll stick with my hair, thanks. Better to look like a semi-stylish hitman then Agent 47 himself. |
*chant* bar code. bar code. bar code.
whys no one ever grow there hair long and slick it back like a rich ittalian guy?
Now all you need is a W2000. |
and Kos, thanks. Just looking for a better hat, a fedora seems to do the trick a bit better. http://www.jimsformalwear.com/images..._ex_fedora.jpg seems to work. I'd love a WA2000, pity that they're all so bloody expensive. Let's wait for a Chinese company to churn one out. |
Lol, that pick with the aug is awesome... IMO, it seems more 1950's gangster. you look like you should be wielding a tommy gun with a drum mag ;)
All the same though, those are some nice pics :) |
Actually, I was thinking of one of these- http://www.army.lt/guns/gallery/M018.jpg for Resident Evil lulz. A tommy-gun would be kind of redundant, I'm a poor University student that's spent more on coursebooks then Airsoft guns in total. However, I'm making a little trip to Hong Kong this summer to get la creme-de-la-creme of classy Airsoft guns. http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~gun/gun_pi...nch-wood01.jpg Oh yeah. Just have to find a retailer to import it, I've already E-mailed Ken from 007. Not to mention find a Hong Kong retailer that has it in stock, which is proving to be more then a little problem. Damnit, I wish people had these locally. |
The Red9 is a piece of shit. I can't believe I sold my punisher for it... >_<
Trust me, an upgraded Red9 is your best friend in that game. |
http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~gun/gun_pi...gnum/umb01.jpg http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~gun/gun_pi...gnum/umb02.jpg REVOLVER! Fuck yeah! Importing this through a retailer, should be here fairly soon. Just put a downpayment down on it :p Tanaka revolvers are amazing, but this'll be more a showpiece then anything else (as the title shows). Just need to find an appropriate holster for a Raging Bull. |
http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n...soft/92s/1.jpg http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n...soft/92s/6.jpg At least 11 confirmed kills on those 92's when I was still using them. |
And those're hot as hell.
BC_K, that's class right there. |
Next purchase, right after the Magnum. Shouldn't be too much, AEPs are reasonably cheap. I need at least one race pistol, to be actually used in skirmishes/close quarters. The silencer won't be near as long, it'll have a smaller reflex sight and a laser instead of a flashlight, though. |
had to re-do the link. the original was broken |
Huh. I don't see anything in that link.
Also, unfortunately enough I bought a brand new HFC Mac 11 without really thinking a little while ago, I started to dislike the Mac 11 and it hasn't even arrived yet. Might just keep the useless silencer from t to use on the '93R, or the AUG, just for looks. Time to trade or resell, and get a nice little M93R. |
You might have trouble... the M11's use a different thread than the standard +/- 14mm found on most aeg's. My M11's are KSC, but I bet the HFC is similar...
Have you got your Umbrella revolver yet? You'll fall in love with it when you see it.. the finish on it is gorgeous. I have the 8" version.. 8 inches of faux lethal chrome sex... |
the link is in the quote box .. but my computer only shows a white box and you hear the "wow what a predicament" thing lol
I absolutely love Raging Bulls, and the Umbrella grips make it look even better. You're a lucky guy. Thanks for the Mac11 help, I'll test it with the AUG. If it doesn't work, it's being sold/traded as a package with the M11 and 2 mags. |
http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/3...s005ml8.th.jpghttp://img214.imageshack.us/img214/3...s004nw9.th.jpghttp://img77.imageshack.us/img77/859...s003ax0.th.jpg I had to show these off somewhere; I finally added the Raging Bull to my collection not long ago... The 6.5" M29 is still my favorite, but I need to find some wooden cop grips for it... The hogue grip is comfortable but it looses the 'Dirty Harry' look... |
Anyways, speaking of 'naff against AEGs', http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...ato/212001.jpg My latest action-movie gun, this time inspired by spy flicks. HFC HSC, it's a non-blowback that actually performs far better then I expected for the price ($50). It holds its own fairly well, and kept me from being killed when my AUG ran out of battery. However, that didn't stop the other team from getting the objective, despite standing up, yelling and emptying the pistol in their point-woman's general direction (she was too short and fast for this pistol, luckily enough she was too busy running off with the flag to shoot me). Still looking for any M93R AEP to pimp out, unfortunately enough the new age-verification system seems to have its flaws as well, it's been several weeks. |
Hahaha Nate, God knows how much you like this gun, a gun that you couldn't even kill a girl with ! :P
Nice revolvers dude, I especially like the S.A.A.
But still, it's a fairly nice pistol for the price, and I got a few hits on unsuspecting people with it. |
You cant blame my height Nathan, and honestly I wasnt running that fast. Just admit it. I am better than you.:D And you are ashamed you lost to a women.
And it doesn't help that it's one guy with a half-empty pistol (which had gas that didn't work well because of the cold anyways) versus three guys and a girl with automatic weaponry. And I'm just ashamed. :( Also, just my luck- no M93Rs for sale in Canada, apart from AA Surplus which costs a bit much. |
I remember that moment. "Oh god I'm reloading and Jordan's coming through the door!"
Ah, well, I'm sure I hit one of you in my first mad-pistol rush. Your cousin thinks I hit him in the shoulder, considering what time it was when this happened I was the only person on my team left anyways. |
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/000_0007.jpg Newest gun. Going to be modded into a single-handed gun that any IPSC shooter would be proud of. Need ideas. Chrome stubby silencer? Black long one? I already have a railed slide, but am looking into a nicer one (Freedom Art one, fixed to the frame instead). A laser? Folding stock? With this amount of rails and adaptors, the possibilities are endless. Some retarded sort of holster that could possibly fit this beast? Also, any idea where to get foam to be cut in the shape of the briefcase/cut to fit the weapons inside? With full-auto and my 100 round mag and 3 40-rounders, 'OH GOD I'M RELOADING AND JORDAN'S COMING THROUGH THE DOOR' won't be much of a problem anymore, JTF27 :D EDIT- Oh right, my much less hyped-about P226. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...ato/185445.jpg |
very nice, that railed slide is the sex.
Still, I'm getting this during my Hong Kong trip next month- http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/M93Rrail.jpg Followed by a red dot sight and an under-barrel laser. I need ideas for silencers though, right now I'm leaning towards http://www.airsoftparts.ca/store2/im...g-ss80-sil.jpg in black or chrome. Also, what the hell kind of holster will fit this thing? Also, I'll need an M9 silencer adaptor for that, as I don't want to use the threaded barrel itself. |
We (BTAP and I) need foam inserts for the briefcases we have/are getting. Anything that we can cut to size, and cut the shape of our guns into. Any suggestions, or where to get them? |
I went and saw the hitman movie today it reminded me of this thread and and now im thinkin i need a red tie :P
Get a red tie, srsly. Only sort of tie you should own.
Also, http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...eImstaying.jpg This is shaping up to be one AWESOME Christmas. I'm a few blocks away from the central Airsoft hub of Hong Kong, as it's an entire dirstrict (don't quite know why but it is). This includes WGC Shop and Redwolf, along with a string of hobby shops on Kwong Wah St. Needless to say, I'll bring a camera and a chunk of cash. EDIT- whoopsie, I'm a few blocks south of where I should be. Put it closer to Prince Edward Road West, and at the intersection of Lai Chi Kok and the unmarked street it intersects with (actually Nathan Rd, ironically). |
Yea those holidays are gonna be crazy, McLovin
Looking forward to those pictures Bob :)
Haha, I'll get on them immediately. I plan on trying every rare and hard-to find gun, classic and regular, and getting as many pictures as possible.
Also, Darklite (of prophetic fame on Arnies, for having sources on pretty much every new gun on the market, those people know about and not) has offered to give me a tour. |
We need our borders opened up to these goodies, damnit! I want brick and mortar moneytraps just like they have!
That area is freaking awsome. There's a little side alley halfway down the street. It's got a covered roof. Remember to check in there too. There are at least two stores there that you'll miss if you don't. |
Haha, awesome.
I'm in Malaysia right now- going to Hong Kong on the 3rd, just got a camera and $800 just for it, along with someone with a permit to bring me back a few small goodies. Can't wait. |
I hope one day we can have stores like this in canada.... also, what kinda frame is that grey thingy in the second last picture?? |
AHHH! I see my Stubby in there! way to go nathan
dude...Dairy King? thats weird...
Jesus Ch....holy sh....oh my fucking.......
*drools* (also at your situation) |
Stuff here is SO CHEAP, it's retarded- also, there's dozens of stores. The pics I posted on the last page are from GunsnGuys, WGC showroom, and one or two others- but there's also a dozen more stores and showrooms, including the Classic Army showroom (no pictures allowed in there, it's got non-released stuff). |
Probly next to Wendals, East Side Marias and black spot. |
OMG did you feel like a kid in a candy shop in them stores?
I would probably have the biggest grin on my face the entire time. |
"Holy fuck. Holy fuck. It's like I'm a kid in a candy store." I proceeded to drool over everything for the next 5 hours. More pictures are on their way, I'll post them as soon as they're uploaded. Also, that Halo-ish looking gun on the last page is actually just a stock set for an APS2. |
The exchange rate is about 7.8 HKD to 1 CDN.
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0248.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0249.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0247.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0246.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0246.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0245.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0243.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0242.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0241.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0240.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0239.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0238.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0237.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0236.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0235.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0234.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0233.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0232.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0231.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...otato/DSCN0230 http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0254.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0255.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0253.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0252.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0251.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0250.jpg http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b1...o/DSCN0256.jpg |
Fun :)
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