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Kurgan September 8th, 2006 10:24

Airsoft on Crown Land.
After a bit of research and speaking with the Provincial Government reps at Natural Resources, I've found out that we (only applies to New Brunswick) can use crown land for gaming. The only provisions are,
1. Carry out everything brought on site, garbabe, septic waste, waste water...etc. Users must leave the site in the same condition as it was prior to their arrival.
2. Park vehicles in a manner that does not block a roadway, trail or access to a watercourse.
3. Obey all restricitons, postings and closures.
4. Comply with all existing legislation.

As a matter of courtesy, we should consult the local Rangers office as to our location of the game(s) to ensure we are not playing in any sensitive areas, near any commercial wood harvesting operations, or on anyone's "leased" crown lands.

In short, check with the Natural Resources office in your area to see if they know of areas you should not be in.

This only applies to The Province of New Brunswick players. I encourage other provinces to check with your Provincial government to see what if any restrictions are in place with regards to accessing crown land. Most crown land is owned by the Federal Government and administered by the Provincial Goverments.

Good luck.

skewed September 8th, 2006 10:38

If it's all cool with the authorities, that's groovy. The only stumbling block I can think of is, what happens if someone is out hiking or something and they wander into your game?

Kurgan September 8th, 2006 10:51

As long as you've informed the Rangers office and cleared the location with them it isn't a problem. I wouldn't suggest you try to play on a patch of crown land in your downtown district....try to pick an area that you can be very sure that you won't get many walkers or stray hikers. Most people will check in with a rangers office to see if it's ok to hike or camp in an area before they do so.

If someone does happen to enter the game area, I would suggest the person be greeted in a friendly happy manner, you should instantly turn in to an embassador for the sport and let them try out your weapon, marvel at the hardware and complexity of the game. Better the game stop for 15mins and try to recruit/inform a passer by then get angry and give them a reason to try to kill the sport.

I know most people would consider the above embassador suggestion to be common sense.....but for some, it may have to be stated.

thephenom September 8th, 2006 11:09


Originally Posted by Kurgan
1. Carry out everything brought on site, garbabe, septic waste, waste water...etc. Users must leave the site in the same condition as it was prior to their arrival.

Does that mean you gotta pickup all your BBs?

ValkXB70 September 8th, 2006 11:27

Well we in the MAA have played on crown land before (we have written permission to do so). I would not advise it however. Since the terror training camp was found in Ontario, we decided that the potential for trouble was too great. Here is how we thought the situation was likely to play out:

John and Jane Q. Public goes out for a nice nature hike, and comes across a group of men unloading what appears to be automatic rifles and wearing camoflauge. They whip out the handy cell phone and dial 911, reporting that there are terrorist in the park. The local RCMP is dispatched along with the nearest city ERT squad. In the middle of the game all of a sudden there are RCMP officers pointing real guns at us telling us to put lie down with our hands behind our backs. We are then cuffed and seperated for questioning as they try to determine our identities and what we are doing. At the very leat our names are now mentioned in a police report. At the very worst our confiscated airsoft guns are now sent to RCMP laboratories for testing to determine their validity as being a replica firearm.

Now that scenario is not the most likely to happen, and may be going too far. However is it worth the risk? We thought no. You might be better off talking to a local land owner and making a private deal to use their lands.

Kurgan September 8th, 2006 12:01

I'm not sure where you fellas have played, or are planning on playing, but it doesn't sound like you're going too far from suburbia. I would suggest you look deeper into less travelled areas. Put signs in your vehicle windows on the roads, let people know you're there. You can't just play've gotta put some thought into it.

The same little senario could happen on private property also. John and Jane don't consider themselves tresspassers if they're just on a nice nature hike.

ValkXB70 September 8th, 2006 12:18

Hour and 45 min away from the nearest City. Believe me there was signifigant amount of thought put into where we play (and have played). But you are right, it can happen anywhere.

Kurgan September 8th, 2006 12:25

Wow...I guess that was far enough... Luckily here in NB we don't have near the population as most provinces. I do agree that nobody wants to have the John Jane senario, but we shouldn't have to leave prime realestate cause some "terrorist" tried to subcontract his training to a canadian group.

Everyone is proud of their weapons and the near authenticity of the milsims. We should stand by Airsoft gaming not put her in the closet cause someone is afraid of her.

ValkXB70 September 8th, 2006 12:33

Yes and no. If someone does contact the RCMP and they do decide to evaluate your AEG's and GBB's, then they could also ban them. It happened in BC with the ban on Tokyo Marui.

Main thing is to stay smart, avoid people who do not know what it is you are doing, and if confronted by LE, follow every order they give you.

sukivan September 8th, 2006 18:53


Originally Posted by ValkXB70
Yes and no. If someone does contact the RCMP and they do decide to evaluate your AEG's and GBB's, then they could also ban them. It happened in BC with the ban on Tokyo Marui.

Main thing is to stay smart, avoid people who do not know what it is you are doing, and if confronted by LE, follow every order they give you.

TM is banned here? What are you talking about? :???:

PTE. Pyle September 8th, 2006 21:54


Originally Posted by sukivan

Originally Posted by ValkXB70
Yes and no. If someone does contact the RCMP and they do decide to evaluate your AEG's and GBB's, then they could also ban them. It happened in BC with the ban on Tokyo Marui.

Main thing is to stay smart, avoid people who do not know what it is you are doing, and if confronted by LE, follow every order they give you.

TM is banned here? What are you talking about? :???:

it was a stupid little thing last summer that the cbsa put restrictions on tm guns. its nothing to worry about it was repealed about a week later and did no harm. we still got our guns. it seams at the end of every summer the government dose some stupid strange little tactic to get a handel of what is going on. seirously dont put to much thaught in to it it is really nothing to get worried about....

ValkXB70 September 9th, 2006 13:50

My apologies I did not know the ban was removed.

mcguyver September 9th, 2006 14:09

You can't really play on Crown land in Northern Alberta. Not only is nearly all of it under lease, but the stuff that isn't always has surveyors on it for something.

And those pot-smokers ARE armed with real guns (job hazards, bears, etc). Imagine one of them in a THC-haze walking up on a bunch of guys that appear to have real guns being used in what appears to be a violent manner.

trufret September 9th, 2006 15:40

Someone who is stoned isn't going to go looking for a fight. if they were drunk off their ass maybe.

Pliskin September 9th, 2006 16:01


Originally Posted by trufret
Someone who is stoned isn't going to go looking for a fight. if they were drunk off their ass maybe.

"HEY DUDES! I've got a gun too! *points and shoots*"

Bang. Spell it out? Bye bye airsoft :sad:

Jake September 9th, 2006 17:32


Originally Posted by mcguyver
And those pot-smokers ARE armed with real guns (job hazards, bears, etc). Imagine one of them in a THC-haze walking up on a bunch of guys that appear to have real guns being used in what appears to be a violent manner.

Haa HAAA HAAAAAA!!! Best comment today.. thanks, now I have to clean my monitor because I just spit a mouthful of diet coke all over it! :lol:

Kuraitenshi September 9th, 2006 17:36


Originally Posted by Jake

Originally Posted by mcguyver
And those pot-smokers ARE armed with real guns (job hazards, bears, etc). Imagine one of them in a THC-haze walking up on a bunch of guys that appear to have real guns being used in what appears to be a violent manner.

Haa HAAA HAAAAAA!!! Best comment today.. thanks, now I have to clean my monitor because I just spit a mouthful of diet coke all over it! :lol:

There is no better use for diet coke. except maybe as toilet bowl cleaner

Lokes September 10th, 2006 18:09


Originally Posted by Kurgan
After a bit of research and speaking with the Provincial Government reps at Natural Resources, I've found out that we (only applies to New Brunswick) can use crown land for gaming. The only provisions are,
1. Carry out everything brought on site, garbabe, septic waste, waste water...etc. Users must leave the site in the same condition as it was prior to their arrival.
2. Park vehicles in a manner that does not block a roadway, trail or access to a watercourse.
3. Obey all restricitons, postings and closures.
4. Comply with all existing legislation.

As a matter of courtesy, we should consult the local Rangers office as to our location of the game(s) to ensure we are not playing in any sensitive areas, near any commercial wood harvesting operations, or on anyone's "leased" crown lands.

In short, check with the Natural Resources office in your area to see if they know of areas you should not be in.

This only applies to The Province of New Brunswick players. I encourage other provinces to check with your Provincial government to see what if any restrictions are in place with regards to accessing crown land. Most crown land is owned by the Federal Government and administered by the Provincial Goverments.

Good luck.

This is excellent news for some of us, and regardless of whether you are on private or crown land, no matter how far out in the boonies you think you are, keeping the county Ranger office informed is always an excellent idea and only takes a simple phone call. This helps us establish a relationship with our local authorities so they might look towards our best interests when something DOES happen that could affect us as a community.

Amazing KG3 September 10th, 2006 18:16

this is gonna rock so much ass. Man Durgan, we seriously need to meet up here soon.

Kurgan September 11th, 2006 15:32

Yep. I'm pretty open this week.

Amazing KG3 September 11th, 2006 16:16

cool, ill try to contact forman and tankdude and well hang outs! ant ideas what to do?

Tankdude September 11th, 2006 16:16

I'm right here

Amazing KG3 September 11th, 2006 16:17

huh, any ideas?

Tankdude September 11th, 2006 16:20

meet up tomorow and maybe go scout out some land.

Kurgan September 14th, 2006 12:29

Sorry, I was late getting back to this string......

This saturday afternoon, Sept 16. I'm setting this time aside to do something. I like the idea of scouting some land, maybe do a little shooting if my batteries arrive.

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