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Psycho softer December 28th, 2005 15:30

ok i got a FAMAS airsoftgun it's a kick ass gun but it will only load the bb's when i put it up side down even then it still mess's up i took it back and the other one did the same any one know why it does this :banghead:

DanQuayle December 28th, 2005 15:54

What type of mag do you use? hicap/locap

Bob the Angry Potato December 28th, 2005 15:58

He's talking about a springer FA-MAS he bought at his local surplus store... I already PM'ed him about it, but I can't help him with that.

DanQuayle December 28th, 2005 16:01

New advice: check out AEG's. They are worth it.

Psycho softer December 28th, 2005 16:02

all i have is around 300$

Janus December 28th, 2005 16:03

Save up for the AEG. It's worth it. The TM FAMAS F1 or SV is a workhorse.

Psycho softer December 28th, 2005 16:06

is there any place that has them without this orange tip

The Saint December 28th, 2005 16:37

He's also only 14.

Greylocks December 28th, 2005 16:42

Wait four years and gather your cash, then buy an AEG.

DanQuayle December 28th, 2005 16:57

Is Oakville in Canada? If it's in the U.S. you can get an AEG and as long as you only use it at designated airsoft fields you'll stay legal. If it's in Canada, listen to Greylocks.

Oh, and if you get the SV AEG, don't walk backwards with it. I would know.

Bob the Angry Potato December 28th, 2005 16:58

Oakville's in Ontario, I'm there now.
He got his stuff at a local Army-Navy surplus store, which carries cheap springers and LPEGs.

Psycho softer December 28th, 2005 17:39

dont walk backwards with it?

DanQuayle December 28th, 2005 17:47

Bob would know as well. First time I played airsoft I was walking backwards with my
SV as it was a patrol mission, bam I trip into a foxhole and break the magcatch.

Psycho softer December 28th, 2005 18:01

so the is the F1 better

gamer123 December 28th, 2005 18:45

Personally, I like F1 better because the trigger guard does not look "laser-gunish". Moreover, it comes with bipod. So even though F1 is older model, I like it.

Greylocks December 28th, 2005 18:51


Originally Posted by Psycho softer
so the is the F1 better

Dont worry, you have lots of time to do more research or go to a game with your parents to find out in person.

The guns are exactly the same inside where it counts.

Greylocks December 28th, 2005 18:54


Originally Posted by gamer123
Personally, I like F1 better because the trigger guard does not look "laser-gunish". Moreover, it comes with bipod. So even though F1 is older model, I like it.

Do you own one? Have you seen one in person? Have you fired one or repaired one?
Are you basing a recommendation for an AEG purely on looks?

gamer123 December 28th, 2005 21:12


Originally Posted by Greylocks

Originally Posted by gamer123
Personally, I like F1 better because the trigger guard does not look "laser-gunish". Moreover, it comes with bipod. So even though F1 is older model, I like it.

Do you own one? Have you seen one in person? Have you fired one or repaired one?
Are you basing a recommendation for an AEG purely on looks?

No. Yes. Yes.
No for other AEGs, but in this case yes for F1 and SV.


Originally Posted by Greylocks
The guns are exactly the same inside where it counts.

Like you said, both F1 and SV are same inside, except for outside looks, which is the fact. And obviously, the main differences in looks between F1 and SV are the trigger guard, bipod, and outer barrel.

Bob the Angry Potato December 28th, 2005 22:22


Originally Posted by DanQuayle
Bob would know as well. First time I played airsoft I was walking backwards with my
SV as it was a patrol mission, bam I trip into a foxhole and break the magcatch.

Yeah, the FA-MAS may be a workhorse but there's not too many parts available, in case something breaks. In his case, the mag-catch...
For me, I'm trying to mill as many metal parts as possible to replace some of the weaker and un-replaceable parts, such as the cheekplate (Hop-Up cover), and the foregrip.

Greylocks December 29th, 2005 06:07

The FAMAS, as is, works. But... it is one of the oldest Marui models, parts are rare, upgrades are rare.
If you want a gun that is totally dependable, pick a newer model with a V3 mechbox (or more recent than V3).
If you are skilled at building parts, go for it.

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