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ILLusion November 13th, 2005 11:08

Sig Sauer P226 Navy - Naval Special Warfare #0146
Gallery here:

Parts list:
- Prime P226 metal slide & lower receiver with individual unique serial numbers (mine is Naval Special Warfare 0146)
- Prime aluminium suppressor & threaded barrel (suppressor not detailed in photos)
- GB-Tech AAC Scorpion suppressor
- PDI 6.01mm extended inner barrel
- Hogue P226 rubber grip
- Guarder 150% recoil & hammer spring
- Firefly spring guide with bearings
- Firefly rocket valve and piston head set
- Guarder enhanced loading muzzle

Doctersight & mount are on it's way... ;)

Shoots 320.3fps with KSC Perfect 0.25g BBs and Firefly high flow valve.... which is equivalent to 364fps with 0.20g BBs.

Of course, if a 0.20g BB was chronied, it would never shoot that high. That's only due to the characteristics of gas guns and how more energy is used in pushing out heavier BBs.

A chronied 0.20g BB on this gun would be no more than 340fps.

September 12th, 2008 Update

It was lovely having this gun in my collection for the time I had it, but unfortunately, it was time for it to go. I never found the chance to use it in my play style and my arsenal was quickly filled up with my Hi-Capa collection.

This P226 has found a home with a new owner, and I hope he treats her well and she has a wonderful future. I took the time to take a couple of more photos before she left the stable. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed having her in my collection.

ancorp November 13th, 2005 11:13

Damn, that is ssssssSexy! :D
Very nicely done, and great photography too!
Keep em coming ;)


Yuu November 13th, 2005 11:22

Very nice.. What was the total cost ?

ILLusion November 13th, 2005 12:09


Originally Posted by Yuu
Very nice.. What was the total cost ?

I actually don't want to know.
I don't particularly feel like crying today, so I'm not going to add it up.

Mr Jon November 13th, 2005 13:02

sweet mother of god.... I...I want that

Xepharo November 13th, 2005 13:07

Yet another nice pistol from Illusion, good job bro :D :cheers:
Hey, illusion, can you take a pic of all your nice pistols together?
I'd save it as my background hahha. You take nice pictures too man.

Kokanee November 13th, 2005 13:12

Darmn! That's just the cat's ass!

Think you could throw a couple of the choice shots up in 1600x1200 for wallpaper use?

ILLusion November 13th, 2005 13:51

yeah, for sure. Tell me which pictures you like and I'll do it up for you.

Jack Bauer can lik my nutz.

More pictures of more guns on the way...

Matt_M November 13th, 2005 14:24

very nice job man!! I generally don't like the looks of supressors on any gun, but it seems to suit this gun very nicely.

Penguin November 13th, 2005 14:25

I want your SIG to have my babies.

Nice photos too :mrgreen:

DuffMan November 13th, 2005 14:29


Originally Posted by ILLusion
Jack Bauer can lik my nutz.

You're a little behind the times, he was using a USPC this season, C'mmon Brian, get with it!

SEALs November 13th, 2005 15:02

I knew it it was just a question of time before you got that metal body! I want to buy it me too (rail version) but I heard there was some fitting issues, is it true? Something about sanding, filling and oversizing the pin's holes. I did some gunsmithing on my socom, so I think I should be ok to install it my self. But I wanna know if I should let it do it by a pro. Very waesome gun you got there!

jun November 13th, 2005 18:10

lovin' it..personally prefer non-rail as well.
the top pic is taken somewhat close to a pic of my 9mm 226.
the trade isn't as clear as airsoft, sucks! :-)

rat November 13th, 2005 18:25

*drools* :nod:

Xepharo November 13th, 2005 18:39

sweet stuff jun hahaha

yanhchan November 13th, 2005 19:32

I love it with the silencer and the anchor logo.

ILLusion November 13th, 2005 19:53


Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs

Originally Posted by ILLusion
Jack Bauer can lik my nutz.

You're a little behind the times, he was using a USPC this season, C'mmon Brian, get with it!

I'm getting there! I just finished season 2. I've been on the couch for the past week working and watching 24. 2 season's down, 2 to go. I dream of Kim Bauer now.

Season 3's on it's way and if ANYBODY posts any spoilers, I'm coming over to your house to murder you with my 226.


Originally Posted by SEALs
I knew it it was just a question of time before you got that metal body! I want to buy it me too (rail version) but I heard there was some fitting issues, is it true? Something about sanding, filling and oversizing the pin's holes. I did some gunsmithing on my socom, so I think I should be ok to install it my self. But I wanna know if I should let it do it by a pro. Very waesome gun you got there!

There's actually a LOT of modifications required to get this sucker to fit. 22 hours of filing (while watching 24) to the slide, the lower frame, and various stock internal parts and I was finally able to get it running smooth like Kim Bauer's ass. And yes, one of the pin's holes should be widened. I skipped that part and just hammered the pin straight in. It went in okay, but I don't think it's EVER coming out again. Ever.


Originally Posted by jun
lovin' it..personally prefer non-rail as well.
the top pic is taken somewhat close to a pic of my 9mm 226.
the trade isn't as clear as airsoft, sucks! :-)

Is that real steel?

Cortexburn November 14th, 2005 00:48

I'm curious as to how that 6.01 tightbore performs, any plans for some long terms tests?

ILLusion November 14th, 2005 02:21

I haven't done any long range tests with it yet, so I can't say. I may get around to it this week.

Long term tests... i'm definitely not selling this baby for a while... so yeah. :D

Yuu November 14th, 2005 03:54

That's real steel 9mm P226. Jun you and your love with non-rail P226 ;-)

ILLusion November 22nd, 2005 16:34

I was fiddling around with various inner barrel combinations and just figured out that Marui Hi-Capa and P226 inner barrels are interchangeable.

My PDI 6.01mm inner barrel has been taken out of the P226 and put into my Springfield Hi-Capa since that inner barrel fits perfectly with the Strike kit.

For now, I've put a Hi-Capa inner barrel into my P226 (the Nine Ball one to be specific) and it's an excellent fit. The stock length of the inner barrel ends just 8mm behind the end of the threaded muzzle.

I'm considering putting in the Nine Ball 7 inch inner barrel in the P226, assuming my suppressor can cover it up. Or I might use the Tanio Koba 6" Twist barrel. I'll have to see....


firemachine69 November 22nd, 2005 16:39


Originally Posted by ILLusion
I was fiddling around with various inner barrel combinations and just figured out that Marui Hi-Capa and P226 inner barrels are interchangeable.

My PDI 6.01mm inner barrel has been taken out of the P226 and put into my Springfield Hi-Capa since that inner barrel fits perfectly with the Strike kit.

For now, I've put a Hi-Capa inner barrel into my P226 (the Nine Ball one to be specific) and it's an excellent fit. The stock length of the inner barrel ends just 8mm behind the end of the threaded muzzle.

I'm considering putting in the Nine Ball 7 inch inner barrel in the P226, assuming my suppressor can cover it up. Or I might use the Tanio Koba 6" Twist barrel. I'll have to see....


+1 for hi-capa replacement parts

ILLusion November 23rd, 2005 09:27

Yeah, I've noticed that piston heads are also interchangeable and I wouldn't be surprised if the rocket valves and power valves could also be swapped.

Freedom Fighter November 23rd, 2005 10:31

Brian that gun is so nice I'll give you fiddy bucks for her.

Blastyman January 4th, 2006 09:38

Hmm I have some similar upgrades but no wheres near the same results.
Firefly recoil spring guide w/bearing
gaurder enhanced nozzle
gaurder 150% recoil and hammer springs
action metal slide
KM power valve

I don't have the piston head and tightbore barrel.

I am chronoing 300 with .2 didn't try .25 yet.

do you think the tightbore extended barrel and piston head would make up the difference?

Or do you think the firefly valve instead of the KM one would be much superior?

Or maybe all 3. :-)

Jugglez January 4th, 2006 10:23

I've found the KM valves to be useless.. I recently had one of my P226's chronied and the KM valve averaged the same FPS numbers as the stock valve... :(

Get the firefly or a nineball/first factory valve:tup:

ILLusion January 4th, 2006 11:11


Originally Posted by Blastyman
Hmm I have some similar upgrades but no wheres near the same results.
Firefly recoil spring guide w/bearing
gaurder enhanced nozzle
gaurder 150% recoil and hammer springs
action metal slide
KM power valve

I don't have the piston head and tightbore barrel.

I am chronoing 300 with .2 didn't try .25 yet.

do you think the tightbore extended barrel and piston head would make up the difference?

Or do you think the firefly valve instead of the KM one would be much superior?

Or maybe all 3. :-)

The tightbore will definitely help. Tighter seals equal less power loss and greater expansion behind the projectile. Especially if it's longer too.
Also, the BBs that you use can make a difference. Similar to having a tightbore, the larger the BB's diameter, the greater the seal and thus, the better power usage you get. I use KSC Perfects which are pretty much the largest size you can go without having feeding issues. I find Airsoft Elite and Guarder BBs have feeding issues in some (most) of my Marui GBB mags (P226 and Hi-capas.)

I'm not sure how much more power the piston head will give you as I never did a side-by-side comparison, but I can't imagine it giving more than a 5fps increase. You would need it more as power levels increase though, if for example, you were using something disgusting like red or black gas.

I noticed something similar with the KM valve as Jugglez mentioned. I did notice a power increase, although it was hugely significant. The firefly one, the first couple of shots were pretty high, but it dropped down to the same level as the Marui valve after several shots. Perhaps if the mag is allowed to warm back up afterwards, then it will stabilize.

As a note, all of my Chrony results on my gun were made with the stock valve.

Sekester January 4th, 2006 11:56


Originally Posted by ILLusion

Originally Posted by Blastyman
Hmm I have some similar upgrades but no wheres near the same results.
Firefly recoil spring guide w/bearing
gaurder enhanced nozzle
gaurder 150% recoil and hammer springs
action metal slide
KM power valve

I don't have the piston head and tightbore barrel.

I am chronoing 300 with .2 didn't try .25 yet.

do you think the tightbore extended barrel and piston head would make up the difference?

Or do you think the firefly valve instead of the KM one would be much superior?

Or maybe all 3. :-)

I use KSC Perfects which are pretty much the largest size you can go without having feeding issues. I find Airsoft Elite and Guarder BBs have feeding issues in some (most) of my Marui GBB mags (P226 and Hi-capas.)


interesting...did you had any trouble with Exel's bb'

ILLusion January 4th, 2006 13:56


Originally Posted by Sekester

Originally Posted by ILLusion

Originally Posted by Blastyman
Hmm I have some similar upgrades but no wheres near the same results.
Firefly recoil spring guide w/bearing
gaurder enhanced nozzle
gaurder 150% recoil and hammer springs
action metal slide
KM power valve

I don't have the piston head and tightbore barrel.

I am chronoing 300 with .2 didn't try .25 yet.

do you think the tightbore extended barrel and piston head would make up the difference?

Or do you think the firefly valve instead of the KM one would be much superior?

Or maybe all 3. :-)

I use KSC Perfects which are pretty much the largest size you can go without having feeding issues. I find Airsoft Elite and Guarder BBs have feeding issues in some (most) of my Marui GBB mags (P226 and Hi-capas.)


interesting...did you had any trouble with Exel's bb'

No, I never have trouble with those - but then again, they are relatively small and they have some serious issues with spherical concentricity. I personally don't like them at all.

Xenos-Fear January 4th, 2006 14:16

SHIT ! I want that one ! You made a real bad ass GBB Illusion ! You OWNED Jack Bauer with that !

Blastyman January 4th, 2006 22:21

Alrighty. I have determined that the KM valve does work better then the stock one. By about 20-40FPS.

Might have to give the firefly a try though. Something I never really paid attention to before was lining up the big port of the valve directly to the exit hole in the top of the mag.

I didn't realize before so I scratched a small mark so once I screwd the valve in I could stop with the large port right at the top to allow the best gas flow.

Once I did that my FPS went from about 295-300 to 315-320.

Doing the same with the stock valve took it from 265 to about 275/280fps.

Anyhow its shooting pretty good now. Thanks for the help everybody.

Someday I hope my p226 can be as sweet as Brians.

Just got to save up for a nicer metal slide/frame then the action one.

Gorillaz July 30th, 2006 06:18

WoooW nice gun ILLusion :tup:

Here is my P226 Navy

More pic:

UN Custom-Marui SIG P226 Navy NSW Full Metal
-Marui SIG P226 Based
-Prime Metal Frame & Slide for Marui P226 (Navy NSW 0157)
-Hi-Flow Valve And Strengthed Recoil Spring Installed
-Tuned For Top Gas

chickmagnet373 February 6th, 2007 22:17

Hey, where can I get the Prime (navy) kit for the TM P226 at a reasonable price??

Kid February 6th, 2007 22:19


Originally Posted by Gorillaz (Post 332022)
WoooW nice gun ILLusion :tup:

Here is my P226 Navy

Looks like he lubes the same way I do.

super_six_four December 28th, 2007 08:51

damn. i like the flatter black to it. the TM P226R i had was quite shiny

Wilson December 28th, 2007 08:59


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 215351)
Gallery here:

Parts list:
- Prime P226 metal slide & lower receiver with individual unique serial numbers (mine is Naval Special Warfare 0146)
- Prime aluminium suppressor & threaded barrel (suppressor not detailed in photos)
- GB-Tech AAC Scorpion suppressor
- PDI 6.01mm extended inner barrel
- Hogue P226 rubber grip
- Guarder 150% recoil & hammer spring
- Firefly spring guide with bearings
- Firefly rocket valve and piston head set
- Guarder enhanced loading muzzle

Doctersight & mount are on it's way... ;)

Shoots 320.3fps with KSC Perfect 0.25g BBs and Firefly high flow valve.... which is equivalent to 364fps with 0.20g BBs.

Of course, if a 0.20g BB was chronied, it would never shoot that high. That's only due to the characteristics of gas guns and how more energy is used in pushing out heavier BBs.

A chronied 0.20g BB on this gun would be no more than 340fps.

Absolutely gorgeous.

You have inspired me to build one myself, unless of course this one is for sale.

xandrewx December 28th, 2007 12:15

hot damn!!! enough said

ILLusion December 28th, 2007 12:51


Originally Posted by Wilson (Post 603328)
Absolutely gorgeous.

You have inspired me to build one myself, unless of course this one is for sale.

Not at the moment... but it's not seeing much use, so it's possible that the right dollar amount could initiate interest.

Keep in mind that the numbers I'm looking for are the financially endowed and well-beyond what a minor could afford. Think four digits.

Lakonian December 28th, 2007 14:08


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 603434)
Not at the moment... but it's not seeing much use, so it's possible that the right dollar amount could initiate interest.

Keep in mind that the numbers I'm looking for are the financially endowed and well-beyond what a minor could afford. Think four digits.

I'm assuming 1,200$ ish..

It really is fucking gorgeous though.. I wish sigs were lefty friendly.. :(

The Saint December 28th, 2007 14:29


Originally Posted by kos (Post 603461)
I wish sigs were lefty friendly.. :(

I don't know, I think it's pretty lefty friendly. The only control that really matter is the decock lever and a left hand person can easily use that with their index finger. Otherwise, you can switch the mag release to the otherside, there is no manual safety to worry about and the slide release is quite inconsequential.

Goodl2ussian January 2nd, 2008 01:40


ILLusion September 12th, 2008 21:28

September 12th, 2008 Update

It was lovely having this gun in my collection for the time I had it, but unfortunately, it was time for it to go. I never found the chance to use it in my play style and my arsenal was quickly filled up with my Hi-Capa collection.

This P226 has found a home with a new owner, and I hope he treats her well and she has a wonderful future. I took the time to take a couple of more photos before she left the stable. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed having her in my collection.

808 September 12th, 2008 23:47

You're an evil bastard.

Only because I didn't see this thread until now. I so would have bought this. Sold everything I own if necessary... ok - almost everything.

She was a beauty.

bodydropper September 12th, 2008 23:52


Danke September 13th, 2008 00:49

I need to check my 649 #s.

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