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Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher
Since this bad boy is already landed in Canada, I believe this would be a hot CQB item for gas shotgun lover. The M870 I have, I never get the stock modified, just for waiting this Breacher model came out. It's short and total length is only 20". Compare to the APS CAM870SF 23" is almost 3" shorter. Also it is no shell eject so you don't have to worry picking up the shells everywhere. Absolutely the next one I'll get. Of cause, it is still new in the market, that would be pricey tho.... http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...pse02daab7.jpg |
Different strokes for different folks and all that, but the pistol grip looks terribad to me.
What's the ETA
They are already here, Trigger has them over priced @$599+tax
Infinity claims it'll be under $499, I'm assuming $450+tax. Arnies forum states original TM stock will fit the Breacher, thus resulting into the correct assumption the G&P and Angry gun stock adapter will fit the breacher. |
That's what I want for game as a secondary!
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-N...3r9o1_1280.jpg https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-I...csbracketa.jpg https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-1...holstersm2.jpg |
I'd love to set that up with g&p's pistol grip/ stock option. Looks nice the way it is too though. Would look even nicer with a more conventional pistol grip, however
I'd love a 1014 style tube stock on there.
I like the look of the shotgun itself, but the grip does look a little odd.
It almost looks like a revolver grip. Personally I would change out that grip. |
Very good. It is a revolver grip.
It's used deliberately. |
Well its a replica of the Remington MCS system so the grip is accurate to the real steel.
Here's a pic of the Remington MCS package, pretty neat and versatile. Its cool that the TM Breacher replicates the interchangeably to some degree with the full sized M870 and the Angry Gun and G&P stocks. http://www.kiesler.com/shop/ProductI...CS_PartSLG.jpg |
Very interested now as it appears the breacher can accept the 870 tactical stock so the angry gun gas stock for the 870 tactical should also fit.
http://i1261.photobucket.com/albums/...ps4a04f7f4.jpg |
Same here. I just like 500s, and we need a nice platform for a 'Nam trench gun.
Pistol tank last about 6-7 shells at 22+ degrees Celsius. Definetly need stock adapter.
I put them back as I didn't like the config. I was asked if it could be done on my YouTube channel so thought I'd give it ago. |
http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/media/cat...her_7_mark.jpg http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/media/cat...her_8_mark.jpg |
Yeah. I know that's the plan for some others.
I went ahead and got the angry gun adapter for mine. Just waiting for it to arrive with the AG shell holder. Pictures to follow! |
Bio, any updates?
I am itching for some info / updates / feedbacks. I like to full stock on the breacher, looks neat. |
I got mine a while ago, but it was defective.. In by what I mean it looked like it was token apart and used before. Not a problem but now I need to wait for a new one to get here. As shop owner took it back. I didn't get to shoot it because it vented gas, but holding it.. It had a really nice weight to it. It also felt really solid and not cheap. I did rack it a few times and it was eargasmic. Also waiting for my angry gun adapter and shell holder to land anyways. N_Force will be able to do a nice run down with the full and breacher since I don't own the full size tactical. I did have some photos but not resized.. Will do that later. So far I'm eagerly waiting and super excited. Though this project coated me quite a pretty penny. I plan on doing a full write up and video for how long each tank holds, then for the angry gun adapter. https://www.dropbox.com/s/iovd7hndd3...819~2.jpg?dl=0 |
Japan Laylax they made a holster for M870 breacher
http://www.tokyo-model.com.hk/shop/b...ge.340x283.jpg http://www.tokyo-model.com.hk/shop/l...tml?cPath=8_48 |
got mine from M1 is alot cheaper tho!
Customized with my own logo.... then broke the little piece of metal on the bolt cover, sigh.... spent an hour to fix it.....
used a 9V battery, added salt in vinegar, dip on a Q-tip to make it. pretty fun tho... This is a little solid piece and have a very nice hand feel for shooting, I like it and ready for next indoor game with both M870 and Breacher! HAHA http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps48bb6f43.jpg broke the little piece of metal for holding spring, now it's fixed.... http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/...ps44eaca6a.jpg |
Now can you make SAI version? hahah :) |
OMG, I just love it. Gamed it today, it shot around 4 shells per mag in 3 bb's mod (30bb's each shell, Total 40-45 pumps). Perfect for CQB gaming, good for room clearing, turning even handling. The hitting chance is three times higher than pistol and rifle(you have to pull trigger three times) The clicking sound is nice, the aiming is easy. And the mag size like regular pistol mag so you can holster them easily. I have 5 mags and 26 shells, could finish 2 hrs game with one time gas refill.
Did you ever get a chance to install the angry gun adapter? i'm having some trouble and have been looking every where from some advice on getting it installed. cant get the one screw off after removing the pistol grip.
Did you try videos on YouTube? I never went with the breacher. Got my refund and bought an APS 870, which I ended up selling in the end. Same with the AG ADapter. |
Thanks BioRage. i was thinking it could be glue too but before i put my heatgun on it i wanted to ask around first. I didnt want to anger the great airsoft gods with a simple mistake and ruin the breacher. I did check youtube but i keep getting results for the m870 tactical. Just incase anyone else could be curious i'll post my results this weekend. |
It's red thread locked.
loving it even more!! Thanks again!! http://www.airsoftcanada.com/picture...pictureid=6635 http://www.airsoftcanada.com/picture...pictureid=6637 http://www.airsoftcanada.com/picture...pictureid=6636 |
So is it possible to put the breecher pistol grip onto the standard length tm m870?
Right, thanks Brock. Did it just pop on with no issues, or was it a mod?
As far as I know the parts will fit without mods.
Anyone has any insight into the breacher longevity or general problems that may crop up? Please share it and I would like to know and learn it, thanks.
Really wish I could buy the pistol grip on its own- I'd love to be able to swap between that and the fullstock depending on the game D:
I manage to destroy the 2 guides for the pumping handle(?) on my full size. The only difference is the handle don't jam when slowing charging and move a bit back and forth when not holding it.
I'll do some shooting with him tommorow at the game to make sure it doesn't affect anything except that. |
So is the TM 870 breacher worth 500 bucks to those who have it? is it gamable? one shell holds 30 rounds to be discharged via propane/greengas anywhere from 1-3 at a time?.....that with a dozen 30-bb shells and a couple gas mags makes it fun for scnario play...but 500 CAD.....idk? ..does anyone else?
It's worth it if you can drop that much money without blinking and if you play indoors a lot in warm weather.
I'd get the AA12 instead if only for the adjustable hop and year round utility but I play outside.
Indoor CQB the 870 or Breacher are definitely game worthy guns... just expensive, like everything TM. |
Breacher has decent sales here once in a while,
I know Brock0 sold his with 7 shells, 2 tanks and a side saddle for $525 shipped. Best you get Age Verified. Another one that is out is the Keltec KSG, though based on reviews online, it's not as accurate as the 870s? o_O == aa12 would be tits, just bit large for my liking. |
does the tm breacher use the a different gas mag but same shells as the m870 tactical shotgun?
If the gas mags are different, do you know the difference in blasts per tank between the 2 shotties? cant seem to find the shell holder anywhere? Id like to get a half dozen of those shells w/ a slick clip or pouch for em, and a spare gas clip for which ever i end up buying.... |
1 Attachment(s)
Ok guys here is a interesting question, I am looking at trying to Mod my TM870 to look like this (Pic Attached) Now I am wondering if there would be any way at all to mount a folding stock onto a TM 870 with the breacher gas tank?
Any Ideas or info would be appreciated |
rather than start a new thread i thought i would just shift gears over here....
i boutght the TM M870 NEW w/6spare shells and an extrat gas tank (incase the stock one was a lemon...well just my luck the lemon i got was the spare....but it was more odf a lime haha....i did the 3M nut and bolt replacement on the leaking tank and now it is better than ever.... so my question is apout the duster thing....do people get results withthat junk? i lost 50-100 ft of range goin from greengas to 134a.....the 100 ft is already too short lol so basically i HAVE to use green unless i wanna make it shoot like a toy for a 10 yr old....i guess ill just use green gas if i want it to shoot over 150 w/ effective range of 100...that im ok with (assuming my TM 5.1 is accurate at 150yj4mm, Not happy but its a shotty so its fine.... However i am told that the m870 tatical cant handele propane.....is that a gun, gastank, or both? i dont like using shitty propane in my tm 5.1 just cause its a TM, haha so i wanna the the best hpa for my blast WITHOUT PUTTING THE IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO THE SHOTGuN and its internals which are mostly non-existent in the the parts after market I love the shotty but more rang is always better, but there...efctively i want targets 175-250 ft killed with my AEG; 8o-175ft marks killed by the tm 5.1, & any one closer than 80 ftwill get blasted on with the m870,,,,,,,any suggestions? |
TM gas shotty's...fun but need more effectiveness for $500+...300 as is far more reasonable...but im a suckah
cool idea....would be tryckiy tho since the two have different outputs i believe...
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