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Ricochet March 19th, 2013 19:33

KWA USP tactical cycling issue
I have a BNIB KWA USP Tactical that will not fully actuate.
(The warranty is no longer valid)

It has pretty much sat around in it's box, and has had less than 10 magazines through it. It has fired 2 magazines normally since I bought it, and that's it. The gun has been run on green gas, and BB Bastard 0.25g BBs.

It does not fully actuate, it does not have the snap or kick it should, and sometimes will not blow back far enough to even load the next BB. It acts like a gun that is running out if gas (yes the magazine holds gas perfectly, and is properly filled each time). Several bottles of green gas have been tried with the same effect. The gun has been properly cleaned and lubricated, and the hop up is backed all the way off during these tests. I have compared it visually and functionally to other KWA USPs without any differences being observed. I assumes that the knocker/firing pin was not opening the valve on the magazine all the way, but it functions properly.

Has anyone had a similar issue, or has extensive KWA USP experience?


zone 69 March 19th, 2013 19:42

What kind of oil are you useing with the propane when filling the mag's.?

Ricochet March 19th, 2013 20:52

Silicone oil for cleaning, and the lubricant that comes with it for lubrication.

Ross March 19th, 2013 20:57

check nozzle for cracks?

Danke March 19th, 2013 21:12

It sounds like it's doing what mine was; I had to replace the BBU.

The there was a dead O-ring, but instead of going for a 5 year find the right O-ring and get it in there I just rang up KWA USA.

Ricochet March 19th, 2013 22:21

Thanks, I'll check that out.

Ricochet March 20th, 2013 03:35

Well I did a magazine rebuild just for the hell of it, and it was fine, if not a little dirty.

Next I decided to check out the piston, as mentioned above. Two days ago we were sighting our guns in and I decides to bring my USP out because a potential buyer was going to be there. My friend and I noticed that when you racked the slide back, exposing the breach, that the piston stuck into the hop-up. It would ecentually snap back into place, but we thought it was odd. We had a brand new KWA USP Compact there to compare it to, and although not exactly the same, internally they are almost identical.

As I dissasbled the piston, I found no wear, no burs it could get hung up on, no cracks, no dried out seal, everything good. I did notice however that the small set pin that goes through the piston head, I imagine to keep the guide in place, was protruding from its hole. I cleaned and re-lubed the piston, and reassembled it making sure the pin was pushed properly into place. I'm assuming that the pin was getting hung up on the edges of the slide, and stopping the gun from properly cycling. Unfortunately it's too late here to test fire, I'll have to do it tomorrow. I will post my findings.

BennyBoy March 20th, 2013 06:35

That happened to my Mk23 after a game...I switch to stock nozzle and it started firing normally again /shrug

Papabois September 27th, 2013 18:23


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 1774786)
I will post my findings.

Was the pins the issue? Did you find anything else as potential problems?

shootersaber December 25th, 2013 01:54

I think you need to change a new loading nozzle. Check it out!

ThunderCactus December 25th, 2013 15:30

The o-ring can be bad without having any noticeable faults, the only way you can be sure is to do a compression test on it, kind of tricky but it can be done

Papabois July 3rd, 2014 14:22

Yes, the piston o-ring.

On my USP, the o-ring was undersize, letting gas blow by it. Simply install the o-ring backwards, and the tightening of the bolt will now mush the o-ring to the diameter needed. You can't fully tighten the bolt, so use a threadlocking compound, to hold the bolt in place.

Gun works so perfectly now. :)

gorerubicon July 20th, 2014 01:36

I received two new KWA USPs recently. Both had the problem you described, and both blew out the main blow back seal (part #38). Taking the slide off I just found chunks of the seal everywhere. I replaced it with a KSC seal, translucent green, vs the opague garbage that KWA made.

shelcoof July 20th, 2014 14:27


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1774689)
It sounds like it's doing what mine was; I had to replace the BBU.

The there was a dead O-ring, but instead of going for a 5 year find the right O-ring and get it in there I just rang up KWA USA.

Same thing happened to mine... I had to replace the BBU
I have 4 USP's btw

The problem cannot be seen because the BBU will look perfectly fine.

I discovered this problem when upgrading my USP Slides to Shooter Design Slides. One gun would shoot fine with the upraded slide while the other was having issues.

I never would have thought it was the BBU because when I pulled it out it looked undamaged so I popped it back in. It was only until I had no other option that I decided to swap BBUs and bam the gun was shooting perfect.

Note: When I say BBU I mean complete internals there. I couldn't pin point the exact part that caused the problem because everything looked perfectly fine.

btw if you love your USP and have no upgraded to an SD slide shame on you :p

here's how sexy these babies look

gorerubicon July 25th, 2014 13:18


Originally Posted by shelcoof (Post 1902102)

btw if you love your USP and have no upgraded to an SD slide shame on you :p

here's how sexy these babies look

Damn. Where the heck did you find the tactical SD slide?!

shelcoof July 25th, 2014 14:39


Originally Posted by gorerubicon (Post 1902928)
Damn. Where the heck did you find the tactical SD slide?!

I know they are really hard to come by these days :(

I use to have two but I ended up selling one because I thought it was defective due to this BBU issue. Sold the slide barrel set at a reduced price... then my buddy I sold it to got it working perfectly.

Was kicking myself after I realized it wasn't the slide.

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