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Alleged Charges Imitation Firearms-READ***
3 dumbasses shooting bb guns at parked cars isn't shocking news.
It's just dumbasses doing dumbass things. The sky isn't falling. carry on. |
lol Sounds about right for that area
wasnt me!
If they'd banned airsoft everytime there was a dumbass being caught shooting his airsoft/bb/pellet gun at cars in public, we would'nt be playing airsoft rightnow.
do a little media search and you'll see how many times that happens. Yes they were stupid, But at least the news media didn't go after the story with pitchforks. As I said, the sky isn't falling. Carry on. |
(today at least .. of course this happens nearly weekly.. in the GTA and daily many times Canada wide.. and has done so for as long a pellet and BB guns have existed) |
If they Pass that bill in york region to ban the open sale of uncontrolled firearms, it will create a regional precedent, this is just to bring attention to what not to do. I'm very calm, just upset that the actions of a few could ruin it for a majority.
it's done.. the stupid is out of the bag.. how does reporting this and having uselss ASC conversation #4B do anything about it? you are preaching to the choir here.. |
and youre right, they caught 19 charges and its done, good point, just thought it would be relevant. |
it's not irrelevant, but it's not new, or even noteworthy as anything but a cautionary tale. if telling idiots to not be idiots actually worked.. there would be no idiots.. take a look around.. it ain't working |
First. The incident was in Toronto, not York Region. Do you have links to media outlets carrying the story? Second. The York Region ban you are referring to will not create an end to airsoft and there are already other municipal (York Region is Municipal) level laws on the books now that would already set precendents (Dont ask me which ones, cause frankly you can google just as well as I can). Third. ASC isnt the airsoft police. We can kick people off ASC but that will not change what happens in the real world. Sadly enough activities as such in the police blotter posted are not rare by any means, whether it be a BB gun (the release does not state airsoft so we are assuming it is airsoft), paintball gun, nerf gun or an airsoft gun. As long as there are stupid people, stupid things will happen. LOL, Brian form #4B |
it was just to bring it to attention.
Agreed not much we can do about it and id venture a guess that his type of thing will unfotunately become even more common now that AS guns can be had for half the price they wer when I started and also the fact that there are many walk in retailers cause those wer non existant 4-5 years ago.
The good of it is it says BB guns and doesnt say airsoft directly also I doubt they are members of our fourms or players of the game cause if they wer they would know it would be way more fun to get out to a game and shoot at their friends/aquaintences rather then shooting at static targets that dont fight back. Shame that you cant fix stupid but id bet that they wont do somethin so retarded again based on the charges they are facing they may even see some jail time, at least in remand custody and they will hopefully educate all their lil friends about how utterly dumb it is to use bb/airsoft/replica firearms in such a manner. Good news Is noone got hurt and they didnt try n use em to commit armed robbery or somethin even more dumb then what they did do, heck folks have done this type of thing with PB guns way befor airsoft was popular and that causes alot more property damage and clean up |
sticky peanut butter
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Sorry im not so book smart my spelling, punctuation, sentance and paragraph structure have always sucked. Never passed an english class in my life. Kicked the hell out of woodworking, automotive and electricity class, just never showed up for exams and such, did alot of dumb shit when i was a kid that kept me far to busy for fancy schooling and what not plus im posting from my phone so i slack even more and sort of just type without pausing for silly things like commas and periods.
The moral stay in school kids and type with a keyboard not a touch screen or the asc grammer police will get ya. Lol sorry Tys ill work on my writing skills so you can better read my ramblings. |
It's not said whether these are airsoft guns or pellet guns.
Do not use sticky peanut butter to convert your springer to full auto. It has a Roman candle effect and if fired into the lower stratosphere will cause definate sky falling effects. Anyone caught with this prohibited substance will be banned from ASC and made to feel Sad for a couple days.
you can get 3 rounds burst if you use buttery crumpets with it
From what I understand there were about 50 different car windows shot out around Brantford over Christmas. Drive-bys. It happens everywhere. I'd love to get my hands on those clownshoes.
Anyways if something were to happen as a result it would be the city by-laws. Hit you in your pocket first. |
Ahh found it.... for Brantford. Every city is different. That's how the trouble starts.
537.1.1 Discharge - prohibited - exceptions No person or persons shall discharge guns or other firearms and air-guns, spring-guns, cross-bows, long-bows, or any class or type thereof within the limits of the City of Brantford; provided, however, that the provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the following: (a) police and peace officers in the legal performance of their duties or when receiving training and instruction; (b) persons who at the time are legally engaged in the protection of life and property as permitted by the Criminal Code of Canada and the Statutes of the Province of Ontario; (c) members of a recognized rifle, revolver or gun club while discharging a rifle, revolver or gun on a range or site duly approved by the Chief of Police or such other person as be designated by him/her; (d) persons discharging cross-bows or long-bows on a range or site duly approved by the Chief of Police or such other person BRANTFORD 537.1 DECEMBER 2005 as may be designated by him/her. By-law 6-97, 3 March, 1997; By-law 186-2005, 7 November, 2005. Article 2 ENFORCEMENT 537.2.1 Fine - for contravention Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Chapter is guilty of an offence and shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not more than $5,000, exclusive of costs and every such fine is recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act. By-law 55-92, 23 March, 1992. |
People have done far worse things, far more frequently with paintball guns Paintball is still legal. Case and point. BB guns are more dangerous and far less purposeful than airsoft guns, and those are still legal too. Dumbasses being dumbasses don't get shit banned. It only gets banned when it becomes a serious and viable public threat. |
Most cities have amended their existing Dis-charge of Fire Arms by-laws to include Airsoft Specifically. But the fine spectrum was originally structured with respect to FireArms in Traditional respect. |
Is it legal to snipe those guys from your house when you see them shooting? No? OK, never mind...
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