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-tastic February 22nd, 2012 06:21

Whats wrong with my BBs
just now i decided to clean up my airsoft gear and i found my speed loader that i havent use in 2 moths inside i found black BBs in there but i never had any black BBs i only have .25 from velocity arms. did the BB go bad or what is wrong?

Styrak February 22nd, 2012 06:39

You must be mistaken and had some black BB's in there.
They don't just turn black, they're not bananas.

coach February 22nd, 2012 06:51

You took someone else's loader and BB's. Prepare to be flogged! :rolleyes:

CDN_Stalker February 22nd, 2012 07:46

Hehe, I agree with coachster, is what I was going to post as well. Except the flogging part.

-tastic February 22nd, 2012 08:08

never met anyone that use black BBs tho but yeah might have swtiched loaders with someone the last time i went splatters :/

voorhees -FWA- February 22nd, 2012 08:29

They could be bio BBs, when they start to "decompose" they turn black.

Styrak February 22nd, 2012 08:30


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1609616)
You took someone else's loader and BB's. Prepare to be flogged! :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by -TitSwagZ (Post 1609626)
never met anyone that use black BBs tho but yeah might have swtiched loaders with someone the last time i went splatters :/

We're like fucking detectives up in here.

SuperCriollo February 22nd, 2012 08:41

BB's Gangrene?

coach February 22nd, 2012 08:46


Originally Posted by voorhees -FWA- (Post 1609631)
They could be bio BBs, when they start to "decompose" they turn black.

after only 2 months in a loader? BS!

5kull February 22nd, 2012 08:59

I can think of three possible explanations:

1. Someone used your loader thinking it was his loader, added black bb's.
2. Some of the white bb's died, the black ones are zombie bb's.
3. The dark side is taking over your loader, beware young jedi.


Jcotter February 22nd, 2012 09:28

It's kind of hard to tell in the pic but they don't look very polished. I'd almost be willing to put money on them being the black cyber gun sonic bb's from crappy tire. Kill them with fire before you get any jams or feed issues.

Strelok February 22nd, 2012 09:29

The White BB's decided racism was bad and became more tolerant.

ThunderCactus February 22nd, 2012 14:51


Originally Posted by styrak (Post 1609632)
mystery solved.
We're like fucking detectives up in here.


Curo February 22nd, 2012 15:05

Black BBs are ninja.

Cliffradical February 22nd, 2012 15:28

Black BBs rock, throw those out and buy new black ones.

Jcotter February 22nd, 2012 15:29

It's like an interracial gang bang.

Gato February 22nd, 2012 18:28


Originally Posted by Cliffradical (Post 1609828)
Black BBs rock, throw those out and buy new black ones.

Might I suggest he just trash the velocity arms BBs? I've tried them in a few guns, they have feed issues in everything I've put em through

Cliffradical February 22nd, 2012 18:33

Bastard has black ones don't they? Or was that only a rumor?

ThunderCactus February 22nd, 2012 18:37

They had them, don't think they make any more

testtube February 22nd, 2012 18:42

There is still some Bastard bags out there still available.

SniperSam February 22nd, 2012 18:43


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1609939)
They had them, don't think they make any more

They still have them o,o

Curo February 22nd, 2012 18:47

I'm still using black bastards.... all my mags 1 white bb:2 black BBs
Bastard .25s my masada loves em

grizz125 February 22nd, 2012 18:52

They for sure still have them. that may also be the problem with your bb's they arnt Bastards!!!

coach February 22nd, 2012 18:59


Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber (Post 1609947)
I'm still using black bastards.... all my mags 1 white bb:2 black BBs
Bastard .25s my masada loves em

That's way too much work! Especially loading 15-20 mags plus backup weapon mags.

Just dump them into a Tupperware stir and shake. My mix is anywhere from 1:1 to 1:3 white:black.

I'm just glad the blacks are available locally now. I use to order them from Metal Tech in BC by the case.

Curo February 22nd, 2012 20:31

multi-speed loaders and I load my mags the night before

coach February 22nd, 2012 21:02

Yes. Mags are loaded the night before. Sometimes even a few days ahead.

Meh whatever, switching back and forth between loaders is a waste of time. Might as well hand load them BB by BB.

Curo February 22nd, 2012 21:12

Thats not bad when I just gotta fill 8 or 10 mids to about 70 or 80 BBs I just use the back of a screwdriver tip (like from ones you can change the end) and my thumbs don't even get hurt and get get all mags filled within 40mins and my pistol mags in about 10more.

I will never understand why people arrive late or barely on time mags unloaded, and complain about not enough time on field!

ThunderCactus February 22nd, 2012 21:18

salt and pepper is the greatest thing ever in LMGs, white BBs are like tracers

coach February 24th, 2012 07:10


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1610028)
salt and pepper is the greatest thing ever in LMGs, white BBs are like tracers

I can't begin to imagine how many black and white BB's I'll be going through this year! Picked up a SAW and LMG in the last couple months. :D May have to leave the 40's on the shelf this summer. lol

Blackthorne February 24th, 2012 07:30


Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber (Post 1609947)
I'm still using black bastards.... all my mags 1 white bb:2 black BBs
Bastard .25s my masada loves em

We are working on a binary loader that will allow you to load two color BB's at once.

Styrak February 24th, 2012 07:32


Originally Posted by Blackthorne (Post 1610780)
We are working on a binary loader that will allow you to load two color BB's at once.

Is it called a bowl, where you pour 2 bags in and mix them?

Blackthorne February 24th, 2012 07:48


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1610782)
Is it called a bowl, where you pour 2 bags in and mix them?

Nope, you put one color in one side, the other color (or glow) on the other side, select you pattern (1 glow to 5 regular for example) and let er rip.

It will have a manual mode as well so you can do other things, like load all black and only 5 white at the end of the mag so you know when you are running dry.

The options are endless.

coach February 24th, 2012 07:53


Originally Posted by Blackthorne (Post 1610786)
Nope, you put one color in one side, the other color (or glow) on the other side, select you pattern (1 glow to 5 regular for example) and let er rip.

It will have a manual mode as well so you can do other things, like load all black and only 5 white at the end of the mag so you know when you are running dry.

The options are endless. guys are just taking all my money away...

Deadpool February 24th, 2012 07:55


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1610790) guys are just taking all my money away...

What will happen when they developpe a 40mm...You take a loan? ;)

Pinard February 24th, 2012 12:22


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1610790) guys are just taking all my money away...

+1 .. that speed loader needs to be reliable tho.. I see too much speed loaders break on the field.

ThunderCactus February 24th, 2012 14:53


Originally Posted by coachster (Post 1610777)
I can't begin to imagine how many black and white BB's I'll be going through this year! Picked up a SAW and LMG in the last couple months. :D May have to leave the 40's on the shelf this summer. lol

The mix depends on your ROF, I'm up at 1200rpm, so I mix it like 8-1
Anyway looks fucking cool when your shooting.

coach February 24th, 2012 17:37


Originally Posted by Deadpool (Post 1610791)
What will happen when they developpe a 40mm...You take a loan? ;)

The madbulls are hard to compete with though.


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1610996)
The mix depends on your ROF, I'm up at 1200rpm, so I mix it like 8-1
Anyway looks fucking cool when your shooting.

I've been playing with my mix a bit but haven't gone that high.

ThunderCactus February 24th, 2012 18:43

if you ever use tracers with gen1 NVG it looks pretty realistic lol

Ozone06 February 24th, 2012 18:54


Originally Posted by Blackthorne (Post 1610786)
Nope, you put one color in one side, the other color (or glow) on the other side, select you pattern (1 glow to 5 regular for example) and let er rip.

It will have a manual mode as well so you can do other things, like load all black and only 5 white at the end of the mag so you know when you are running dry.

The options are endless.

Do want! Also 8 bags of black .25s

coach February 24th, 2012 19:07


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1611123)
if you ever use tracers with gen1 NVG it looks pretty realistic lol

Yeah. The first time we tried it with nvg was at renegade's Casper ops game. Since I was playing as a loud, don't care about stealth, cartel member, all my guns had all tracers loaded. (TM mk23 with your 14-16mm adapter and TM 2nd gen tracer unit)

Edit: come to think of it, it may have been a jerry rigged 1st gen TM tracer as this game may predate your adapters release.

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