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Quality Brand BB Recommendation
Hello all, are there any good listings of the quality level of BB's these days.. I found one but it was years outdated and didn't have WE Match-Grade/Precision Grade etc. Also no reviews on BioBB's
I know pretty much TM brand is always going to be good, but I'm looking for opinions on good outdoor gaming BB's in bio and non-bio.. And standard quality indoor plinking BB's. Thoughts? |
BB Bastard, BB Bastard, BB Bastard, Canadian and proud.
You can get them here: http://www.bbbastard.com/ or at your local airsoft retailer if your in the GTA. |
I've tried KSC, BB bastard, guarder, flying color, and firepower
BB bastards soars above everyone else in quality, and their bioBBs are fantastic. KSC has the same accuracy, however I haven't seen them in the incredibly useful .28g range. They're also fairly brittle and break/explode when they hit hard surfaces. Pretty sure bastards are less expensive anyway :D |
BB Bastards are the way you want to go.
Support your Canadian businesses! |
Bastards all the way you wont be dissapointed
Bastards! Not you guys, but then again, I just realized I'm on ASC........ so some. ;)
Alright- well that's a wrap. Looks like the job is done here. We will pick this back up next post.
Bioval BB's are good too.
Get some bastards, that's all you need
Also check out Airsoft Central BBs. (http://www.airsoftcentral.ca). They are also Canadian and are polished more times with fewer air bubbles. From experimenting with them, they fly straighter and farther than any other BB I've used. However...I know of several guns that they don't feed in at all. It seems like they either work extraordinarily well or not at all. So, I use Airsoft Central and BBBastard.
the air bubble is supposed to be there, and to be centered.
The air bubble is there because it is a byproduct of the manufacturing process. During manufacture, as the BB is formed, any air collects and concatenates towards the centre of the BB. Most of the air will collapse into a single bubble, which may or may not be formed off-centre (most will be on-centre). In higher-quality BBs, the goal is to either minimize or eliminate the air bubble. BB Bastards (BBB) and Airsoft Central (AC) both manufacture high quality BBs. The BBBs I've cut open typically do not have an air bubble, though they do tend to have more like a "foamy" centre - which sort of distributes the "air bubble" around so that the BB is significantly less likely to be lopsided. The ACs I've cut open were solid all the way through, so the odds of them shooting lopsided is practically nil. I'm planning to run BBB and AC comparisons for similar weights sometime in the next month. BBB will include the standard and bio rounds, AC just standard rounds. I may throw in other manufacturers also, depending on what I have laying around, again just to compare. And if I'm feeling REALLY productive, I may post on the subject. |
BB bastards have worked really well for our team. In fact that's all we've run for the past few years. We've tried most everything under the sun, and they stand out. All of our PTW's, AEG's, GBB's, GBBR's, Springers have run them Bio and standard. They shoot straight, far and don't cause gun problems. I.E. Chopping, misfeeding, hooking, Breaking ...ect.
As pointed out, the elimination of unevenly distributed material, regardless of choosing the donut center or the foam strategy. BB Bastard settled on what we settled on, anyone can chop a BB to confirm it. We've been doing that for about 7 years now, as we refined our processed with feedback from players and our own testing. While the visible factors are easy to see, there are a number of other manufacturing processes that can affect distribution that are not visible - only the result - a good BB. BB material is 95% the same from formulation to formulation, hence a set mass of material will be used in whatever weight you're making. With our formulation, BBs without an air relief occur at about the .30g mark. Weight additives occur around the .34g mark, hence why .36g and .40g appear to have the colors they do - its the weight additive. Its not so much relevant as to whether you have visible bubbles or not, what is important is the distribution by weight. The more even the distribution, the fewer fliers and the greater accuracy you'll experience so long as the AEG is properly tuned from mag to feedpath. Improper hopup, dirty barrels, bad hopup rubbers, barrel crowning, barrel fitment, feedpath cleanliness, mag to hopup alignment, etc, all impact accuracy as well. In my experience there are a lot of factors you need to address before you'll maximize your BB performance. The guns coming out of boxes are getting much better (by a LARGE margin), but any good gundoc will tell you, accurization is an art and skill that even the best out-of-the-box platform can benefit from tuning. Bench the gun, use our accurization BBs with a BB capture system and you can tune the gun with some consistency. Better yet, contract to one of the mirade of experienced gundocs here if you're new to the sport or AEG-mechanically challenged. I no longer tune my guns, Renegade is far better at it than me, so, to me its worth a few bucks to maximize performance. Then you can take advantage of a good BB design. |
I'm not going to dispute that the accuracy/consistency of BBs downrange is based on a myriad of factors, from BB materials down to barrel cleanliness.
However, I do not tend to favour one manufacturer over another. BBBastards have been quite good to me, but I'm more than willing to try out a bag (or two) from another manufacturer to compare. If it performs better, I'll move over, else I stick with what is working. By your own words: Quote:
(Disclosure: Although this is my first year back in the game after a long, long time - and I'm still learning the new technology that has sprung up during the intervening years - that does not mean I am incapable of doing my research in an unbiased manner. At the end of the day, one of the few things that matters to me are the results, and if they meet my - and only my - expectations.) |
slink182...if you need some testers...just shoot me a PM. I can set you up...
Never any trouble with Bastards, but they've suddenly become rare in my area for some reason so I went ahead and experimented with other brands.
Myself and the guys that I play with have been testing the Madbull precision series BBs ( the ones being sold on airsoftparts.ca ). We've fired close to 6000-7000 of them through 5 different AEGs, and we might standardize on them. Airsoft parts offers bulk purchase discounts and Madbull's 10 kilo bag as well, which would be convenient for us. The jury is not out yet on quality, accuracy, and feeding, but so far they seem pretty good. I'm one of the folks who witnessed some feeding issues with the Airsoft Central BBs (seems to depend on the gun -- tightbores might have more problems). My local retailer used to stock Bastards, but they no longer do. I was told by said retailer that they stopped getting updates from BB Bastard or something to that effect (no idea what this means.. if anyone can shed some light on it I'd love to know). If they stocked them, I'd pick em up next time I was there and would do more side-by-side testing with the Madbulls. I wish the BBBs were available in bulk pricing as well (not a huge deal but enough to sway one way or the other when deciding between almost identically-performing BBs). Until then, sticking with the Bulls. |
We are going to be in stock on 90% of our SKUs next week, and 90 days after that we will be fully stocked in three warehouses globally. So if you do decide to come back to Bastards, we will have plenty for you. Growth hurts. But rest assured we are never going to be out of stock again. As far as bulk pricing goes, we can and do offer discounts for larger orders, but what your average Joe thinks is "a bulk order" and what we need in order to make the transaction worth while rarely meet. We regularly get inquiries about bulk orders for 50,000 rounds. (25 bags). For that level we do offer a team discount, but there are some strings attached. We need to develop a relationship with the team, ensure they aren't ass-hats here on ASC etc. To put that in perspective, we are talking with distributor right now who is asking about 10 tons of product (50 million rounds). This order would qualify for some serious discounts. we are not out to screw the little guy, but we are a business, and we have margins of profitability we need to meet or we go broke, and can't handle increases in production costs (read below on oil). We have eaten a few of these lately without upping our prices, and will continue to do for as long as we can. We intend to stay a small operation to cut overhead and stay streamlined. These savings protect our customers from increasing prices, or compromises in quality. Don't get me started about rising costs to manufacture, package (lets face it, styrene is oil based and it takes oil to get it here) and ship :D |
Good luck to you guys and I look forward to resuming the depletion of your stock soon ;) |
ksc .25 .30.
Airsoft Central, BB Bastards and Madbulls are all nice BB's, you can't really go wrong with any of those. I prefer Airsoft Central because I get the tighest groupings with them.
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