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Russian fans of CSOR
Hi every one! We have airsoft team at Russia and we are real fans of CSOR. Like guys form France fans of JTF-2 in the same thread;)
Several pictures of two members of us. http://aishidiho.users.photofile.ru/...e/94008303.jpg http://aishidiho.users.photofile.ru/...e/94008312.jpg http://aishidiho.users.photofile.ru/...e/94008326.jpg http://aishidiho.users.photofile.ru/...e/94008308.jpg http://aishidiho.users.photofile.ru/...e/94008346.jpg http://aishidiho.users.photofile.ru/...e/94008413.jpg |
It looks good! but don't forget to blouse your boots, its something little that takes away from the look. http://www.ehow.com/how_6955605_blou...ary-style.html
Nice impressions:) Sometimes I think I would like to travel to different countries just to meet Airsoft players and talk shop:) Somebody should start a worldwide convention for us, maybe in HongKong:)
Take care, |
Guys, now you look like canadian airsofters and will perfectly blend into the croud :D
Good Job btw! |
Here's what I'm seeing.
When fast-roping, blowing doors, or breaking shit etc. : Unbloused trousers. When they're on the flat range other than Petawawa and generally within view of Big Army pers or where they'll be seen in public: Bloused trousers. During Expo 150, everyone had bloused trousers. |
IMO, this debate is ridiculous.
An impression don't depend on a soldier personal choice. Look at pictures of them, wear the same gear as them and try to fit in. |
I'd be less worried about the blousing of ones pants, which is a non-issue, and more concerned about the strange helmet.
Well... if we're going talk about getting the impression "just right" I'd also suggest hitting the gym. I only know a hand full of guys who've passed their assulters course, but none of them are skinny dudes. Hell, most reg force infanteers have some degree of pipage....Just sayin' ;)
As for the pants thing, Im with Fox... re-donk-culous.:rolleyes: |
1. Yes, the laces must be hide all the time
2. It is not real pants and it have some non issue things like too long strings. But you are right, it looks stupid any way:) 3. No more t-shirts in action, I promise 4. I was forcedly to worn TW, of course no green pallet at this region. Never knew about name tapes, will cut them down 5. Ok 6. The temperature was about 25C so it was not too hot, but in Astan climate I beleave the knee pads would be annoying as you mentioned 7. Im allready ordered the right helmet gallet 3000 type Thank you very much for so useful comments!!! I beleave next time pictures you see will be more correct |
-Skeletor-, it's a pro-tec helmet on the ground on your picture? And NVG mount is a US type with one hook or it's canadian with two rear hooks? Are there any other mount variants - for instance - norotos three point?
THX! |
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/17/344772.jpg/ I mean that helmet on the ground - what is it?
Thx a lot for so rapid reply! It's also interesting to know - how do guys in CSOR purchase their plate carriers or chest rigs? They deside it individually or they choose a one model for the whole team or squad and then they request it from their HQ? I mean - we have chosen MBSS as a basic plate carrier, i'm not certain that this model is really used in CSOR but we have desided that it's the most comfortable variant for us from both sides - availableness and price. Also we've found photos with paraclete's PCs and RBAVs in CSOR use. |
-Skeletor-, it's perfectly clear now, your help is priceless - thx again.
Some kind of rest during the mission
http://m.io.ua/img_aa/medium/1952/53/19525386.jpg |
http://www.outdoorgraphy.com/images/...te%20black.jpg OR Pro-Tec Ace Helmet (Probably painted with Pro-Tec decals removed) http://www.kiteridersllc.com/shoppin...o%20tect%20ace |
Definitely not Pro-tecs. A member told me they're of Israeli manufacture so they're most likely Rabintex helmets.
Ref. my pics in the other CSOR thread and the Rabintex website. |
@pugs: there is a ProTec on the ground. Just doesn't necessarily belongs to a JTF2 operative, could be anyone with the SOTF that was with them.
Regular flash hider, STANAG m4 mag, and a regular crane stock but thats not a big deal.
As I know for CQB gun vortex flashhider and vltor stock are issued? No?
1 Attachment(s)
1 Attachment(s)
Try the m4 stock like this Attachment 29362 or a regular crane stock? |
from that last photoshoot, vltor stocks seem to be pretty popular within the CSOR. Plus, it seems like they're fielding an/peq-15s.
But if you really want it to be a dedicated military styled rifle, you can paint it. Downside is that it'll depreciate its resell value. Not too sure about the spectreDR scope, but seems pretty spot on. =) Sick rifle!! |
Yes they've been fielding PEQ-15s in SOF for years now. The Spectre is accurate to the impression too.
To everyone that says or thinks "SOF uze wateva dey want 2 cuz dey speshal 4ces", they cant. Yes many guys privately purchase gear, but they cant just use whatever they want. |
To a certain extent, sure.
What do you mean "To a certain extent"?
EDIT: Ah, glad you put a quote in there pugs144. |
Yeah, obviously they can't go apeshit on gucci kit, but they have quite the ample amount of leeway when it comes to kit acquisition. That's all i'm willing to discuss on this subject. :)
On topic...I like your blaster configuration. It's not too overboard with gadgets and what not. |
They dont have as much leeway as you think.
As long as the kit is approved by the CoC, they are ok no? ... And I am pretty sure they have a wide range of equipment they can use.
Plus why would you say : that's all I'm willing to discuss on this subject ?! Are you trying to pretend you are an operator with CSOR ?! If so, everyone in here would know you aren't cuz I'm 100% any CANSOFCOM member would not come in here and write that type of message ... God what is going on recently with all this : '' I'll try to be cool by typing some shit like that and maybe people will think I'm one '' ... Don't get me wrong, I am in my 12th year in a light infantry bataillon and I am pretty sure that no one in CANSOFCOM would do this, especially here. Sorry but seems like every 5 post I read about gear someone pretend to be a member of a specific unit ... Gosh guys, don't you have respect for these guys ?1 If yes, stop pretending you are them. And if you are, dude you are really retarded to do so, basically fully exposing yourself. My 2 cents ... Quote:
+10 ... Guys real SOF aren't in movies ... They still have to use approved gear even if their choice is big enough for everything they do. ...
Back on subject : keep up the good work guys and thanks for posting this here :)
WOW! Great post! Those 3 dots have so much depth and meaning to them its like I can read your mind! And what a complex mind it is.
Oh, and your making fun of the first half, when you should be reading the second half. |
Some new pictures from another Astan theme game in a hills. We were at 3300 fits height with terrible weather conditions like fog, rain and heavy wind. It was awesome:)
http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../173893327.jpg http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../173893332.jpg http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../173893358.jpg http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../173893357.jpg |
Well we use chemlights during night phases of the game - marking our blasters, so some badasses wont brake them in the dark while we are sleeping or just to mark important object. The last time we used them - we marked the narrow path to our base and everyone who didnt enter our base via that path were shot. Well that's it. Black leg bag is a leg platform running man with molle and black utility pouch attached. We re not certain - use it or not, but we were short of space and gear for such rough environment - so every empty pouch was useful.
I actually find the old style M4 stock with rubber buttpad has a lot more grip than my RS Vltor. I do like the shape and storage of the Vltor better, but an improved buttpad would give the best of both worlds. Everyone seems to love the slanted butt, but it offers no traction when your support hand is off the gun. That being said, I run a relatively heavy front end and I find the A2 grip contributes a lot to difficulty supporting the gun one handed. Will report back once I get a BG-16 on the rifle.
How long were you guys out there for? A weekend or just an overnight game? That shit looks heavy, lol. Is that private property or is it a public venue? It looks like alot of fun.
We`ve been there for a weekend. Two nights and three days staying in a hills. That was a famous game in Ukraine with hard tolerance on equipment and apparel. All this requirements and hard weather and enivironment conditions have led to limited number of people. It was about only 150 participants.
More invironment
http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../173893316.jpg http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../173893345.jpg and this is a briefing befor the game http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../173893313.jpg After the game at the foot of the mountain. Feel the difference with top of the mountains http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../173893369.jpg |
More tipical pictures. Skeletor, sorry for stupid untightened laces at stupid replicas:). And only one member of the team have goretex pants unfortunately. We are looking forward to get more, even arcteryx alfa leaf pants
http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../173893361.jpg |
Nice pics, awesome nature.
Where was the game held? Пасибы )) |
Oh god... ONLY 150? That's a fair bit of people by most standards, lol. Some of the European countries seem to be on another level with their milsims. Very jealous, nice terrain and loadouts.
Keep the pcitures coming! good stuff guys, by the way where excatly are you guys running milsims out there?
Pozdro. |
Its nice to see some people doing Canadian loadouts as most loadouts I see are American, not to mention I serve in the CF and our special forces aren't super well known as many others. Personally I'm considering making a CSOR or JTF2 loadout myself!
One question, where did you guys get your cadpat from ? I won't wear my issue stuff but I don't have a clue where to get the replica stuff from! Also, as said above that guy needs to ditch the tan beret. Once again, he didn't earn and it is shaped very poorly. |
Replicas are easy to find, its good replicas that look like the real deal that are not. Check Armyissue he has replica Cadpat.
There are a couple options for pants, but not much for shirts.
Pants: - TacGear http://www.surpluspontrouge.com/fr/r...strPriceRange= - SGS Real Fabric (be careful, there is the SGS cheap shitty chinese crap, and the real fabric version) http://www.surpluspontrouge.com/fr/r...strPriceRange= - Frontenac/Perfection (discontinued) http://www.surpluspontrouge.com/fr/r...strPriceRange= - CPGear See CPGear's website As for jackets, if you can find some Frontenac/Perfection, it's probably the best choice. Other than that, try CPGear. TacGear and SGS do not produce any jackets, unfortunately. |
Thanks guys, ill look into it. I was going to try and get the shirt in ACU cut if thats possible.
CPGear's OTW shirt is arguably the most high-speed CADPAT garment.
cpgear is also the most expensive place to buy anything also
Dropzones ops series of is great an reasonably priced. Ive had my shirt for 10 years now and its still doin great.
About berets - sry guys if it hurts you, really. We will avoid using it. We understand that it's a great honour to wear, but prove me wrong - everyone in CSOR have it. To be a part of such respectable regiment its a great honour it self. So it turns out that we cannt reenact this CSOR theme (in russia we call it - modelling) 'couse we cannt earn this honour at all - we re just office rats and what not. When we wear berets - we all remember what it mean, we understand all importance and honour of this. Again - we apologize if it hurts you.
Please clear for us the moment of IFF patches - last time we showed our photos, we were told that IR flags and IFF patches - its the only patches guys from CSOR wear. And about chest rigs - do i understand correctly - for such mountain missions operators would prefer RRV or something from LBT instead of issue 6094? If yes - this RRVs are purchased by Canadian DND or its just their own operators' initiative? |
Thx alot for clarify! And we donot wear berets in the field. NEVER. They were purchased mostly for collection and not for daily wear. And I'll say it again - we respect Canadian forces and CSOR especialy and will avoid wearing berets. :salute:
I dont think its a problem wearing a tan beret, not like your here in canada and trying to act like your csor. Cap badges i do have an issue with though, when you are presented your badge it is the point of your battle school where you are now welcomed into the regimental family.
either way no one here really has the right to tell you that your not allowed to wear anything. |
Well I understand that this is a case of respect of the whole country not just berets and badges. And every canadian has the right to tell that it hurts him - watching former commies wearing signs of canadian military elites. Thats why I want to appologize. If it's a problem then we'll solve it.
Yeah the issue with capbadges as has been mentioned many times before is that it takes a lot of time and work to get your capbadge, and it's an honour and a privellage to wear it. You should just stick it on a manequin's head and put it in a display cabinet or something instead of wearing it. It's not needed for the impression anyways like Skeletor said.
Well, I'm sure some Canadians wear blue "VDV telnyashka".. You also have to earn that. In Russia if some VDV soldiers see you wear it and find out you actually didn't serve in VDV... broken bones are a guarantee..
Probably some Canadian soldiers are not too happy that random civilians are wearing Cadpat.. I think as long as you are not claiming to be someone and just "reenacting" , wear whatever you want.. |
For real, look up past discussions about badges and medals.....it has absolutely nothing to do with who you are.
Holy God, really? Who cares. I mean, nobody is complaining about people wearing other (e.g. US) badges, patches etc. I'm sure none of the WW2 reenactors that wear uniforms full of airborne patches, wings, SS or good ole brit beret deserved any of that either (unless they are really old airsoft players) but nobody raises hell about that. I mean, seeing a guy dressed in issue cadpat walking around, with beret and capbadge, rank and flag... sure it's an issue. A guy wearing CSOR beret half a world away in a country where clearly he isn't trying to impersonate local military should be last of our worries to come online and write about. If I see a guy wearing RCR slip-on in a game, I'd be proud to see someone wanting to be where I am.
Guys, maybe you can help me - I have this badge but absolutly unaware what it means. It was given me as a present long ago when I joined my team.
http://rghost.ru/37574190/image.png |
That's the Land Force Command/Canadian Army insignia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Army EDIT: No it's not, actually... Swords are on -top- of Maple Leaf... It looks like a shoulder badge... WWII maybe? |
Not entirely sure of what you have there... I hope someone knows as I'm curious myself now :P
I was refering to ww2 airsofters, and I wouldn't be selective to choose those to be real reenactors while those wearing modern stuff are not (you can say the russian was just reenacting CSOR operative in afghanistan). Yes, you wouldn't wear a beret in 'stan (KAFers excluded) but hey, if a guy wants to wear it, who cares? It's a game. And I know tan beret isn't just CSOR, but commonly we all call it that around Pet.
And you're absolutely right about those that take it too far, buying DEUs, getting married wearing them, wearing medals or even just combats in public, etc, but who was talking about those people? To stay on track here, we are talking about people wearing badges or patches in a game and game alone, and no matter how much sleep I lost over it, I just couldn't find it to be going too far, out of the line. |
Thanks for the info. Although I wonder how long the team leader had to spend to collect a full set of them to hand out to guys that joined his team lol. |
I mean it really depends from people, I serve in the Canadian forces and I do not agree with civilians wearing cadpat items. It's a privilege to wear the uniform and an honor to wear your trade badge. So I find it annoying (sometimes) to see people wearing army stuff without being actual members of the armed forces but it's not any different from wearing other countries army uniform so in the end it just come to respect the uniform.
Nothing we can really do about it now, a lot of place sell cadpat items and replica of cap badges and real berets, I mean as long as you wear it correctly and don't disrespect it and don't wear the uniform in public it's fine with me. Just my opinion... |
Gato hit the nail on the head. The beret, badges, rank status and proficiency badges, thats what we don't like seeing other people wear to simulate an "impression" as you all call it. You car wear all the IR patches, Canadian Flags/patches or a countries designated camouflage all you want, but when it comes down to wearing a tab, rank insignia or any parts thereof that represents the trials any serving individual must go through to earn the right to wear such a thing, we don't agree with. Personally, during my SQ, I re-fractured a bone in my foot and while jumping into my trench, my helmet bounced up and bopped me in the face which broke 7 of my front teeth. At that point in the course, I only had 3 days until I "graduated" and received my qualification and the "injury" I sustained would have gotten me medically kicked off course. At this point in time, I had already spent 3.5 weeks learning everything and getting belt fed C.O.C.K on inspection and I wasn't ready to go home, so I sucked it up, took the pain and graduated and when I got home, I dealt with the broken teeth. It hurt beyond any pain you could possibly imagine. But I did it because I knew my unit was paying me to complete a job and come hell or high water, I would complete that job. That's just one story. Each and every individual currently serving has a story like this where they sacrificed something to achieve something greater, whether it be a tab, rank insignia or proficiency level or to prove to their coleagues that they belong within the community. So when we see somebody with the ability to just simply go to a surplus store and buy that piece of kit and wear it without knowing how hard it is to acquire, some people may get a little moody. Personally, I don't give a shit. Wear whatever you want. At the end of the day, I know you're just using it to complete an impression. But, if you do choose to wear a certain piece of kit, please do your best to understand exactly what that piece of kit means and don't abuse it.
As said many times over and over now cap badges, ranks, certain berets are off limits or at least imo they are.
However one of my biggest pet peeves are airsofters (and paintballers) looking for real issued cadpat. Whether it just be the uniform or a piece of kit (often see people looking for small packs). Why does this annoy me? Because I've seen airsofters with kit I don't even have yet and higher ranking people at my unit don't even have it because so limited resources, not to mention selling or owning issued cadpat unless your in CF is illegal. |
Well guys, i've sad enough already. Recenlty we had a team meating where we had decided to put all berets and such stuff on shelves. Of course it's just a matter of complete impression and nothing more and if it hurts real soldiers whom we are taking after so be it. But from other side - why can anyone buy any beret or badge or any special stuff just in store? Why not to ask his SIN or else?
Recent picture. More coming
http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../174024389.jpg |
'course youre right but for instance - when we tried to order from one online store IR canadian flags - our SINs were asked, thats why i asked.
It is intermediate look of my team. List of requirements still not complete but we are working. Picture for hard criticism
http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/3751/img0014usp.jpg |
Change the optics to 552s, 553s, or Spectre DR's. Take off the suppressors unless its a KAC suppressor (that tiny one bottom row second from left looks f**king retarded). Already said above about the Cadex mounts. You cant really do much about the lid itself because there arent any repro Gallet helmets. Second from right needs to change this M16 stock. Looks good though, keep up the good work.
I've seen them use Rabintex helmets vice the Gallets.
As I noticed they use OPS supressors. And what the big difference between mich manufaturers? I think no major difference between msa, gentex, gallet, rabintex
The way I should have phrased it instead of "take off the suppressor unless its a KAC", is "if it isnt OPS or KAC, take it off". What makes you think they dont use KAC suppressors? I cant remember the suppressor model number, but I think its the OPS 15. Ive seen 1 once (airsoft version) on I believe airsoftparts (I could be wrong). As far as the difference between lids goes, I thought it was just minor external differences (like -Skeletor- noted). As far as anything else goes, Im unsure. Not related, but good job as a whole team on getting a pretty decent group of impressions together. Not many people around here all do decent kits as a team. |
MICH 2001 on the guy on the left? e/ Oh my god hivemind |
How hard is it to acquire a Cadex NVG mount?
Harder than finding a tri-add rail, and those can be hard to come by. needle in a hay stack dude.
Easier to make replica by yourself like guys from Ukraine made already
In the Mid-90 the CF formed a "regt" with a set of tests for PT. These guys would Challenge all current serving members of the CF. You were awarded Bronze, Silver, or Gold, depending on your score on the PT testings. It was a flawed plan and quickly crashed and burned for a variety of reasons This of course did not last very long as the "Brass" were not keen on having to do the PT that the Privates were still good at. |
I think maybe Jeroon is thinking of perry staff back in the day.
My gear. Here we got evererything I wear on missions except sets of uniform, shells, goretex stuff, layers, underwear etc
http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../174412701.jpg And here my blasters http://aishi.pisemnet.users.photofil.../174412723.jpg |
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