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A-TACS gear available
For those of us (me included) who are interested in A-TACS pattern, TAG has some gear in store, BDU are not yet available but plate carriers, holsters and pouches can be ordered in A-TACS pattern. Link : http://www.tacticalassaultgearstore.com/ For those who don't know what A-TACS pattern is : http://www.tactical-life.com/online/...acs-0001-1.jpg |
store location
is this store in mtl ... ?
Nope USA but they ship in Canada and their product don't fall under ITAR regulation if bought without plates.
Edit the first post, it was leading to photo, now linked to shop.
Their plate carriers look nice actually.. might actually get one of these instead in A-TACS instead of a CB CIRAS.
or just use krylon like the cool kids!
Must be good in urban for sure, can't wait for BDUs !!! |
I think I'm gonna get a Banshee plate carrier for myself.
http://www.tacticalassaultgearstore...._700px_1.1.png |
Pretty badass but useless unless they're selling the camo
I just picked up the A-TACS ACU (coat, pants, hat) on pre-order for $128 with Free Shipping
I really want the bdu or acus or whatever the fancy name is these days
Don't understand the differential, but I guess BDU is old school lingo in the camo world. I noticed the switch with MultiCAM ACU as well.
BDU is a Battle Dress Uniform and ACU is a specific cut for the BDU. ACU stands for Army Combat Uniform from what I know.
Gotcha on that, but if the Army doesn't wear it yet, is it ACU? I guess it is all wording. After all a coat is a coat.
whatever it is called.. i cant wait until the clothing comes out in march. Just in time for my Birthday!!!! :)
I could be wrong, but my understanding is:
ACU stands for army Combat Uniform. Their current issue to most of the army is the pattern most people call ACU. The white and grey. Some units are transferring into Multicam, I believe it is set to become the new "ACU" http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi...at_Uniform.jpg Now, when people refer to an ACU cut of another camouflage (Multicam, Cadpad, whatever) They are referring to the way the camo is cut. where the pockets are, how it fits, where the zippers are .ect In my experience, most people prefer the newer ACU cut to the older BDU cut. This is the older BDU cut, notice the collar and the 4 big square pockets. http://www.camoclothing.co.za/32-37-...rm-bdu-top.jpg This is the ACU cut. Again, notice the difference in the collar. There are also only 2 chest pockets, and they are on handy angles! http://tacticaltraininggear.com/imag...bat%20Coat.jpg There are a number of other differences (zippers vs. Buttons, velcro .ect) but you really have to see and try it to get the difference. Theres also some differences in the pants. Sorry if thats not a perfect explanation, I'm sleepy.. |
Sounds good to me.
You are perfectly right ACU and BDU are merelly a clothing cut.
Yet the term ACU more or less becamed known for most of the public at the same time as UCP or ACUPAT and the name stuck even in US army. Now the US Army realized, sorry, the guys who were paid under the table to select UCP as camo got fired and the new guy is smart enough to play nice for a time with the senate and decided to switched multiple units to Multicam and the all Army around 2013 or so if I recall. Me I still support Multicam, I just want to make a new outfit. A-TACS probably won't work at qll in greeny forest, it's more meant for middle east exterior environments and urban with lots of silica/sand dust which gives it a yellowish color... so 70/80% of where today skirmishes take place. |
ATACS is a family of camos. There is the so called "universal" that's been shown the most, but there's also the purely desert variant, the forest (temperate), and if I remember correctly there's also the night and artic variants (I think... not sure on these two)... so it's no more revolutionnary than anything. It just doesn't look like a pattern and more like dirt on a cloth.
Yeah, the arid camo will stand out in the greener areas, i'm waiting to see if they're gonna release a woodland scheme because then i'm gonna get a new kit just for that.
Terminology Confusion
As previously stated, "ACU" stands for "Army Combat Uniform"; while most people have incorrectly used the term as a reference to the US Army's digital pattern, it is in fact a reference to the CUT (design pattern) of the uniform. In the same manner, "BDU" also came to be a reference to "military fatigues" (in the king's proper English) or "field uniforms" or "utilities" (in military parlance) the same way "Sea-Doo" -- a Trademarked model name by Bombardier -- came into general use to refer to "personal water craft." The term BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) refers to the well known cut of US military field uniforms. Similarly, the proper terminology for the USMC field uniform is MCCUU (Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform). The most distinctive features of the ACU cut are the mandarin collar, slanted chest pockets and sleeve pockets. Multicam, civilian versions of MarPat, and Digital Urban have all been made in the ACU cut. The proper term for the US Army digital pattern is UCP (Universal Camo Pattern). |
A-TACS looks like mud covered khaki; like guys in Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan fighting in mud or wet weather.
I would be happy to get some woodland options or a transitional variant. PenCott has all three options but I like what A-TACS is doing thus far. |
I think people still get hung up on the belief that camo makes them invisible. The purpose of camouflage is to help you blend in better so that it takes longer to recognize that you are out of place. You can't look like a tree, but you can look like part of the shadows in the scenery just like you can dress up to look like one of the natives. |
Good points all around. I was reading up on Hyperstealth and they supposedly have a new Smart Camo which would make you invisible, however it costs $1,000 per Uniform, so it may take a while to get it out. Plus it requires a battery pack which my be too bulky at the moment.
Yeah but that's the kind of stuff geeks like myself would buy without thinking twice :D
Stay on topic, kids.
Propper will have atacs BDU's and boonies in March, yum yum gonna get me some.
Also Danner atacs boots look reel nice http://a-tacs.com/category/a-tacs-news/ |
a-tacs. great. the next freakin' multicam.
Wooded environments don't usually have grass, so it'll blend with dirt and dry leaves and stuff on the ground. Or at least that's how it goes in theory: this is all speculation until we get to actually try it. It may well end up doing only passably well in most environments, and very well in very few, the way MC did. |
This is their Arid version that you are currently seeing for A-TACS. There are plenty of rumors of when and if they are coming out with a Woodland or Universal Version. There will always be something newer and better, I am just thinking this is some of the coolest camo out now.
Plus what do we care ? It's just a reason to make a new outfit :D
Soldier Systems put up a new deal for the A-TACS ACU
Nice to see prices coming back down towards the Sane range. Part of the premise of A-TACS was that it wouldn't be crippled by exorbitant licensing fees the way Multicam was (thus keeping prices close to par with common patterns).
MultiCam has definitely come down from the clouds. I am sure they still have the licensing fees, but since this is the first uniform, it is probably much less than if it catches on.
I was looking for a place to pre-order the A-TACS BDU's. Thank you Hulubulu.
someone should organise a group buy
My Shipping was free.
I know of a distributor that should have some at the Airsoft convention if you guys can wait a few weeks :)
but I'm in alberta...
I know I would be ordering two full sets |
As far as I know, it is free shipping for anywhere in Canada as long as you buy the Coat and pants.
Oh damn.. I realized that it's gonna be shipped through UPS... gonna get bum raped with fees...
exactly why I'd like to stay in canada
Anyone have an idea on sizing on the TAG site? I see one item I am interested in is only available in SM/MD and I'm wear XL tshirts but in the past I have bought things big and had them too big.
You can take MD I think.
Still haven't bought the PC bought I pre-ordered the ACU set from PredatorBDU. Thank for the link by the way ;) |
Thanks for the tip. I checked with UPS and I am looking at about $40 in brokerage fees. Not as bad as I worried. I guess some stores charge more for shipping, so it should be a wash.
Haven't ordered the banshee yet, had to finance making a few rounds I can up with but it's on the rails. ;)
Either way, i'm still proberly gonna pay fees. It was shipped on 16th and arriving at my door on the 18th. I will take some pictures when I get my stuff. |
I wouldn't call that being nice. FEDEX will DEFINITELY rape you (no lube) with brokerage fees.
here is a sizing chart for that brand http://www.epropper.com/sizechart.html |
if he has some ill buy a set off of him or 2 lol. if not ill buy them online.. have a good shop in the US.. and the bush cap. |
One SHot has A-TACs Vikers Slings
Also FYI since there was so much TAG in this thread, Farmboy is cutting prices on it again: OST TAG Sale |
so are any canadian retailers going to get this?
Perhaps but right now none.
A-TACS patern is make by Eotac in 2009.
Eotac sale this patern to Propper in 2010 Propper launch A-TACS BDU in march 2011 with a new BDU Style !!! For Tactical Gear. TAG , SafariLand , BlueForceGear is the first to suport A-TACS for tactical stuff like a tactical vest , molle pouch , sling etc ... Danner is the official suporter for the boot in A-TACS patern. Remington make alot of firearm in A-TACS Partern. (m700 , 870 ...) Ehobby Assia have some AEG and part with this patern. I see this camo in the shotshow 2010 and 2011 ... A-TACS Is the multicam killer !!! BDU is coming soon in store www.surpluspontrouge.com (for March 2011) A-TACS ... the new USMC CAMO ???!!!??? :) Sorry for my poor english :P |
Lighting is pretty bad sorry. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66...t/P1000604.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66...t/P1000602.jpg |
Also : TAG is making 30% right now on selected gear, go take some if interested. |
I'll be honest, I'm disappointed in those pistol mags.. I would have figured A-Tacs for the front flap, not coyote..
that plate carrier looks badass. however the tan molle webbing is very prominent -- i would prefer if the molle webbing had the pattern as well.
Molle is not a big deal, especially when covered with pouches.
Mine is on its way. Banshee PC Utility Pouch 3 x 7.62 Pouch I'll have space for my G36 mags and ready for GBBR SR25 :D |
Hope they dont mix up your order like they did with mines... I dunno how could they mix up with ACU and A-TACS :\ I'm still waiting for a reply from them.
Let's hope so...
anyone eyeing those chest rigs? And just for sheits n giggles, how do you think CB would mix with A-TACS?
Not bad but not well I think, too monolithic compared to the rest.
I still have a Pantac 3 mag universal shingle in CB I'll make a try when the PC gets here. |
Check out www.niagaraquartermaster.com , they're selling shirt, pants and boonie for $170 taxes and shipping within Canada included.
Jason Falla at Redback One Quote:
It's one of the few patterns I've seen in awhile that actually forces the eye away. Kind of a "nothing to see here" or "these aren't the droids you're looking for" kind of patern breaking.
Neat :) |
And more than anything : it will be uncommon... for some time at least :D
But I'll probably buy several A-TACS ACU. |
I can't wait for the other variations. |
Excellent point. I would like to be a bit more sterile playing airsoft and this fits the bill perfectly.
I fell in love with this stuff at SHOT |
If it's just that you can put together pieces you like or use a gun "unsuited" to the gear.
I used my former ARES G36K with full multicam outfit. Now it will be G36KV :D |
it will make just like multicam... In the beginning, a very few was having MC. By the end of the year, nearly everybody was wearing them. Separating team was MC against the others lol! That was in 2006. When the chineese replicas will be democratized, it will spread all over...
I never liked Multi Cam but I really like the look of the A-TACS. I would probably purchase it but it's going to spread like wildfire like MC did and I hate that.
I'm waiting for the Blue Force stuff.
i'm trying to decide whether to hold out for jungle or get the this one
They posted a full listing of where to buy their camo products: A-TACS
look what I've found on Hyperdouraku YT page, not much but still nice to see it in action :
http://www.youtube.com/user/hyperdou.../7/dr5G_rIj3fE |
I will defiantly be picking some of this up as soon as i can. Thanks for the video. |
Ok, got the order from Tactical Assault Gear.
Banshee plate carrier is awesome but seriously, who the hell is in charge of orders ??? I ordered 3 7.62 pouches and I got 2 quad M4 pouches ! Also they are really no very concerned over the molle dimensions. I seriously advice to wait Tactical Tailor or other manufacturer to make pouches in A-TACS pattern. |
Go email them and explain the situation. I did that with my triple m4 pouches. They sended me the correct one free of charge and no fees. |
Already done but something that basic pisses me off.
How hard is it to count to 3 and choose from the pile labelled .308 (or 7.62) and not M4 ? Yours was an even bigger one : Multicam instead of A-TACS... the guy (or girl) can't even use the "color-blind" argument here... |
Soldier Systems pointed out good deal on 3 day assault packs in A-TACS at:
I think they are good quality since they are mil-spec. Still waiting to bite the bullet but there are only 14 left. Know anything about these guys? Grey Ghost |
BTW! A-TACS is now available at lapolicegear.com
I dont know about you guys, but to me, the Urban A-tacs variant seems to be way to light to work correctly in most of the fields we Airsofters usually play in.
YouTube - A-TACS in Action サãƒã‚¤ãƒãƒ«ã‚²ãƒ¼ãƒ *ã§è¿·å½©å*¹æžœæ¤œè¨¼ |
Has anyone received a full A-TACS BDU and have pics yet?
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