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Qlong July 1st, 2010 15:22

HERA-ARMS Auto Glock Carbine
Hera Arms GCC on a modded G18C, mmm...german

...Yeah yeah, "Not allowed to use with C Models"

ratnest July 1st, 2010 15:48

"not gor use with c models" i didn't even know a full length g18 was in production anymore

Tex July 1st, 2010 15:54

Said it before and I will say it again AWESOME!

MilanWG July 1st, 2010 15:55

Very cool. Could you make a video of it shooting?

Shirley July 1st, 2010 16:03

Woooo! Nice!

onemenace July 1st, 2010 16:32

HERA ARMS Glock Carbine
I want one!

Cassius July 1st, 2010 21:52


Mitchell12 July 1st, 2010 22:00


Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN (Post 1265761)
Very cool. Could you make a video of it shooting?


Qlong July 1st, 2010 22:28

Ahh, fine, I'll make a video. :D

It's really light and fun to shoot, weighs just under 3 pounds and produces much better groupings than with the glock alone.

Stealthee July 1st, 2010 22:50

Looks like the Magpul FMG-9/FPG, but better!

T@NK July 1st, 2010 23:24

you use the real steel kit or there is a kit for airsoft? and you glock is a TM or KSC?

RacingManiac July 1st, 2010 23:28

Need to make one fit for TM Glock 18C....

Mid July that thing will be out...

Cilantro July 2nd, 2010 09:54

EBairsoft is making this, or something like it, for KSC and TM, apparently.

Qlong July 2nd, 2010 10:01

Haha, I saw that a month ago when they sent out that reviewer recruitment letter, I laughed.

It's the real deal, cost me a pretty penny.

Cilantro July 2nd, 2010 21:56

See, I don't really get the point of all this Glock 18 bling that's come out recently, but maybe that's cuz I have an MP9 with 3 mags to play with instead :P

FOX_111 July 2nd, 2010 22:40

How hard is it to clear a "stove pipe" type of jam?
It apear to be a lot of room under the optic and "internal" pistol ejection port.

Qlong July 2nd, 2010 23:16

As easy as the stock not even being there, except you pull on the charging handle instead of the slide. The ejection port well is large enough so shells are impossible to jam there.

pusangani July 28th, 2010 23:10

Stealthee July 28th, 2010 23:15

My god, me wants one bad. You need a whole Glock 17/18C gun right? Because I believe the Magpul FMG/FPG just needs the slide.

Qlong July 28th, 2010 23:17

Mine is still better. And, AND I can fire a real glock with it.

That looks like the version 1, haha, ppl buying that will have BBs bouncing off all over that muzzle.

pusangani July 28th, 2010 23:20

I'd still get it and mod it to work properly, now if only I had a G17


also if it the outside was threaded, a suppressor+longer inner barrel would be amazing!

13Fido13 July 29th, 2010 00:31

Are you looking for a glock? ;)

Ballcancer July 29th, 2010 00:56

Ok now I really want one... may seem like a stupid set of questions.. but here we go.. anyone selling these in canada? doesnt really make a difference to me if its a clone or not, if so shoot me a PM pretty please :D... and if I were to buy it off Ebaybanned would it get seized?

pusangani July 29th, 2010 01:21

The clone just came out, doubt any retailers in country would have it yet. The airsoft one won't fit a real steel glock so I doubt it's prohibited, but you never know with those brilliant CBSA agents we have hehe

Ballcancer July 29th, 2010 01:28

Yea true that... Its just I just happened to have a KSC g17 at my gun docs that would love to have this new add on

dogtoy July 29th, 2010 09:28

Its neat i suppose , but wouldnt it be easier to just get an MP7?

Qlong July 29th, 2010 09:37


Originally Posted by dogtoy (Post 1285355)
Its neat i suppose , but wouldnt it be easier to just get an MP7?

An MP7 is harder to get than a glock also more expensive. The reason why I have one is because I didn't want an MP7.

Stealthee August 2nd, 2010 19:35

The same company made this too:

It's called a HERA TRIARII. Pretty hot..

Shazee083 August 3rd, 2010 03:01

AABB HR style GLOCK Carbine Conversion Kit that kit does not look like a real reciver or any marking it still will get seized.

KSKcarter August 3rd, 2010 03:51


Originally Posted by Stealthee (Post 1288180)
The same company made this too:

It's called a HERA TRIARII. Pretty hot..

Is that a sig 226?

Qlong August 3rd, 2010 09:47

Nope, that's a Sig Pro

Love August 3rd, 2010 11:15

I wanna try to get the glock kit. I may have to take the risk.

Stealthee August 3rd, 2010 11:21


Originally Posted by Love (Post 1288475)
I wanna try to get the glock kit. I may have to take the risk.

Tell me how that goes.

Love August 3rd, 2010 12:42

:P I'm still deciding. As I dont think ebaybanned refunds or gives store credit (or any accomidation) if their shipment gets seized at border.

Stealthee August 3rd, 2010 12:54

I would be more concerned about getting in trouble with the border folks and their affiliates.

Love August 3rd, 2010 18:43

Oh, I am. :P

Ninja_En_Short August 3rd, 2010 23:07

I don't think they'll say much, as far as I know even the RS kit is not restricted, I installed one last week, the (lucky) owner didn't had to give any credentials according to him.
Don't ask me where it can be bought I have no idea.

who101 August 17th, 2010 04:23

there's this toÃ...8c-p-3107.html

Styrak August 17th, 2010 10:50


Originally Posted by NaM-Carter,Matt (Post 1288388)
Is that a sig 226?

Nope, Sig SP2022.
Says right on the slide :p

If you guys want a real Hera Arms kit, there's a dealer/carrier here in Saskatoon. I can get one and mail it out if anyone wants.

Qlong August 17th, 2010 11:01

Yeah it's where I grabbed it from, just PM Blaxsun on CGN, they go for $599 shipped.

Gunny_McSmith August 17th, 2010 11:32


Originally Posted by Love (Post 1288797)
Oh, I am. :P

ehobby has it too... :P

Strelok August 17th, 2010 15:30

I think it'd be great to have a retailer import these in bulk.

*Totally not a hint.*

Styrak August 18th, 2010 09:57

The real ones?

That would be a lot of expensive stock with not necessarily a lot of interested customers.

Strelok August 18th, 2010 10:22

I was referring more to the airsoft replica ones really.

MrBond December 2nd, 2010 21:36

This is a media thread, so here's some media ! :D

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