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FirestormX December 22nd, 2014 14:54


Originally Posted by phantaxtic (Post 1925413)
The people that know way too much about real steel guns when they have never fired one or have their firearms license.

What's wrong with this?

Cobrajr122 December 22nd, 2014 15:03


Originally Posted by FirestormX (Post 1925436)
What's wrong with this?

They tend to try and give advice or tell people what it would be like to use or experience said firearms.

Splinter December 22nd, 2014 15:57

NDs especially friendly fire NDs.. Years ago at flagraiders outdoor drug lab a buddy of mine spit a burst of .25s from a TM glock 18c at my leg and cock.. Hurt like hell luckily had some slack in the pants so my leg go the grunt of it..

n00bs that think they have juggernaut armor like in COD that stand up and unload highcaps at targets 250-300ft away blowing hard earned flanking postion.. This of course with stock aegs that can't achieve the distance..

Back man not watching teams 6 causing a massive team slaughter then blaming someone else

Spike December 22nd, 2014 16:00

People who refuse to believe that their gun will perform optimally unless their FPS is <1 lower than the field limit.

FirestormX December 22nd, 2014 16:09


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1925439)
They tend to try and give advice or tell people what it would be like to use or experience said firearms.

That doesn't sound like a "knowing too much" problem. I didn't think that the OP meant that, but I guess if other people are interpreting it that way, I didn't read into it properly.

Ricochet December 22nd, 2014 16:09


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1925452)
People who refuse to believe that their gun will perform optimally unless their FPS is <1 lower than the field limit.

Tactical Like....

Is there a spring that'll get my gun shooting 399.59999_ FPS? I don't want to be over field limits. Right now my gun is shooting 391 FPS, but I'm just not happy with its performance, and I think that extra FPS will be life changing.

Jimski December 22nd, 2014 16:53

well I am unhappy with my body and wish it could deliver way more fps.
I tried adding tactical cupcakes but it makes the whole damn thing harder to move.

RainyEyes December 22nd, 2014 17:05


Originally Posted by FirestormX (Post 1925455)
That doesn't sound like a "knowing too much" problem. I didn't think that the OP meant that, but I guess if other people are interpreting it that way, I didn't read into it properly.

I think they meant theoretical versus practical knowledge/experience. So for example, giving advice on how to shoulder a firearm when they've never fired before, versus knowing how to shoulder based on practical hands-on experience, which would hold more merit because the former doesn't have experience on the actual kick or anticipation of recoil. They claim to know practical experience, when it's really non-applicable theoretics they're trying to apply.

Speaking as a person whose never handled real steel, I would never give advice on the practical performance of operating one. It's one of those "too big for your breeches" things that makes you seem pretentious when you really don't know jack shit about the thing you're talking about.

Airsoft is another story.

Spike December 22nd, 2014 17:35

And on the same topic, people who want sidearms that are shooting 400fps so they can "get as much range as a primary" with it.


ThunderCactus December 22nd, 2014 17:36


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1925452)
People who refuse to believe that their gun will perform optimally unless their FPS is <1 lower than the field limit.

In my defense, I had to take the protective spring guide washer off to get my M130 to shoot 419fps. I actually cannot make it shoot 410 =/

ShelledPants December 22nd, 2014 17:52


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1925478)
In my defense, I had to take the protective spring guide washer off to get my M130 to shoot 419fps. I actually cannot make it shoot 410 =/

You are literally setting definition to the pet peeve.

PS. Why didn't you cut the spring and regrind the end? That washer prevents the spring from binding when compressed.

Spike December 22nd, 2014 17:53

Yeah, but you're not some scrub who thinks adding 60fps to his cybergun thompson is gonna magically compete with my R hopped SR15 for range.

Danke December 22nd, 2014 18:06

People who won't install a Polarstar in my R-hopped Gas PTW are currently annoying me.

The customer is always right; that's what people like about me.

phantaxtic December 24th, 2014 12:16


Originally Posted by RainyEyes (Post 1925469)
I think they meant theoretical versus practical knowledge/experience. So for example, giving advice on how to shoulder a firearm when they've never fired before, versus knowing how to shoulder based on practical hands-on experience, which would hold more merit because the former doesn't have experience on the actual kick or anticipation of recoil. They claim to know practical experience, when it's really non-applicable theoretics they're trying to apply.

Speaking as a person whose never handled real steel, I would never give advice on the practical performance of operating one. It's one of those "too big for your breeches" things that makes you seem pretentious when you really don't know jack shit about the thing you're talking about.

Airsoft is another story.

I meant it as . . Guys that get all excited about real steal but have never fired a gun. It's like telling me how awesome the new Nissan 370z handles yet you've never driven a car.
I play airsoft because it's fun as he'll. Not because I get a bone while cleaning my gear. COD gun experts need not apply

RainyEyes December 24th, 2014 17:17


Originally Posted by phantaxtic (Post 1925692)
I meant it as . . Guys that get all excited about real steal but have never fired a gun. It's like telling me how awesome the new Nissan 370z handles yet you've never driven a car.
I play airsoft because it's fun as he'll. Not because I get a bone while cleaning my gear. COD gun experts need not apply

Same difference... sort of.

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