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MADDOG July 16th, 2014 21:32


Originally Posted by chaz (Post 1901453)
over opinionated assholes.

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. ;)

GR July 20th, 2014 14:13

Airsoft stores that have a lot of items, but less than 50% of them in stock (*Cough* TA, AirsoftDepot *Cough*)....

ViR July 20th, 2014 14:51


Originally Posted by GR (Post 1902098)
Airsoft stores that have a lot of items, but less than 50% of them in stock (*Cough* TA, AirsoftDepot *Cough*)....

I think thats all airsoft stores.. look at ehobbyasia.. :(

HackD July 20th, 2014 15:07


Originally Posted by GR (Post 1902098)
Airsoft stores that have a lot of items, but less than 50% of them in stock (*Cough* TA, AirsoftDepot *Cough*)....


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1902105)
I think thats all airsoft stores.. look at ehobbyasia.. :(

It's in 'peak airsoft season' in the Northern Hemisphere, globally. Kind of to be expected. Check back in January-February.. stocks and availability post Christmas rush, is generally much better at all retailers.

DustMagnet July 20th, 2014 16:21


Originally Posted by HackD (Post 1902108)
It's in 'peak airsoft season' in the Northern Hemisphere, globally. Kind of to be expected. Check back in January-February.. stocks and availability post Christmas rush, is generally much better at all retailers.

Fine, but have a checkbox on the sites labelled, "Don't show me items you can't possibly sell to me today, m'kay?" to filter all out-of-stock items from browsing and searching.

(WGC Shop has this as an search results order option at least.)

jordan7831 July 20th, 2014 16:43

Thats a great point about WGC. Its nice that you can also sort by price, as well as if an item is instock. I would be nice to see actual stock counts, it would save me from calling a place to check if something is in stock.

GR July 20th, 2014 17:08


Originally Posted by DustMagnet (Post 1902115)
Fine, but have a checkbox on the sites labelled, "Don't show me items you can't possibly sell to me today, m'kay?" to filter all out-of-stock items from browsing and searching.

(WGC Shop has this as an search results order option at least.)

^^ This

However, even if it's peak season, I'd really hate to have to wait until winter simply to get a mesh mask...

GR August 17th, 2014 15:06

Another pet peeve:

Organizing a small event for friends, and having everyone bail on the last second because they weren't responsible enough to fix their own problems... and having this happen multiple times.

ThunderCactus August 17th, 2014 16:05

The new wave of people that think 650mm barrels increase accuracy after repeatedly bombarding them with field proven facts to the contrary

SuperCriollo August 17th, 2014 16:21

CM16s, CM16s everywhere!

Add a long ass supressor, a few plastic mags, and you have a "custom" G&G CM16 worth 400$... Aparently. You will most likely find these pearls, if you offer a nice gun for a trade.

pusangani August 17th, 2014 16:39


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1906767)
The new wave of people that think 650mm barrels increase accuracy after repeatedly bombarding them with field proven facts to the contrary

THIS! Not to mention you gotta have the right porting otherwise you'll end up with a drop in power

Curo October 20th, 2014 18:49

How so many airsoft players will be too lazy to buy a halloween costume and will probably go as generic "Soldier/SF guy"

Gotta say I am guilty of this 2 years ago and most likely will do it again this year. Sometimes I just hate myself.

lurkingknight October 20th, 2014 19:26

people who insist on ignoring your advice to keep things simple for techwork... even after you tell them their way is the long way and will cost more labor... and then disputing the labor bill.

Ricochet October 20th, 2014 20:20


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1906767)
The new wave of people that think 650mm barrels increase accuracy after repeatedly bombarding them with field proven facts to the contrary

That's why I run a 750mm!

phantaxtic December 22nd, 2014 11:01

Long signatures. Especially people that feel the need to list their entire toy gun collection.

Gear whore that think that buying the best stuff will make them better players.

The people that know way too much about real steel guns when they have never fired one or have their firearms license.

Taking this game too seriously. It's supposed to be fun. Quit your bitching

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