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GBBR March 23rd, 2014 13:53


Originally Posted by cav. (Post 1877660)
I agree, some of these posts are quite funny haha

also needs a tagging feature too so you can tag people in posts

gear March 23rd, 2014 14:23

" Dead man coming out!!! IM DEAD AND IM COMING OUT NOW!!!!!" ( comes out with kill rag on face, looking down at ground, giant red blinking kill light, holding gun way above head with one arm, waving other arm in front of self) " DEAD MAN COMING OUT!!!!"

....pop pop pop....

"i said i was dead......"

Zack The Ripper March 23rd, 2014 19:56

^Story of my life...

MrMalkov March 25th, 2014 01:55

I've gotten a nice full auto burst to the face while I was calling out that I was dead and trying to draw my kill rag from my pocket. I saw the asshole who did it too and he was laughing.

That, and people who either do not understand the 5 foot mercy rule (when in play) or people who abuse mercy kills.

Casual-T March 27th, 2014 12:00

high canadian airsoft prices :/

Brian McIlmoyle March 27th, 2014 13:25


Originally Posted by Casual-T (Post 1879040)
high canadian airsoft prices :/

Prices are down by 50%+ from 5 years ago..

I have guns I paid $1000 for that can be had now for $400

Thenooblord March 27th, 2014 13:30


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1879059)
Prices are down by 50%+ from 5 years ago..

I have guns I paid $1000 for that can be had now for $400

for real, the first WE closedbolt M4s were like $1200 when my buddy got his, and I paid $800 for my Scar, and those things sucked! now you can get a proper openbolt for $400ish, the $200 WE pistols is still a bit obnoxious but I can understand as it takes an extra step to import them

siggypoo March 27th, 2014 14:38


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1879060)
for real, the first WE closedbolt M4s were like $1200 when my buddy got his, and I paid $800 for my Scar, and those things sucked! now you can get a proper openbolt for $400ish, the $200 WE pistols is still a bit obnoxious but I can understand as it takes an extra step to import them

Now I feel a touch better about having a CB We Scar L. Thanks!

Danke March 27th, 2014 15:00


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1879059)
Prices are down by 50%+ from 5 years ago..

I have guns I paid $1000 for that can be had now for $400

Now you know that's just not true.

No one in history has had it worse than the people finding about airsoft these days and starting to play. It's pretty well criminal what they're charged.

Jimski March 27th, 2014 15:13

how come? my first TMs here were pretty expensive and they were crappier than the KingArms I bought 2 month ago :/ (especially internals)

Danke March 27th, 2014 15:23

This is a Socialist society. Those guns should be free.

Do you pay for school? No, the government does. Rent? No free from your parents and same for food. Forks? No they're in the cutlery drawer waiting to be used. Health care? Nope, free from Ottawa too.

Why should someone have to pay to play a hobby. It's not fair.

siggypoo March 27th, 2014 15:54


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1879084)
This is a Socialist society. Those guns should be free.

Do you pay for school? No, the government does. Rent? No free from your parents and same for food. Forks? No they're in the cutlery drawer waiting to be used. Health care? Nope, free from Ottawa too.

Why should someone have to pay to play a hobby. It's not fair.

I thought that came outa our taxes, LOL
And food from our parents? LOLWUT?

Jimski March 27th, 2014 16:19


This is a Socialist society. Those guns should be free.
edit: I graffited that on a socialist ad in the street once "we want free airsoft"

that didn't happen dammit

redzaku March 27th, 2014 16:36

Finding a rail dust cover and handguard for a king arms fal, the one from king arms is not a full m1913 picatinny
Is it just me, or word around the camp fire, the fal line is discontinued?

Danke March 27th, 2014 18:00

I swear that when I am elected to Parliament my first order of business will be to enact an "airsoft tax credit".

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