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lurkingknight October 17th, 2013 14:39


Originally Posted by GBBR (Post 1842092)
My biggest airsoft pet peeve is when people come to the store with a gun they tried modding and don't accept the fact that they screwed it up

charge them more. lol

I call it the "you fucked up, now I have to fix it" fee

Reaver_RRTS October 17th, 2013 16:46

Or trying to start up a team with friends but no one commits.... then you feel like a loser -_-

theshaneler October 17th, 2013 16:53


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1842117)
They're in Toronto.


it's well known that the only people who don't list their locations are from Toronto, I'm not sure if its because they actually think there is no one living outside of that city, but my years of peer reviewed research suggests..... yes.

pusangani October 17th, 2013 18:36


Originally Posted by theshaneler (Post 1842160)

it's well known that the only people who don't list their locations are from Toronto, I'm not sure if its because they actually think there is no one living outside of that city, but my years of peer reviewed research suggests..... yes.

Lol I didn't even know this was a thing, wtf Toronto?

FirestormX October 17th, 2013 18:45

It's true. Whenever I contact someone who says "local only" with no location, they're always in Toronto.

I figured this out a while ago, and have made a game of "stalking their old posts" as you put it, to find out where they actually are.
I've only been wrong once or twice in the year I've been doing this.

jordan7831 October 17th, 2013 19:27

Yes its always funny seeing threads that say "local only" and no location listed whatsoever.

Zack The Ripper October 29th, 2013 23:37

When someone is dealing with you to buy one of their expensive items and they take a whole 24 hours to respond to each message, especially when it's VERY apparent you want dat shizzle. I mean, don't get me wrong, I want the item so I will deal with your shit: maybe I am too demanding and maybe I am just more "plugged in" than most, but god damn son! That don't sound like tip-top customer service representation. Get it together!

pusangani October 29th, 2013 23:40

If you're on 2+ pages of bumps, give it up dude it's not gonna sell! Either lower your price, add some trade options or part it out

wildcard November 11th, 2013 09:55

something noob players and some current players should watch

Airsoft vs Reality - YouTube

Less bitching and crying......MORE PLAYING!!

Tru November 11th, 2013 10:32

When Fuckin Pat cancels games.

solidgear34 November 14th, 2013 21:41

when i go to a prz and meet a shit ton of cheaters. heavily armed fuckers who never called their hits, fucking hate it especially when i was able to hit a guy with my m203.
god damn pacific recons.

slowbird November 15th, 2013 00:29

Friendly fire.
Twitchy bastards that fire at anything that moves.

Last game I played our teams were tiny (2-3 people) and I took friendly fire twice even though I was the only person on the field not wearing all black.

MrEvolution November 15th, 2013 00:50


Originally Posted by Tru (Post 1847701)
When Fuckin Pat cancels games.

The legend lives.

localfreerider November 15th, 2013 12:48


Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS (Post 1842159)
Or trying to start up a team with friends but no one commits.... then you feel like a loser -_-

Amen, I've given up trying

jordan7831 November 15th, 2013 12:58

I really get annoyed when someone responds to a wanted ad, and im interested, we negotiate a price and then no word from them ever again. I can clearly see you are checking ASC every day so whats the hold up? I mean I am TRYING to give you money. I dont understand why people make it difficult for people to give them money.

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