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shifty51 November 7th, 2007 16:16

airsoft vs paintball is like the hulk vs screech from saved by the bell

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 16:22


Originally Posted by shifty51 (Post 569879)
airsoft vs paintball is like the hulk vs screech from saved by the bell

I would like to see that actually. Be good for a laugh.

skalnok November 7th, 2007 16:30

screech would show his home made vids and the hulk would tear out his own eyes.

syne November 7th, 2007 16:31

Whatever floats your boat is fair sailing by my estimation.
I've had some of the best fun of my life playing Airsoft, and I am currently having just as much fun playing Paintball with the guys I've met.
I can fully appreciate both sides of the gear/ realism debate, but in my experience it really just comes down to who you're playing with and their attitude towards the game, not what you're using.

Jackie Boy November 7th, 2007 17:08

One flaw in airsoft is the name....airsoft.
It sounds so lame....

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 17:26

I think so too. Sorta like having a girls name, followed up by 'boy' as a secondary issued item.


wildcard November 7th, 2007 18:57


Originally Posted by skalnok (Post 569657)
airsoft isnt a dieing sport, are you stupid. its a growing sport and it took paintball 20 years to become popular, airsoft has only been in canada and the USA for 10 at most.

so basically stfu and go back into that hole you call a paintball forum.

I got news for you buddy some of us been playing since the early 80's
and i agree with you it's not a dying sport it just merely went deeper underground

wildcard November 7th, 2007 19:13


Originally Posted by SuperCkicken (Post 569686)
yes well you arnt shooting projecticles at 300fps durring soccer and other child sports. i personally dont think they belong but sure if they can handel it and wont be a fucking piss off to everyone else then fine.

but to your other point it still doesnt disprove that paintballers are cheaters rather that they are. Your giving us an example of a profesional level of paintball, and look they still cheat risking the loss of not only one player but another of their teams. Anyways im just curious how the fuck do they pick the other play thats out? draw straws?????

And some airsofters aren't cheaters either??? It seem that not too long ago we old farts in Toronto were battling a group of cheaters from AMC and even though these guys left the main core and branches off to their own little corner, Face it there will be cheaters in any game whether it's paintball or airsoft and as far as Characters and maturity level the last time i checked the scammers roam free in this board, so for the sake of putting this childish argument to bed, Shut Up and go out and ENJOY!!!

wildcard November 7th, 2007 19:17


Originally Posted by shifty51 (Post 569879)
airsoft vs paintball is like the hulk vs screech from saved by the bell

Now I'll pay to see that $0.01

mcguyver November 7th, 2007 19:17

Panitball is only big in Canada because there is a shitload of money to be made from selling paint at field rates. That, and you can usually get guns rather easily, because retailers (who also happen to be field owners) can sell you a shitload of paint and make a ton of money.

I've seen the paintball scene from the side of the player and the retailer, and absolutely nothing about it appeals to me.

I can go buy accessories for my airsoft gun, and if I don't like it I can put it on my real gun. My gear is fully transferrable as well.

And I don't like playing with 14 year olds who have a superiority complex. I'd rather play with adults and adults don't play paintball after they find airsoft.

Sorry Desert Storm, you'll lose this argument on an airsoft forum, no matter what you say. Best you go back to a paintball forum and discuss which Dye gun is the best. That's where all the cool people hang out anyway.

wildcard November 7th, 2007 19:22


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 569965)

And I don't like playing with 14 year olds who have a superiority complex. I'd rather play with adults and adults don't play paintball after they find airsoft.

I still play with paintball (woodsball) does this make me a 14yr old with superiority complex??

Aquamarine November 7th, 2007 19:40

Very ;)

wildcard November 7th, 2007 19:45


Originally Posted by Aquamarine (Post 569981)
Very ;)

Well i guess I just have to shoot you the next time I drop by Yokohama on business, How many places could there be in the city for a gaijin to hide:cheers:

amano999 November 7th, 2007 19:45

you have to remember too that when we complain about 14 year olds like that we are not saying all paintballers are like that. Just that you do on average meet allot more cocky/annoying players in paintball compared to airsoft.

Personally airsoft for me was all about how much cooler the guns were and the cost of ammo.


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 569969)
I still play with paintball (woodsball) does this make me a 14yr old with superiority complex??

kalnaren November 7th, 2007 20:20

For me, the attitude of the people is what makes airsoft so much better. I have yet to encounter a single person on the field who wouldn't answer any question I had, everyone I've asked has been more than willing to explain things to me, let me check out their gear, etc. I see paintballers everytime I go play airsoft going on about how their shit is so good, how they could "pwn" everyone, etc. Not the kindof attitude with people I want to hang out with. Plus, the realism of airsoft appeals to me so much more than paintball.

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