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turok_t November 10th, 2012 09:23

Hey Eluder, a long time ago, you mentioned that you used a bearing for the AIP hammer for G17. Where did you get the right size of bearing from? Im trying to look for one to replace the current one that comes with the AIP

e-luder November 11th, 2012 18:11

Hi Turok,

I had my bearing custom made for that specific set. It was steel material and was measured to about 8.5mm. It almost the same size as the stock bearing.

I think the AIP bearing was measured to about 9mm( or very close to) and rubs the BBH the wrong way. The easiest way to get the slide to glide properly would be to pack either the hammer hook on the sear or pack the sear hook on the hammer by a hairline to push the hammer down even further. There is still a few millimeters of play before the mod. I was able to achieve the frictionless cycle by doing this but the material i used wore very quickly. And it took alot of fitting and reffiting for the sear and hammer which meant a lot of take downs and filing.

If i can find my hammer bearings i will send one your way. I dont know if i have them still though...I was giving them out earlier this year for free. lol.

e-luder November 11th, 2012 18:48


What is the best length for the buffer to be? Is it better to use a hard material or something like piece of rubber?

usually buffers are installed to short stroke the gun and reduce the felt recoil. if this is your goal, about four buffers will achieve this. Three depending on how thick they are.

if you're going by measurements, around 1.5 to 2 cm will achieve this.

generally as long as the gun can trip the disconnector and reset the hammer you can put as many as you want. but if it's too less it wont do much.

I forgot to mention it also depends on how stiff your recoil spring is. The stiffer ones don't need that much buffers. SOME of THe Shooter's Design ones, as a example, don't require any buffers at all as the spring is too stiff and will short stroke the pistol all on it's own.

thestone11 November 12th, 2012 01:27


Originally Posted by e-luder (Post 1724580)
I forgot to mention it also depends on how stiff your recoil spring is. The stiffer ones don't need that much buffers. SOME of THe Shooter's Design ones, as a example, don't require any buffers at all as the spring is too stiff and will short stroke the pistol all on it's own.

I am using the 150% Guarder recoil spring.

e-luder November 12th, 2012 11:15

I actually don't like that recoil spring because of its inherent ability to over-coil. It tends to unscrew the spring guide plug. I like using the Shooter's Design ones. They don't over do it with the coiling because they are shorter and more stiffer. But that's just me.

But what recoil doesn't over-coil, right???

For the Guarder spring, you'll need at least two of the SA buffers which is translated to about 5-6mm of length on the spring guide. Take into account length of the compressed spring coils during the cycle as well.

RacingManiac November 13th, 2012 10:09

RS Mag catch, do they work on TM?

p.phresh November 13th, 2012 11:02


The TM glock has a lever that goes all the way through the mag catch, vs RS which doesn't.
It would require a bit of work to get it to fit properly.

RacingManiac November 13th, 2012 11:15

Damn....I guess I need to get the airsoft specific extended mag catch then....

Do they make something aside from Airsoft Surgeon ones? Do they make ones with add-on buttons like this: Black Apex Extended Magazine Release for Glock: Sports & Outdoors

I have the Gripforce adapter on my G17 and one thing I find with it is that the reach for my thumb to the mag release is longer than I like and I can't hit the button consistently...

thestone11 November 13th, 2012 14:08


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 1725149)
Damn....I guess I need to get the airsoft specific extended mag catch then....

Do they make something aside from Airsoft Surgeon ones? Do they make ones with add-on buttons like this: Black Apex Extended Magazine Release for Glock: Sports & Outdoors

I have the Gripforce adapter on my G17 and one thing I find with it is that the reach for my thumb to the mag release is longer than I like and I can't hit the button consistently...

AIP has one with the add on grippy button for their mag catch.

p.phresh November 13th, 2012 19:31

Yeah I have the AIP one, and I really like it. i have a mag-loc thumb grip on mine and I can reach the mag release fairly easy without having to re-position my hand too much.

The problem I have now is the slide catch is hard to reach with the thumb grip in place. lol

e-luder November 13th, 2012 19:46

Well Guarder just came out with and extended slide catch. About 9 bux i think!? but i still prefer the GunsModify one. That thing has a very finish.

turok_t November 14th, 2012 17:04

I want one!!! if you manage to find one, can you send one to me?? I have a guarder slide and frame, it my goal is to achieve smooth cycling like my G18C with PGC slide.


Originally Posted by e-luder (Post 1724572)
Hi Turok,

I had my bearing custom made for that specific set. It was steel material and was measured to about 8.5mm. It almost the same size as the stock bearing.

I think the AIP bearing was measured to about 9mm( or very close to) and rubs the BBH the wrong way. The easiest way to get the slide to glide properly would be to pack either the hammer hook on the sear or pack the sear hook on the hammer by a hairline to push the hammer down even further. There is still a few millimeters of play before the mod. I was able to achieve the frictionless cycle by doing this but the material i used wore very quickly. And it took alot of fitting and reffiting for the sear and hammer which meant a lot of take downs and filing.

If i can find my hammer bearings i will send one your way. I dont know if i have them still though...I was giving them out earlier this year for free. lol.

e-luder November 15th, 2012 13:06


I want one!!! if you manage to find one, can you send one to me?? I have a guarder slide and frame, it my goal is to achieve smooth cycling like my G18C with PGC slide.
I'll have a look tonight if I still have any.

Interestingly enough though, the WE BBU mixes well with the AIP hammer set. It almost has ZERO friction.

My set up for the tests were as follows: WE G17 metal upper assembly w/ a Guarder frame and the AIP Steel Hammer set (using the hammer bearing it came with) and some other insignificant stuff.

The only issue is you won't be able to install the enhanced loading muzzles out there like the Shooter's Design ones, Guarder and the Airsoft Surgeon ones, as they are spec'd for the Marui BBh's dimensions. You'll be stuck with WE parts for a bit until some company decides to make one for the WE BBH. I have a spare WE BBh here if you want one. Though it's missing a loading muzzle.....

Danke November 20th, 2012 12:20

OK I pressed the button last week and have a G17 slide and barrel on the way. Now I need all the rest. TM will be the flavor.

What's the lowdown on G-17 vs. G18C? Can you drop a G17 slide on a G18 and have it run other than no more select fire? Could you take a G18 frame and do a complete strip and then drop in the full G17 lower pack?

I am thinking right now that it might be easiest to get 2-3 pistols and mix and match parts till I get what I want started. Then rebuild the stripped pistols, sell them off and carry on tuning the #1.

m102404 November 20th, 2012 12:32

Sorry...don't know about dropping the G17 upper assembly onto a G18C lower assembly...or dropping the G17 lower assembly into the G18C frame.

I had completely stripped and painted the smoked lower to flat black.

I just put a TM G17 clear lower GBB through a decent amount of usage. I ran it a bit in stock format then added a Guarder 150% recoil spring. Just recently I topped it off with a PGC G17 barrel/slide kit (fit perfectly right off). I haven't hammered it hard enough with this barrel/slide setup to see what long term wear will happen.

I had modded the hopup a inner barrel fit to the outer barrel...accuracy is excellent.

Mags were very they are dropping free a bit more regularly.

Zero wear and tear, zero functional issues...I have not noticed the frame screw hole up front cracking (I'm careful not to torque down hard on it though).

It works/shoots very nicely right now. If I do change anything on it, I will change the hopup rubber to a A+ rubber and the inner to a SS tightbore (although the barrel is pretty short so I'm not sure it's really worth it for a CQB/field gun).

Temps have been cool/ I won't worry about the nozzle until much later. I don't think I'm going to short stroke this...and the trigger is fantastic as is.

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