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Ordering stuff that's claimed to be in stock, then getting an email saying it'll be a month before the items are in.
To all those who proclaim that they are sharp shooters of unrealistic distances...
YOU ARE NOT! CDN_Stalker said it best. He called a chump out who acts like he is above all and then fails. Please people, stop acting like a god in airsoft... By the way.... Ultimate Tonight Ladies and Gents! |
Getting tired of individuals slamming on how a game should be played, and how a game should be enjoyed.
Notably, the realcap vs midcap/milsim vs casual argument. |
There is alot of useful info in here for a newb such as myself.
Learning alot |
I believe in the knife tap mercy, and the obvious kill. mercies only count if you're able to physically tap someone with your training knife, or if it's one person you're mercying and you've got them dead to rights. Guys that turn around and shoot you, well, that's just a huge dick move. Yes it's embarrassing, but it's really no different than if they'd shot you, but here they're saving you some pain and you just turn around and tell them 'fuck you!' right to their face. Although I hate when people then go and brag they mercied someone at shooting distance, that's just being retarded. It's only impressive when you get a knife kill lol For all other occasions, shoot them in the plate carrier lol And I agree with people arguing how the game should be enjoyed/played. Airsoft (at least in the prairies) is run by majority milsim enthusiasts, and although we can't stand playing with 15 hicaps or miniguns or swords, doesn't mean we can bash other styles of play. Guys play airsoft speedball like stereotype paintballers and that's fine if that's what they wanna do. But if they come to our games, it would be best if they followed our rules. And vice versa. Just because the gun looks real, doesn't mean the game has to be realistic lol |
This is for the nubs STOP MAKING CLAIMS THAT A UBER TUNED AEG/SPRINGER CAN HIT TARGETS AT +500FT You are firing a toy that shoot a plastic projectile that weighs .45gr max you are not shooting .22 or a 5.56, better yet invest on a range finder you will be surprised how far +500ft are Just because your bb gun shoot straight for the first 50ft doesn't mean that it will continue to do so for the next 450ft. This apply to all airsoft gun NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF HOP UP IS IN THE GUN!
AIRSOFT is a grown up version of cowboys and indians |
200 ft is my best shot and I was elevated and overhopping. I'm still waiting for a lab test to support claims of 300+ft at 1.5J rhop or otherwise.
As a gun tech, I'm extremely miffed about people handing me a bag gun and asked to make it perfect and expect it never to break. sorry this is airsoft. Shit breaks, no matter how well you build it. |
1) When you get lit up after calling your hit repeatedly (even displaying your red kill rag).
2) Negative attitude towards new players 3) Playing illegally (no property owner consent, no informing of surrounding properties) 4) People blatantly violating ammo caps when they're in place (looking at you, whitby airsoft!) |
[QUOTE=Mr. Gruntsworthy;1825536]1) When you get lit up after calling your hit repeatedly (even displaying your red kill rag).
2) Negative attitude towards new players Ive gotten this already, And ive only just started the Hobby. My peeves: -ASC members with "0" sense of humor. Im 35 with 3 kids,Wife,Morgage. If I didn't know how too laugh at the small things, My Toy airsoft guns would be real. -Players Not calling Hit. I hit a guy at the Gibson 4 times in semi, Then called him out on it, He still said no Hit. With a witness. -Price If you think Airsoft Costs too much, Try completive Paintball. With 18 Years of Paintball under my belt, Airsoft is almost free in my books. That's it for now, I am new and all. |
On my very first day of Airsoft (indoors) I already found a pet peeve from those who didn't call their hits....those who acknowledged the hit but didn't yell hit and/or raise a hand....and those who did say hit but in a very quiet voice.
So is it frowned on too switch too Full auto, When someone DOES not call the hit?
I think if it's obvious they feel it and are ignoring it then yeah go for it. Some indoor places do not allow Full Auto so no in that case. |
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