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SuperHog September 3rd, 2012 15:53


Originally Posted by takagari (Post 1697297)
If all you see is a head it's fair game. I think people have issues with being shot in te face when they are fully exposed. Yes it's the persons preference to not wear face mask. But it's a dick move just shooting for face when you have other options.

Do the insurance for the airsoft games not require approved face protection same as paintball?

iseitaku September 4th, 2012 14:32

when people intentionally shoot at mercy range (if you caught them off guard and they instinctivly pull the trigger it's understandable)

when people are hit -know they were hit too-and dont register it

when people follow improper mercy actions (one guy at a match pointed the gun at the ground and said mercy didn't even touch me or put effort into making the mercy count and STILL wanted it to count. I could literally take my time raising my rifle, point it at him and say mercy and still get the mercy.)

finally people who take a game for fun (not league game) way too seriously

newbies who dont know how to operate as a team (i call these guys cod players lmao) and understand the term "cover my 6" (although I am refering to people who just stand there with their gun pointed down acting clueless when I say "cover fire" or "cover my 6". if they are genuinly new to it and willing to at least try then thats different.)

spawn campers who just trap you in spawn and don't back off. (If i get people trapped in spawn I have the decency to back off and at least let them out of spawn.)

ShelledPants September 4th, 2012 14:58

iseitaku, something to think about.

Mercy - Should not be mandatory. 0 foot engagement distances should be encouraged, I realize that certain fields have different rules, but no one should complain about being shot. If in doubt, shoot them.

Shrugging hits - Shoot them more. If they fail to call it after a lot of unmistakable hits. Call yourself out, approach the individual, and ask them to come with you to game control and work out the problem. This betters the game, and betters the players, win / win.

Serious business - Taking a game seriously is not a bad thing. Getting angry is. The game is fun. Don't get mad. Take some time out, cool off, or leave.

Newbies are newbies - There are many different people who come to game, just because they are new, doesn't mean they are not capable. Guide them and help them. Yelling at them and laughing when they don't understand helps no one.

Spawn Camping - This can be a problem caused by game design and may need to be rectified by game control. This may also be a problem caused by innadequite team skill. If that's the case, organize the team and push back. TLDR; Suck less.

Ricochet September 4th, 2012 16:14

The spawn camping thing is difficult. It really depends on game structure as Shelled pants has mentioned. However; a responsible group of players can back off to keep the game rolling. I've been to large events where the enemy team surrendered and quit because they were backed into a corner. I guess some games that may be desirable to smash your opponents, but if they quit you'll have no one to fight.

Mercy is a mercy. You don't "have" to take it. If taking a mercy was mandatory, players would try to use mercy during inappropriately times. A true mercy is simply this; you have a player "dead to rights", usually at extreme close range. You are then either saving him from getting shot close range, or quietly doing away with him. When you go to mercy an individual, you "should"; have him dead, target has no chance of escape or retaliation, and be ready to fire. If they don't take it immediately, "shoot them".

This is a general idea, and personal experience. I do not endorse anyone breaking the rules at a private field. Follow the rules, as you are a guest.

m102404 September 4th, 2012 16:43

Mercy is typically a courtesy that you shouldn't expect to give/receive...if it happens to work out great, but it shouldn't be something to be relied upon.

The gheyest instance I've seen was at an old local field where there was this big hill to charge up against the defenders (Hamburger Hill sort of thing)...this one guy runs up waving his rifle all over saying "Mercy/Mercy/Mercy..." as fast as you could, then stated, "I got you all"...not even a single shot fired from him. The half dozen of us just looked at him like the freak he was and "took the hit" so there wouldn't be drama (but we did have a word with the host afterwards that the mercy rules were being abused).

Another absolutely hillarious instance of it was one small group of guys 2-3 storming a pair of bunkers...they ran up and "Mercy/Mercy/Mercy" one position, and it was decent in that the one last guy in that hut was done for....then they pointed towards the next position (halfway down the hill) and started shouting "Mercy/Mercy/Mercy" at the other two guys there. The two guys in that last position were like, "WTF?!?!'d be hard pressed to actually shoot me from that distance...". We were at the base of the hill laughing at the guys and shouting back, "'ve got to be a bit closer than that!".

I think mercy rules should be tossed out in general...too easy to abuse, to vauge in how they're interpreted and put into practice.

That said, I've mercied more than a couple of a guys over the years...just simple "dead to rights...don't want to hurt you at this 2 step range"...I've never had anyone decline it, debate it and because it's been so one sided I've never had anyone try to "outgun" me or whatever. I've also shot guys at near point blank...because we're shooting at each other and wondering if someone is going to take a mercy just isn't in the cards, but the other guy is opperating the same way so it's all good.

wildcard September 4th, 2012 16:55


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1699401)
Mercy is typically a courtesy that you shouldn't expect to give/receive...if it happens to work out great, but it shouldn't be something to be relied upon.

+1 Mercy is a courtesy but it shouldn't be applied to stupid players, case in point I got this guy dead to rights with my nade revolver as he turns around a corner, I shouted mercy and he shot me point blank WTF? when i approached him afterwards and ask why didn't he take the mercy, his response was he didn't have to take it, i should have shot him instead really? at a distance of a few inches of my barrel from his face? hmm? the next round he didn't get any mercy, he found out quickly that when a guy with a nade launcher shouted mercy he should have taken it. the funny thing is taht when I mercied another player the round after he got shot eventhough he was down in the next room he call himself out. lol

mmmken September 4th, 2012 18:09


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1699338)
Spawn Camping - This can be a problem caused by game design and may need to be rectified by game control. This may also be a problem caused by innadequite team skill. If that's the case, organize the team and push back. TLDR; Suck less.

Yeah. Spawn camping isn't a player problem. Either the field is designed poorly, or the teams are unbalanced. Either way, there's nothing wrong if you were able to push that far and hard. Just fight back for your spawn.

Trev140_0 September 4th, 2012 18:27

I am not sure how this mercy thing has been discussed up to now, but what I am dead set against at our field is "non acceptance" of mercy.

I have heard from some other fields etc, where a guys comes around a corner and sees another guy, say 6 feet away, then calls "mercy" (this is the guy who is out gunned) and the guy holding the gun says, "I dont accept mercies" and shoots the guy anyway.

Cant recall this happening at my field, but can assure you this is a one way ticket out from where we play. If not, there better be a lickity split appology to the guy who was shot and a quick "love in", knuckle bump all cool before I show up.

I assume this is what most are talking about?

(This is for any of the guys who come to hill 437 who maybe reading this. It is the same as the random fire into the tall grass on full auto. This is a no-no)

Huron September 4th, 2012 18:32

Mercies are really only to be used when you have the drop on another player (i.e., he does not see you). If you call mercy on someone, let them know that you'll shoot them if they make any sudden movements, lol.

Trev, do you mean a guy yields and then is still shot? If that's what you mean then that's pretty bad.

wildcard September 4th, 2012 18:35


Originally Posted by Trev140_0 (Post 1699465)
I am not sure how this mercy thing has been discussed up to now, but what I am dead set against at our field is "non acceptance" of mercy.

I have heard from some other fields etc, where a guys comes around a corner and sees another guy, say 6 feet away, then calls "mercy" (this is the guy who is out gunned) and the guy holding the gun says, "I dont accept mercies" and shoots the guy anyway.

Cant recall this happening at my field, but can assure you this is a one way ticket out from where we play. If not, there better be a lickity split appology to the guy who was shot and a quick "love in", knuckle bump all cool before I show up.

I assume this is what most are talking about?

(This is for any of the guys who come to hill 437 who maybe reading this. It is the same as the random fire into the tall grass on full auto. This is a no-no)

i can respect the no mercy policy in some field and held up by most host but in my case it was a sheer stupidity on his part, the other guy was lucky that he met guys like me if it were another trigger happy nubs teh situation would warrant an emergency service intervention instead of a friendly jab, 204 bbs proppeled by C02 is not an ideal introduction to airsoft especially at a distance of a few inches from his melons

Trev140_0 September 4th, 2012 20:30

I mean one guy knows he is had. He puts his hands up and says "mercy" and the other guy says " I dont accept mercies" and shoots him.

Asta-la-vista---- baby ---shit.

I heard of this about a month ago at another field and quickly adjusted my briefings to say, if you do this, you can pack your shit up and go home. I did not even think I would need to mention this, but do it in case. More for the newer guys coming on our field.

And yes this works the other way around, you see the guy, and he pees his pants, and squeels like a girl, its over... that is the end of it on my field. It usually ends up with the 2 guys seeking each other out in the parking lot laughing there asses off. The way its is supposed to be.

coach September 4th, 2012 20:59


Originally Posted by Trev140_0 (Post 1699525)
I mean one guy knows he is had. He puts his hands up and says "mercy" and the other guy says " I dont accept mercies" and shoots him.

Asta-la-vista---- baby ---shit.

that is ridiculous!

mcguyver September 4th, 2012 21:05

I don't mercy as a general rule. I have done it when the alternative was several rounds to face at distances measured in inches.

But other than that, I don't mercy. I shoot. I expect the same in return.

Trev140_0 September 4th, 2012 21:21


Originally Posted by coach (Post 1699538)
that is ridiculous!

I dont make shit up. If I see this at our place it is in fact "asta-la-vista" to the player.

I dont want to give the bad name to this as from the moment you step on our field there is a certain requirment implied. Guys know they have been selected to get in and in turn have the chance not not be a dick head. You start at +10 and go from their.

Honestly, knock on wood, I have not had to confront anyone and have not had anyone serious come up to me after and say WTF? This guy did this and this guy did that. It is ALWAYS high fives or dudes dropping from being wiped out.

And believe me, I even have radio communication on both sides and check in throughout the game to see if there is any evidence of bull shit.

Anyway, next.....?

Ricochet September 10th, 2012 00:48

Most places; wether they be paintball, airsoft, or whatever; eventually end up with one of two mercy rules.

Number #1: mercys are not allowed

Number #2: mercys are allowed, but you do not have to take one.

If you tell people that they "must" except a mercy; then jag offs will try to mercy you when it's inappropriate. Like those kids running up the hill yelling "mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy!". I say the correct response to that would have been to shoot them out. Good for you for being the bigger man; but, you never want some kid to take that as a victory; lest you want him to do it again. You don't have to shoot him in the face or anything malicious. Just pop him in the love handle a couple times and say, "mercy not accepted". This way he won't be see the worth in attempting such a ridiculous thing again. Unless of course the field rules dictate that he/they are in fact allowed to do that.

Another common adative to the mercy system is this; "you cannot mercy more than one person at a time". In fact, the first mercy must be clearly accepted or unaccepted; and that situation resolved before a second is allowed to be attempted.

So if you want a straight up non conveluted way of having a mercy system; then use a variation of the following. Strictly to keep the game about sportsmanship and honor.

The purpose: the purpose of a mercy kill is to provide your opponent the option to not get shot when it's not necessary; or to quietly do away with them. Often used at close range; and only viable when they "cannot" circumvent the kill by escape or retaliation. If your opponent manages to escape or kill you instead, it's then clear you did not earn the mercy kill.

The rules: a mercy kill "must" be clearly accepted to be viable. A mercy does not have to be taken. A target player may try to escape or retaliate if they so choose. If a mercy is not immediately and clearly accepted, then it is "very" acceptable to shoot your target in lieu. Any player may never mercy more than one target at any one time. Your first target "must" clearly accept or deny the mercy; and be killed or escape before another mercy can be attempted.

Getting killed via mercy is a privilege. If you try to counteract mercy kills, it will cause your opponents to shoot you on site; regardless of distance or circumstance. Consider accepting a well earned kill; as it's more sportsmanlike for both sides.

Its Just guideline; but a common one. The best way to impliment any rule, is for it to be simple, and cut and dry.

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