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PrIeSt June 8th, 2012 22:44

Hah. None needed. You know the types. Even a lot of real military dont care. Unless your in bmq

XZIVR June 20th, 2012 20:42

I just thought of another one.. People who don't own a chrono. Look at how many threads there are with people saying "what does my gun shoot if it is stock" or "what would my fps be now that I did xyz upgrade"

A chrono is $100. I don't get how people can spend thousands on their other gear but still be too cheap to pick one up.

HackD June 20th, 2012 23:24


Originally Posted by XZIVR (Post 1669164)
I just thought of another one.. People who don't own a chrono. Look at how many threads there are with people saying "what does my gun shoot if it is stock" or "what would my fps be now that I did xyz upgrade"

A chrono is $100. I don't get how people can spend thousands on their other gear but still be too cheap to pick one up.

On the airsoft "priority wish-list" (everyone has got one of these, right?... things that you still want to get vs a budget, even after having spent multi-thousands on other kit/equipment) it likely keeps getting shunted to the bottom by other things.

I know it keeps getting knocked down on mine - but then, i can also get my rifle cronyed on-field whenever i attend an event - and if it fails crony, i always got a back-up, while i take the rifle in question back home for a re-tune and try again next game.

I imagine that it's a question mostly asked by the noob segment, who don't understand all the setup and tuning nuances that make up the final FPS figure.

XZIVR June 20th, 2012 23:39

Can I assume then, that you don't really do much work to your own gun?

HackD June 20th, 2012 23:51


Originally Posted by XZIVR (Post 1669255)
Can I assume then, that you don't really do much work to your own gun?

That feels like a loaded question...

It is a wrong assumption. I've opened up the ones that i have owned for various reasons including upgrades/repairs. I'm no gun-doc, but i am comfortable with working on what i do own.

Perhaps it comes from my own motorcycling background.. i used to take the bike out to the local drag strip on weekends for the fun of it.. not everyone can afford a dyno in their garage to make sure that it's really running right... I'm used to the fact that what you bring to the game (either the drag race, or the field) may not necessarily be up to the task for that day, and may need to go back home for a re-fix before actually getting some usage. A back-up bike isn't really an option, but a back-up gun is.

I do like tinkering with the guns internals, and once set to my liking all is good until it breaks. On my priority list things like a crony keep getting bumped down by "more mags", "more M203 shells", "more food in fridge", etc.

XZIVR June 21st, 2012 00:20

I guess what i should have said was work beyond the basics or somewhat advanced things.

Wasnt meant to be loaded, and i see your point but... to me a chrono is an essential tool if you are doing anything beyond the basics with your gun. A dyno costs a shitload more than a chrono :p

I dont know much about bikes but i am quite good with cars. Dunno if this means anything but imagine working on a smallblock without... a timing light... or a modded turbo engine without a wideband o2 sensor i guess? You can do it, sure, but once you have those tools you cant imagine living without them.

Juic3 June 23rd, 2012 07:24

For me, if the host says : black t-shirt versus shemagh , its YOUR duty to get either a black t-shirt or a shemagh, not the host duty. Same that if the host say's : USMC vs Taliban , its your duty to build either load out.... Comon, dont tell me you put thousand in guns and tacticool loadout and you cant afford the time and cost of a black t-shirt.

If you dont like the team set up or dont fit in it , just dont show up...

dogtoy June 27th, 2012 13:02

Im sure its been said before ,...Canadian Tire & Princess Auto,....
Selling junksoft to everyone ,...the latest ,...I was in CT buying fishing supplies
& they apparently had a sale on a AK ,...70 bux & there was a crowd of kids
& parents buying until they were sold out ,......Get ready for another TON
of idiots running around with thier spray painted AK's in public .........
Brace for the " We need to end this Soft Air Hobby before a tragedy happens ! "
newscast .....

I think they sell these on purpose ,....they are counting on the lower IQ
functioning idiots of society to do what they cant ,.....get air soft completely banned ,...

JerryMcGoulBerry July 5th, 2012 03:37

Poeple who wear nothign but shooting glasses on their heads, and then get pissed off at people who headshot them accidentally.

msk-sarge July 5th, 2012 04:51


Originally Posted by JerryMcGoulBerry (Post 1674679)
Poeple who wear nothign but shooting glasses on their heads, and then get pissed off at people who headshot them accidentally.

i agree but disagree i have taken shots at people heads in previous games but only for one important reason and that is that all they are giving me s a target is their god damn head like if that and ur gun are all i got to shoot at then im gunna bloody well shoot it and if u dont like it then wear a face mask thats what they are made for i will also state that i never do that on full auto or coming in on a guy point blank

and second is the people that bitch about how much someone is shooting
i dont have a support gun but am usually got about 30 or so mid and low cap mags on me at any given time (never use high caps) and they bitch at me for puting down so much fire on them they cant move or shoot like i go through about 2-3000 bbs a game depending on the scenario it could be much less but like im not over shooting you or on full auto that whole time either im almos always on semi unless shooting into brush and if i wanna supres u with my m4 then i will like get over it what would u do if it was a real firefight? my point here is dont bitch about someone shooting you in the head hen its ur only part ur sticking out and dont bitch about a guy shooting more ammo than you

w1lp33 July 5th, 2012 04:57

My pet peeve is people Who don't know what a period is.

dodgetheram July 5th, 2012 04:59


Originally Posted by HackD (Post 1669261)
I do like tinkering with the guns internals, and once set to my liking all is good until it breaks. On my priority list things like a crony keep getting bumped down by "more mags", "more M203 shells", "more food in fridge", etc.

I like how more food was last on the list ;P lol
sounds like my priorites list lol!

dodgetheram July 5th, 2012 05:01


Originally Posted by XZIVR (Post 1669272)
I guess what i should have said was work beyond the basics or somewhat advanced things.

Wasnt meant to be loaded, and i see your point but... to me a chrono is an essential tool if you are doing anything beyond the basics with your gun. A dyno costs a shitload more than a chrono :p

I dont know much about bikes but i am quite good with cars. Dunno if this means anything but imagine working on a smallblock without... a timing light... or a modded turbo engine without a wideband o2 sensor i guess? You can do it, sure, but once you have those tools you cant imagine living without them.

I think of the crony like a thermometer for your gun. The first little propblem will most likely be telagraphed by your fps.

h33t July 13th, 2012 13:35

What's worse? Kids with airsoft guns.

- Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2 -

Rob101 July 14th, 2012 12:03

People asking retail for there guns and gear, its used if it has one mag go threw it. If i can buy a m203 for $200 or $200 new id go new :Z

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