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kaiu April 3rd, 2012 10:51


Originally Posted by Tspoon (Post 1632648)
The stereotype that all youth airsofters are are annoying, bratty little kids running around shooting .12g BBs out of their Wal-Mart airsoft guns and not following rules. I'm sure there are some like that, but not ALL youths are like that. It's not like as soon as you turn 18 you are all of a sudden mature enough for airsoft. :P

That stereotype actually goes beyond age 18, there is no shortage of dumbasses over 18 either. The only reason there is that 18 year old rule is for one reason only:


Get the legal adult age lowered to 16, and you'll see that number drop down to 16 too.
*I personally wouldn't mind, since it would mean all those rioting/protester under-aged teens would be tried and treated as adults too*

hollywood... April 3rd, 2012 10:56


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1630277)

I ran a SAW on midcaps at half of the allowable capacity last weekend, and it was awesome.

yes it is - I do the same

horto April 3rd, 2012 11:48


Originally Posted by TheAngrySniper (Post 1631058)
People who quote massive fucking posts ( i.e. Images, Huge Rants, etc. ) for no reason other than to say "I agree."



XZIVR April 4th, 2012 20:44

I guess the way I look at it is like this, you can spend $200k on a Ferrari. And everyone who sees it knows exactly what it can do, and how much you paid for it. Or you can spend $50k on a WRX or something, and another $50k in upgrades to end up with something totally custom, will match/beat a ferrari and surprise everyone.. all for half the price. But you need to know your shit to build it. If you want something turnkey, reliable, and you dont need to know anything about it, buy the ferrari. IMO, a PTW is no different. They have their place just like everything else.

solidgear34 April 12th, 2012 20:23

so true

Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 638695)
Scopes on airsoft guns. What's the point? We're not using bullets here, and the ranges aren't that far.

that is quite true but i find 4x32 acogs or some what less zoom scopes
quite useful when dealing with spotting targets, shooting them.... maybe not as much but still helps

solidgear34 April 12th, 2012 20:46

i try not to say this but.......
what i had as a great peeve is idiots who don't know what their doing with airsoft!
we had a incidence in guelph yesterday where three guys with airsoft smith and wessons decide to show off in their black vans! guess what? schools around that area went into lockdown and the three guys got their shit kicked by tactical police forces!
for the love of buddha! they are gonna get airsoft banned! i hate these kind of people
oh and i also hate fogging mid game and gun jams

Jimski April 16th, 2012 15:55

classified without pictures, and I'm not talking about one shitty cellphone pic.
Do you seriously think I'm going to buy a gun without several, sharp, close-up pics of it ?
an ad without a pic tells me that your intention to sell the gun could be more intense, and that maybe you do not really give a crap about selling it, which in turn is worrying about your will to ensure the transaction will go smoothly.

Strelok April 16th, 2012 17:19


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1639394)
classified without pictures, and I'm not talking about one shitty cellphone pic.
Do you seriously think I'm going to buy a gun without several, sharp, close-up pics of it ?
an ad without a pic tells me that your intention to sell the gun could be more intense, and that maybe you do not really give a crap about selling it, which in turn is worrying about your will to ensure the transaction will go smoothly.

This, or in the case you do get pictures. They're 3000x5000 and out of focus.

Solo36 April 25th, 2012 17:58

My pet peeve is the postal service. I am not over exagerating AT ALL when I say that every time I have a parcel shipped to me Via express post, I recieve it over 5 days after the due date. Let me just say, if you think you are doing someone a service by shipping their package via express post, you're not!

jordan7831 April 25th, 2012 18:29

You could ask the seller to demand a shipping refund. And have them give you the difference. I did that one time. Gave a guy a refund on the shipping cost. Every package shipped express post has gotten there on time.

Edit: Its only express and higher that has the shipping guarantee. Regular shipping has nothing. They dont even give 100 dollars insurance anymore on it.

Solo36 April 25th, 2012 19:14


Originally Posted by jordan7831 (Post 1644672)
You could ask the seller to demand a shipping refund. And have them give you the difference. I did that one time. Gave a guy a refund on the shipping cost. Every package shipped express post has gotten there on time.

In this situation the seller has payed for the shipping So I can't ask him to refund. Im just really upset that I can't rely on the postal service ever.

jordan7831 April 25th, 2012 20:43

Oh so he will be happy if he gets a refund.

Curo April 25th, 2012 23:53

people with improper eyewear bitching to me saying its ok. SKI GOGGLES ARE NOT OK, with the low price of a decent pair of ballistics these days you have no excuse, KID!

Strelok April 26th, 2012 02:34


Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber (Post 1644820)
people with improper eyewear bitching to me saying its ok. SKI GOGGLES ARE NOT OK, with the low price of a decent pair of ballistics these days you have no excuse, KID!

Just ask them to prove its functionality by having them shoot it themselves. We've done this on a few occasions with some individuals. Works every time.

Curo April 26th, 2012 10:22

According to the guy its taken hits before, infact it took hits during a game. I don't care personally. It's airsoft, proper ballistic eyewear is the right equipment, that or paintball goggles. I'm surprised he didn't get ejected. After the game a team mate said he even witnessed the player taking the goggles off his head to defog them. Yes OFF the head, not on the head, completely removing the goggles from his cranium during an active game.

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