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Donster August 26th, 2009 15:30

Tanaka Kar98k
I have here the Tanaka Kar98k Parts Diagram. I remember trying to find this on the net, and i couldn't. This is just a pic of the basic take-down. If anyone wants the other pages, PM me and i can post them up. I couldn't seem to upload them via ASC, so i used my web-based image hosting site. Just click on it, then click on the "Full Size" to see it in its full detail. Its a 10MP camera, so copy it to your comp and zoom in as much as you like. Enjoy!

Long_Bong October 7th, 2009 23:06

Looking for WA GBBR diagram :)


BadMrFrosty October 13th, 2009 17:47

I am looking for the Hi-Capa 4.3 parts diagram, I am unable to find it through google and ASC board searches.

I noticed that the Hi-Capa 4.3 parts diagram has been requested, but I cannot find it on this thread.

Slono December 25th, 2009 23:07

I'm looking for TM MEU or TM 1911 exploded diagrams. I'm surprised they're not up here already for the amount of owners that are out there.

Miri Ravens January 21st, 2010 20:32

Anyone have a M47B2 exploded view? I could really use it. A pellet was shot up into the rest of the gun, so I took it apart and everything kinda... Popped out at me. So I need that sent to me at I need one ASAP.

deadbolt January 30th, 2010 02:03

hey, i don't know if it exsists out there is La-La land, but i just baught a CAW m79 wood version.
and when i was goofing around with it, the saftely pin that catches the release fell out.
i thought it would be an easy fix but i was way wrong.
does anyone know of a or maybe someone has the manual.. i'll pay top doller +shipping.

thanks guys.

Schlyder January 30th, 2010 02:55

Here is one for the G&G SIG 550

jareyes February 4th, 2010 12:17

Hey guys,

Was wondering if anyone has the TM M4 SOPMOD manual?
Looking specifically for an exploded diagram with part numbers.

Lestat March 12th, 2010 10:13

AEG internal operation animation

jnav1011 March 28th, 2010 20:19

Does anyone have a CYMA Thompson diagram available to post? If not, how similar is the TM M1A1 diagram to the CYMA Thompson? Thx.

lukvdh April 22nd, 2010 08:53

I'm searching for the manual / exploded view / diagram for 'Chinese Made' Sin Jia M1892 gas-rifle. No luck so far...

Anyone, please?

ShelledPants April 22nd, 2010 09:09


Originally Posted by lukvdh (Post 1217588)
I'm searching for the manual / exploded view / diagram for 'Chinese Made' Sin Jia M1892 gas-rifle. No luck so far...

Anyone, please?

This the gun?

I'm having a look around now for the diagram. No luck so far.

EDIT: If it helps, according to forums, it's an exact clone of the Marushin M1892 Maxi... Cheers.

Long_Bong April 23rd, 2010 15:00

Lot of manual, including some GBBR

lukvdh April 27th, 2010 17:51


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1217600)
This the gun?

I'm having a look around now for the diagram. No luck so far.

EDIT: If it helps, according to forums, it's an exact clone of the Marushin M1892 Maxi... Cheers.

That's the one.
I looked for Marushin manual / exploded view but no luck so far...:(

Thanks for the effort.

Clementius July 8th, 2010 00:10

Is there a manual/diagram for the TSD/SRC rpk? Thanks.

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