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PrIeSt March 28th, 2012 22:58

Wait donate we saying I can jump the opposing teams camo into the field. Change in field. And fuck with them? Lol


Curo March 29th, 2012 01:00


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1629895)
Right, like this right here with pre-game whining in full force.

I like that. I wouldn't mind having strict camo limitation. Green vs Tan kinda is dumb IMO I mean myself (Multicam) facing off against a guy in Marpat? No in reailty. I mean I wish we had more people sporting Russian camo so we could do NATO VS Eastern Bloc/Commies or terrorists.

Or Like North America VS the world atleast.

Nocturnal March 29th, 2012 11:14

Multicam should be on the TAN based side.. originally a few years ago.. Cadpat was used quite a lot and it use to be Digital VS Analog pattern , and solid colored players would be used to even out the teams based on their color.

Nowadays it is Green/other VS. Tan.
most game organizers post the roster sheet with camo signup.
this helps give players an idea of what side they want to be on.

Anyway.. my petpeeve.. is sloppy MOLLE weaving.. it shudders me to death
sometimes its not even weaved!

Danke March 29th, 2012 11:53

The way the sides stack up wholly depends on the game organizer. He's God and his commandments must be obeyed.

You can stack Multicam with the digital side since it's computer generated also. You can stack Auscam and woodland on the same side. You can even mix solid OD and Tan VS. gear with a pattern.

The key is that when god commands the Canadian side defending the Island of Rockravia shall wear CADPAT or OD only and Insurgents fighting to overthrow the oppressive Junta shall wear Black or Civi attire only that's what you wear. You don't sign up as an Insurgent and wear OD. Or show up to play on the CDN side with jeans and a T-shirt.

Some organizers will plant moles in your team who will change dress, or sides. It does happen. Some events can be very scripted. You never know, the organizer might have a four man JTF-2 team on the Canadian side in Civi attire who gets inserted undercover in the mix. The key is that is within the structure of the event.

If you don't agree with a dress requirement you have the option of not attending the event. Just like if you can't abide by not bringing Hi-Caps when there's an ammo or magazine restriction.

If a game organizer specifies some outrageously rare uniform that no one owns the game will either fail because no one will attend or the 4 guys who do own DPCU will crushed by a horde of MJK.

This all goes to the effect of being courteous to the event host and to your fellow players by following the rules.

This is not for Sunday morning hack around skirmish where who cares who's on what side and usually the guy who arrives last gets to be hunted down by the group. On days like that wear what you like.

The Keiichione March 29th, 2012 12:50

I don't like when people do "zippers" : When they shoot you on full auto, 10 meters away, in a upward motion. The first one hit your boots and the last hit you at the side of you head.

Aegiis March 29th, 2012 13:24


Originally Posted by The Keiichione (Post 1630125)
I don't like when people do "zippers" : When they shoot you on full auto 10 meters away in a upward motion. The first one hit your boots and the last hit you at the side of you head.

And the remaining 8 just happen to find your crotch...

wildcard March 29th, 2012 17:57

how about the noobs who bitched and swear that they hit you until they were shown that all their shots was dropping off or ventured upwards after 10 feet because they didn't bother to adjust or tuned their hop up after they bought a brand new gun.

playing a limited ammo milsim only to find that some of the Opfor is really good holding the target building entrance and have a very switched on group that distribute fire suppression real well, you are wondering WTF? how many LMG do they have? kicking yourself for failing to enter the building and later on you find out that there is actually only two guys and both of them have like 12 mag ticklers each vs your 300rnds locaps

ShelledPants March 29th, 2012 18:02


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1630272)
playing a limited ammo milsim only to find that some of the Opfor is really good holding the target building entrance and have a very switched on group that distribute fire suppression real well, you are wondering WTF? how many LMG do they have? kicking yourself for failing to enter the building and later on you find out that there is actually only two guys and both of them have like 12 mag ticklers each vs your 300rnds locaps

This. This this this this this.

Midcaps, highcaps (shudder), lowcaps, whatever. IF the rules say you're only allowed so many rounds, and some fuckhead is carrying more, than that is just ridiculous.

I ran a SAW on midcaps at half of the allowable capacity last weekend, and it was awesome.

Ricochet March 29th, 2012 18:22

I'm not a fan of high-caps either. I don't mind an LMG running a box or drum mag. As long as it's an LMG! Not an M4 with a barrel extension and bi-pod. That drives me up the wall. It's not an LMG, unless it's a "complete" mod, or a proper LMG.

As far as guys who don't meet the requirents at a milsim go, I say take a hard line. I've seen too many show up without the gear requirements, and then be allowed to play. You know the rules, or you should. And I don't care that you drove twenty hours to attend this event. I'd send you packing. Make examples, and set the bar.

:^) March 30th, 2012 17:05


Originally Posted by Deadpool (Post 1629385) Rechargeble CR123 and a charger for about 20$, never having to buy those damn hard to find and expensive cr123, priceless.

yeah, I should of specify. I bought a bunch of them months ago and I couldn't find a single one around my room.

Deadpool March 30th, 2012 17:31


Originally Posted by ILL KILL YOU TOO (Post 1630875)
yeah, I should of specify. I bought a bunch of them months ago and I couldn't find a single one around my room.

Pet peeve: People who have too much crap lying around their room that they can't find anything!! :p


TheAngrySniper March 30th, 2012 23:21

People who quote massive fucking posts ( i.e. Images, Huge Rants, etc. ) for no reason other than to say "I agree."

PrIeSt March 31st, 2012 01:14


Originally Posted by TheAngrySniper (Post 1631058)
People who quote massive fucking posts ( i.e. Images, Huge Rants, etc. ) for no reason other than to say "I agree."

I agree. Atleast delete the pics from your quote.
More of a forum peeve than a airsoft though

Tspoon April 3rd, 2012 10:43

The stereotype that all youth airsofters are are annoying, bratty little kids running around shooting .12g BBs out of their Wal-Mart airsoft guns and not following rules. I'm sure there are some like that, but not ALL youths are like that. It's not like as soon as you turn 18 you are all of a sudden mature enough for airsoft. :P

wildcard April 3rd, 2012 10:50


Originally Posted by Tspoon (Post 1632648)
The stereotype that all youth airsofters are are annoying, bratty little kids running around shooting .12g BBs out of their Wal-Mart airsoft guns and not following rules. I'm sure there are some like that, but not ALL youths are like that. It's not like as soon as you turn 18 you are all of a sudden mature enough for airsoft. :P

All it takes is one in a bunch to ruin it for everyone. I agree that not all are bad in fact there are some here and on the other site that I wont trust with a potato gun but the fact remain that most under ager that visit here are the typical I know it all, you guys are elitist pricks, keyboard warriors type. There are those who choose to keep quiet and learn, visit the games and ask question in person, those are more than welcomed and soon enjoyed the game of airsoft a lot faster than those whinny crybaby, it's my right, I deserve the world type that plague this site

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