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Spike March 28th, 2012 08:54

People who pronounce Mk. "emm kay". I want to punch them in the balls.

jordan7831 March 28th, 2012 08:57

I hate when that happens. The worst is when you buy a gun and you find hair in it GROSS!! Time to break out the rubber gloves :(.

One time I got a gun that was so dirty it must have not been cleaned in over a year. The lube was just everywhere and was all black and full of crap. Hard to believe there was a gun under there.

horto March 28th, 2012 12:23


Originally Posted by jordan7831 (Post 1629331)
It could be worse we could be golfing (nothing wrong with golf BTW) and spending thousands on some nice long pieces of metal. Golf can be considered a waste of money too. My uncle bought a 600 dollar driver last week, and those are only the mid range ones. Its just a piece of metal with a very specific purpose.

Ditto. I have a nice set of clubs, but I realized very quickly that I can make better and more accurate shots with 6mm bb's than golf balls (hehe), and have twice the amount of fun outdoors shooting my buddies. (Although I did hit a buddy with a golf ball once, he wasn't too happy about that).

Also, the people I've met airsofting are far more interesting than the wankers on the golf course. My golf clubs now sit in storage, airsoft guns getting far more usage per year.

Anyway, I digress. Back on topic.

Another pet peeve: Guns that spend more time on the workbench then on the field. I loathe unreliability in ANYTHING.

Rush March 28th, 2012 12:50

^I agree

I've easily spent the price of two PTWs on my mountain bike, not to mention snowboard equipment, skiing equipment. To me, airsoft is one of my cheaper hobbies.
Then again I don't go hit up the bar every weekend and blow $400 on booze and cover. I have better things to spend my money on, others may disagree but I could care less, not their money is it :P


Originally Posted by horto (Post 1629508)
Another pet peeve: Guns that spend more time on the workbench then on the field. I loathe unreliability in ANYTHING.

And thats reason I don't buy cheap shit. There are things that can be cheaper out on in this sport, the base gun should not be one of them...unless you like tinkering after every game then have atter

Zk08 March 28th, 2012 12:52

Buyng gun specific upgrade parts that you have to modify yourself to fit in yours guns! :P

ex: we open bolt kits :P The inner barrel didnt fit in the new barrel because of bad milling and had to drill the new barrel myself to make sure it fits :P

forsberg2110 March 28th, 2012 13:41


Originally Posted by Rush (Post 1629410)
Please take your butt hurt comments here: Elitist

Pet Peeve: When you buy something off the classifieds and it arrives dirty as fuck. Take the 5 min and brush off the dirt, and clean the glass (should it be an optic)

Haha is that link suppose to be a joke. I probably spent more money on my toy guns then you have.

Rush March 28th, 2012 13:54

Listen, your pet peeve was posted, discussed, and dropped. Move on
Nobody cares what you have spent on your toy guns, or anything you own for that matter.

Jaelommiss March 28th, 2012 13:56


Originally Posted by forsberg2110 (Post 1629557)
Haha is that link suppose to be a joke. I probably spent more money on my toy guns then you have.

My pet peeve is people thinking they're better than me because they spend more money on a hobby than me.

Also, people who leave their posts in a game. If your leader is relying on you to do something, shut up and do it. The chances are they will remember your diligence and reward you with more desirable positions later on.

Curo March 28th, 2012 14:00


Originally Posted by Jaelommiss (Post 1629568)

Also, people who leave their posts in a game. If your leader is relying on you to do something, shut up and do it. The chances are they will remember your diligence and reward you with more desirable positions later on.


It seems to me the same people always whine about not getting the good jobs in Milsims or that they gotta sit around an play defense for a few hours.

Rush March 28th, 2012 14:30


Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber (Post 1629571)
It seems to me the same people always whine about not getting the good jobs in Milsims or that they gotta sit around an play defense for a few hours.

Yep, love it when you go get hit from behind only to find that the guy supposed to be covering you has wandered off because he got bored after 15min. :confused:

Curo March 28th, 2012 14:36

I keep a book in my pack for those times I know I'm out there for a few hours.

Like set up a squad if your lets say 4 guys. All four of you dont need to stand watch at once, have two guys stand watch and the other to can rest and then switch after a while.

AngelusNex March 28th, 2012 14:36


Originally Posted by Rush (Post 1629594)
Yep, love it when you go get hit from behind only to find that the guy supposed to be covering you has wandered off because he got bored after 15min. :confused:

I love those jobs, its my rest time.

Strelok March 28th, 2012 14:49


Originally Posted by Rush (Post 1629594)
Yep, love it when you go get hit from behind only to find that the guy supposed to be covering you has wandered off because he got bored after 15min. :confused:


Got shot in the back of the head because of this at the last game i attended.

Ricochet March 28th, 2012 17:04

We've come up with a new platform for our Airsoft club that has worked well. It's designed around rewarding those who have dedication, and help new players get up to speed.

For starters we have our club. A large group of players experienced and new. We train, and do scrims on our weekend days. Always trying to to balance out equipment, skill, and experience as best we can team to team. Anyone using "modern" military style gear and guns are welcome. As long as your guns are not clearsoft, and gear is high end replica you can play.

To make it on as a "team" member within the club you must up your equipment to high end, reliable, and real steel. We help the guys who are interested to obtain this gear as cheap as possible, while assisting to prioritize what they need. Let's face it, a player doesn't need to buy night vision, or a Vulcan when all they have is a pistol and boots. You need things like proper BDUs, reliable primary, appropriate pouches, chest rig, boots, eyewear, etc.

Once a player has a proper set of gear, and has shown dedication we bring him onto the team. They must as well fill a "rifleman" role first, so they are more valuable and versatile to the whole team. As well as wearing team camo. The team are players that have say in club related matters, as they now how experience and understanding. They have learned to work together in all things, instead of being out there just for themselves. Team members also get to represent us at milsims or away games.

Once you've passed the basic steps and become a team member you can now branch out into support roles as backups if you like. Things like sniping and heavy gunner help your team better when you have the experience to understand what's involved, and how highly tuned those guns need to be to be effective. Not to mention you won't shoot someones face off with a BA, because you've played enough to play safe. Not just for yourself, but your team mates have faith in you now as well.

So basically two types of players are tolerated. Those who have basic gear; decent Airsoft gun, BDUs, eyewear, etc. And ask for nothing but to come out the odd weekend and have some fun. And team mates; Those that have had the time, dedication, and investment to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Essentially our representatives, and the people we count on.

People we don't tolerate:
#1: Users (people that continually borrow gear, BBs, guns, whatever, and never buy things for themselves). Others do not exist to supply you.

#2: Takers (players that ask for the world, and don't give the dedication it takes). You will not be givin' the same courtesies as those who have invested their blood, sweat, and tears.

#3: Cheaters (players that break rules to take advantage, or help them win). You'll be asked to leave and not come back. And "no!", substandard gear and constantly getting rolled is not an excuse.

#4: Unsportsmanlike (Anyone who loses their temper, or intentionally shoots another player in the face, or anything related "I could go on endlessly here"). Accidentally getting shot in face or getting your ass beat game after game, or players not calling their does not give you the right to yell at people. Wear a mask, buy better gear, shoot them again, it happens.

5#: Whiners (don't complain about little things it just makes you an annoyance to have around). Maybe the team your on isn't for you. Don't expect them to change to suit you.

6#: Unsafe (I don't need to get into this). Use common sense, due diligence, and always follow the rules.

7#: Clueless (These are usually the newbs who act like they know everything, or don't listen to experience, and then act hurt or surprised when players don't want them around, or because their gear keeps breaking on them). These two categories are the ones that feel like they are getting shit on in the forums. Or givin' a hard time at milsims. Let me say that the experienced players you may call "elitist", don't want to see you fail. They are trying to help you. Unless your talking about backyard plinking, you need a reliable gun to field. Take their advice, you'll usually find there is a consensus between people on the forums who've been doing this for awhile. That's because they are right, and have seen this a thousand times before. Decent Airsoft gear isn't really that expensive anymore. And on another note, it's hard to take someone serious at a milsim that doesn't look like they are at least making a basic effort to "simulate military".

For example: while attending a modern milsim, you decide to dress like it's WWII, or your an extra from Starship Troopers, or in your everyday clothes ....This probably isn't the right game/team for you. Your kind of spitting on the organizers who put a lot of time, effort, and money into an event.

I have however noticed that a few newbs have been getting flames for asking questions, and trying to learn. Take good care of the future players, where else are we going to get more members. Most are willing to listen I've found. Don't paint them all with the same brush.

I've probably missed a few player types in the list, but it would go on and on.

Rush March 28th, 2012 17:14

Its sounds like a great way to have a team set up.

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