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DesertStorm November 7th, 2007 10:13


Originally Posted by kos (Post 569673)
Well, you see, that's what I find stupid. If you're hit, you're hit. Who the fuck cares if it didn't pop? :p

Imagine how many arguments would break out if a bounce counted as a hit.


Originally Posted by SuperCkicken (Post 569671)
desert storm just look at the people joining that are cause the sport to "double" who the fuck wants to be playing with kids that have yet to have their balls drop.

also the fact you need a referee for those games giving penalitys and checking for paint is proof that they are cheating, i dont get your point, is that supposed to tell us how they dont cheat?

You start skiing young, you stary playing soccer young, you start baseball young, you start paintball young. Airsoft only starts when you're 18, that cuts out many potential players.

In hockey you have penalties, same with soccer and every other sport. In paintball they penalize you just as bad too. If you are hit in an obvious spot and continue shooting, they pull you out and another player on your team. In a 5 vs 5 game, makes a big difference.

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 10:15

She needs tone down the eyeliner just a tad.

That aside, this is an airsoft forum, where we promote airsoft. That is not to say there are not paintballers here, or not to say that people who enjoy airsoft, dont also enjoy paintball.

Airsoft isnt a dying sport. Its very popular in Japan and the USA, unfortunetly for us in Canada due to our grey laws in regards to airsoft guns, its hard for it to be popular as guns themselfves can be pricey to procure.

skalnok November 7th, 2007 10:16

i know alot of people who love paintball because its a "war game"
and tell me how speedball isnt a war game because when you have 2 opposing teams skirmishing i would call that a war like situation.


Girls love guys who play football
alot of girls love guys period. just because they like football players still doesnt mean they play.


Not to mention it's way harder to make a woodsball field than a speedball one. Major tournaments carry their fields around with them like the PSP and NPPL, while it's not easy to move a whole forest.
major tournaments carry their fields with them so that the field is always different. and no team knows the lay of the land perfectly .

SuperCkicken November 7th, 2007 10:16

yes well you arnt shooting projecticles at 300fps durring soccer and other child sports. i personally dont think they belong but sure if they can handel it and wont be a fucking piss off to everyone else then fine.

but to your other point it still doesnt disprove that paintballers are cheaters rather that they are. Your giving us an example of a profesional level of paintball, and look they still cheat risking the loss of not only one player but another of their teams. Anyways im just curious how the fuck do they pick the other play thats out? draw straws?????

Janus November 7th, 2007 10:19


Originally Posted by DesertStorm (Post 569681)
You start skiing young, you stary playing soccer young, you start baseball young, you start paintball young. Airsoft only starts when you're 18, that cuts out many potential players.

So we've safely eliminated the no-hopers and the majority of the dangerous immaturity and generally have a sport that is primarily played by responsible adults with a lack of whining, crying, petulant children.

Not seeing a problem here.

DesertStorm November 7th, 2007 10:35


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 569683)
She needs tone down the eyeliner just a tad.

Airsoft isnt a dying sport. Its very popular in Japan and the USA, unfortunetly for us in Canada due to our grey laws in regards to airsoft guns, its hard for it to be popular as guns themselfves can be pricey to procure.
She's dating one of the more famous pro players and is also supposed to be some fashion expert and model lol...

If you compare airsoft to paintball here, it is pretty much dying...


Originally Posted by SuperCkicken (Post 569686)
yes well you arnt shooting projecticles at 300fps durring soccer and other child sports. i personally dont think they belong but sure if they can handel it and wont be a fucking piss off to everyone else then fine.

but to your other point it still doesnt disprove that paintballers are cheaters rather that they are. Your giving us an example of a profesional level of paintball, and look they still cheat risking the loss of not only one player but another of their teams. Anyways im just curious how the fuck do they pick the other play thats out? draw straws?????

11-13 year olds in paintball wear chest pads to take away most of the pain. You must remember though, in speedball you are only ever hit in the mask, arm or gun. If playing properly since you don't step out of your bunker to shoot, you play very tight to your bunker. Also, it is rare to be hit when running since you do short runs only when no one is shooting at you.

If one player is caught playing on, they pull the next guy who is closest to them during the game.

Lawdog November 7th, 2007 10:42


Originally Posted by DesertStorm (Post 569669)
People don't want paintball to be a war game, so speedball was invented. Big colourful ballons, bright jerseys and guns that look nothing like real guns. Not to mention it's way harder to make a woodsball field than a speedball one. Major tournaments carry their fields around with them like the PSP and NPPL, while it's not easy to move a whole forest.

Thriller is one of the greatest albums ever... People still do the dance and know the songs...

Girls love guys who play football...

You must remember though, if something doesn't sell, it does. Sure it could be better, but how does it stay alive and expand if no one buys into it? Only reason why expensive car companies are still in business is that rich people will buy a bunch of them and people who want to look special lease them, then get screwed over and end up becoming a hobo. In airsoft, there are no leases and not many rich people buying a tonne of guns.

However there are the california paintball gun whores who switch 1000$ guns like every month and buy all new gear every year.

Poor attempt to switch tracks.

Either popularity equals superiority or it doesn't.

I think your comment on Thriller blows your cred. If you are argueing MJ is better than Wagner, you have really lost it.

Are you suggesting that the Porcshe product is not better than Honda but that rich people are just too dumb to realize that? Most of my business associates and many of my friends own or have owned them, I better call and give them the bad news.

Your whole response was a weak effort at the dodge. It failed. I blame the education system for the poor quality of your logic.


Mapcinq November 7th, 2007 10:43


Originally Posted by DesertStorm (Post 569669)

Thriller is one of the greatest albums ever... People still do the dance and know the songs...


I hope this is a joke.

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 10:43

Ive never been a fan of windshield wiper eyelasher. I dont see how girls can wear them like that, fashionista or model or whatever. She has a very pretty face and lots going for her in the looks area. The only downside is, she dates a paintballer. HAH! Like I said, this is an airsoft forum, comments like that should be expected. I attempt to promote where I can.

Oh, I almost forgot, she over plucks her eyebrows, too thin is not in.

Lawdog November 7th, 2007 10:45


Originally Posted by DesertStorm (Post 569698)
She's dating one of the more famous pro players and is also supposed to be some fashion expert and model lol...

Now I know your brain has not yet fully developed. Posting a picture of some chick who is dating some guy adds to the discussion?


Mapcinq November 7th, 2007 10:45


Originally Posted by DesertStorm (Post 569698)
She's dating one of the more famous pro players and is also supposed to be some fashion expert and model lol...

If you compare airsoft to paintball here, it is pretty much dying...


If I caked on 6 inches of make-up, Id look just as pretty.

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 10:50

Over emphisizing make up on highcheek bones makes ones jaw line stick out and look manly.Blush is good, but you shouldnt look like your having a hotflash or suffering from heatstroke. She has alot of natural beauty.

Mapcinq November 7th, 2007 10:51

Too be honest, it looks airbrushed.

TokyoSeven November 7th, 2007 10:54

I dont like the shape of her breasts.

Anyways, now that Im done picking apart a woman I have never met, Im going back to work.

Jayhad November 7th, 2007 11:15

Dessert Storm why the fuck are you trying to convert us.... do you get a commision on paint?
Aren't there enough 8 year old kids to play with?
STFU this is an airsoft forum
I have no desire to play your game, just as you have no desire to play ours the only difference is we are not on looking like an asshat on and cluttering up your forums with an arguement you don't even care about.

Speedball is one step up from playing with water guns.... i hit you, no you didn't....oh paintball fight on youtube.

You said there aren't any rich people buying tonnes of guns and new gear every year...... you clearly have no idea about airsoft.

You are stating that 30,000 people came to watch the World Championships....... the same amount of people watch horsejumping it doesn't make it cool.

I could care less if you think airsoft is dying, every game i go to in calgary there is another 5 dudes that weren't there last week and everyone of tehm is an adult.

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