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Brett-18 August 19th, 2011 02:12

Fellow airsofters who pour over 1000$ into their gun and gear but never use it to full potential. (Having an expensive gun doesn't automatically make you better) Airsofters who talk a big game but turn to you for direction when the bb's start flying.

AJ457 August 19th, 2011 02:52

I find people who wear over powering cologne while trying to conceal themselves annoying as all hell. Deodorant is one thing, but seriously? You need that Tommy Hilfiger crap on? People can smell you from like 50 feet away, further with a good wind.

My 2 cents.

Outcast569 August 19th, 2011 03:12

People that don't have the courtesy to leave feedback when you buy or sell from them. Its a two min thing people.

Kit August 19th, 2011 07:05


Originally Posted by AJ457 (Post 1519560)
I find people who wear over powering cologne while trying to conceal themselves annoying as all hell. Deodorant is one thing, but seriously? You need that Tommy Hilfiger crap on? People can smell you from like 50 feet away, further with a good wind.

My 2 cents.

That made me laugh. Nothing to vent about so far, agree with the guy a few posts up about people putting over 1000 into a gun and cant play worth shit.

Gerkraz August 19th, 2011 07:57

Know-it-alls who never actually play; chairsofters.

People who spend hours between matches talking about why such-and-such real-steel gun is better than another; why this calibre is better than that one; why the russians would have won the cold war if it had heated up... I don't give a shit; I'm here to play. We can talk about this stuff later.

wildcard August 19th, 2011 08:43

players who insist that they can refuse a courtesy mercy with a 203 revolver sitting two feet away from your upper body......reaaally? must you resolve to test my kindness? do you realy think you are faster than 6x 108 rnds of bbs fired two feet from you? DO YOU REALLY THINK I'M GOING TO MISS WITH THIS??, ARE YOU THAT STUPID???

slink182 August 19th, 2011 09:06

Players switching sides in the middle of a game with little to no notification to the other players that they WERE siding with.

I mean, WTF? Why are members of my side, wearing my side's colours, facing my side and shooting at us?!

Wilson August 19th, 2011 14:20

My new one: Living in a semi-rural mining town with no one to play airsoft with and having to drive 4+ hours whenever I want to attend a game. My whole team has basically converted to real-steel.

Sasha August 19th, 2011 14:36

People who absolutely ignore instructions they agreed to follow.

"You two are a fireteam, stick together"

"Ok." *both wander off in opposite directions*

jordan7831 August 23rd, 2011 19:40

no really a pet peeve because selling stuff is awesome. But its a bit annoying when you do a local deal for an expensive item and people pay you in 20s. It great to get paid but c'mon giving us 400 dollars in 20 dollar bills? some 50s would be welcomed!

Styrak August 23rd, 2011 19:49


Originally Posted by jordan7831 (Post 1521808)
no really a pet peeve because selling stuff is awesome. But its a bit annoying when you do a local deal for an expensive item and people pay you in 20s. It great to get paid but c'mon giving us 400 dollars in 20 dollar bills? some 50s would be welcomed!

Getting money is so annoying.
Bitch please, this happens all the time for local deals with em! Haha.

Alceister August 23rd, 2011 19:51

Putting a gun back together after many months of storage...

...and then finding out that you're short one tiny, but essential, component.

Jbone 11 11 August 26th, 2011 05:31


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1521811)
Getting money is so annoying.
Bitch please, this happens all the time for local deals with em! Haha.

BWahahahahaha! Shiiite I just got coffe all over my keyboard now!!

As for a pet-peeve of mine: The super hardcore's out there at MilSim's who have all the kit, all the guns and the BS attitude to match but as soon as it starts to get difficult out there they can't cut it and start to moan like little girls (no offense to little girls).

That said I do get a giggle out watching these types suffer for it ;)

rfalls86 August 29th, 2011 18:24

People who have pet peeves annoy the sh*t outta me. LOL jk. I hate when people lend or sell other people guns, and 10 minutes later they stop working. Pretty douche move if you ask me.

REAPER426 August 29th, 2011 19:01

#1. No mesh (really does anybody use bios out there?)
#2. Having to croni my gear with .20s and coming in at 415fps and told to hot. I have never bought .20s ever and i never will.
#3. PAINTBALLERS that bi%&h about missing their paintball gun while standing in ine at an airsoft game!

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